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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - watch the angry Wii fan

Woah I guess you were very angry at the time (the vid title is misleading).

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Lol finalsquall, insightful comment you left on the youtube video.

SeriousWB said:
Lol finalsquall, insightful comment you left on the youtube video.

 Hehe :P  I figured if you want the games, you buy the console.  IF I want a wii game ... I'll buy one. Thank god I don't like the games :P  There is no need to whinge.  Anyways - I never heard a Wii fan say they care about gfx.  Finally, one fan does care about gfx :P

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

First off I just said Angry Wii owner and I am angry about companies screwing the Wii. Second if I said it was me in the video I do not think anyone would of clicked on the link. Third thing is that I know the ps3 is never going to get Halo like PS3 is not going to give GOW to xbox360. I was just mad and just said what ever was on my mind.

I know the whole thing as in if you want a game like Halo you have to buy a xbox360 and not just bitch about it not being on the Wii since they will never move the game to the Wii. I just do not feel that I should have to spend all this money for a game that was made on both the ps3 and xbox360, but not on the Wii. That is not right and they are screwing me and other Wii owners. So yeah that is why I blew up and like I said before after reading civilization is not going to be on the wii is what really started me blowing up

Thanks pimpcoop...I will never read a single post from you the same.

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You look like Jonah Hill, and that was so stupid.



oh god....

Seriously, you need to get a hold of yourself.

Hahahahahaha, priceless and so true :)

I've got the touch!!

Ummmmm... ya... that was supposed to be funny? Ha ha... sorry... kinda scared me. Next time go at it a bit different. When the Angry Nintendo gamer does his stuff he's never scary... he's usually funny.

I was shocked to see it was you! Where are you from? You have a pretty distinguishable accent.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

I had one thought while watching that video: