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ikilledkenny said:
A couple of people have mentioned Uncharted. What do you actually do in it? What games is it similar to?

 GeoW / Tomb Raider, it does get a bit creepy, but its mostly light hearted fun. It is a 3rd person shooter, with platforming elements, and beautiful graphics, the GT page is a good place for videos and a review. there is a demo on the PSN if you are considering it after buying. It took me 6 hours 50 to complete, but you'll die a lot, and you'll probably want to play it again

Other games that I would recomend:

CoD 4 if you have any interest in online gaming of FPSs

RSV 2 (March 18) again if you like FPSs

Warhawk online only can be downloaded for $40

Folklore is suprisingly good, and an underapreichiated title

GTA IV (april 29th)

Burnout Paradise if you like racing games. This has no arrived yet, so I can't comment on how good it is, but it has been well received.

MGS 4 (Q2) if you don't know about this, then you have been living under a rock

Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction: 3rd person action platform shooter. Platforming, with shooting with insane weapons, if you have not played any previous ratchets then this is a must have. Looks great too

AC, you probably know about this, not as many glitches as everyone says, and it looks good too

for PS2 games, the ones I would recomend = Jak 1, 2 and 3 (mainly 1 and 3), FF X and XII, KH 1 and 2

maybe Heavenly Swor