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Forums - Sony Discussion - Recommended PS3 Games

no one has said folklore?...



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ikilledkenny said:
A couple of people have mentioned Uncharted. What do you actually do in it? What games is it similar to?

 GeoW / Tomb Raider, it does get a bit creepy, but its mostly light hearted fun. It is a 3rd person shooter, with platforming elements, and beautiful graphics, the GT page is a good place for videos and a review. there is a demo on the PSN if you are considering it after buying. It took me 6 hours 50 to complete, but you'll die a lot, and you'll probably want to play it again

Other games that I would recomend:

CoD 4 if you have any interest in online gaming of FPSs

RSV 2 (March 18) again if you like FPSs

Warhawk online only can be downloaded for $40

Folklore is suprisingly good, and an underapreichiated title

GTA IV (april 29th)

Burnout Paradise if you like racing games. This has no arrived yet, so I can't comment on how good it is, but it has been well received.

MGS 4 (Q2) if you don't know about this, then you have been living under a rock

Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction: 3rd person action platform shooter. Platforming, with shooting with insane weapons, if you have not played any previous ratchets then this is a must have. Looks great too

AC, you probably know about this, not as many glitches as everyone says, and it looks good too

for PS2 games, the ones I would recomend = Jak 1, 2 and 3 (mainly 1 and 3), FF X and XII, KH 1 and 2

maybe Heavenly Swor

I'll only mention games I played : (by order, best first, imo)
- CoD4 : very short single campaing but great online
- Uncharted : a bit short (8h) but great
- Warhawk
- R&C
- NHL08
- Singstar, bought it for my wife but actually enjoyed it, although I'm easily the worst singer ever...
- Motorstorm

ikilledkenny said:
I like most genres, I will play anything if its fun. Don't like Gran Turismo (or racing in general), Final Fantasy can be good (VI, VII) or bad (VIII, XI, XII) for me. I only play shooters if they are excellent.
My favorite genres are fighters, survival horror, RPG, platformer, strategy, and whatever genre you consider Legend of Zelda to be in.
Other things I like are long games, games that are challenging (but not sadistic), and I don't really have a preference on multiplayer vs. single player. I also don't really care about graphics.
Also, is it worth paying $100 more for the 80 GB? I didn't have a PS2, so I'd like to have BC, but that's a lot of money to put down.
Is the PS3 reliable? That was one of the reasons I didn't get a PS2.

 I have had 3, but I am a very rare case, and get BC, you can either rush to get the soon to be discontinued 80GB, or risk the 120GB will have back-compat or that they will develop full software back-compat

Uncharted is a 3rd person shooting/ platformer, like tomb raider combined with the gears of war cover system.

also you dont have to jump perfectly to reach a ledge like in tomb raider.
its around a 10 hour game, but you can easily play through it multiple times.

definitely get mgs4 (its coming out before august).

also, the ps3 is very reliable in general, as ive had mine for a year and absolutely not problems. it has under a 1% failure rate. but some people it will fail on, but its way more reliable than ps2.