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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 TIFF Exploit found: Hackers frothing at the mouth...

senatorpjt said:
The iPhone also was hacked by a tiff exploit. I can't believe companies even include tiff support. Who actually looks at tiff files anyway?

I do. Hubble space telescope pictures are huge (I have one that is around 500MB), and they're usually stored as *.tif files.


Then again, I'd never look at pictures that size on a PS3.  It would probably explode if I tried to. 


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Rath said:
Kasz216 said:
I'm amazed they already haven't cracked it.

Probably being extra careful due to them not wanting to brick a 400-600 machine.
Remember the PS3GRILL? Quite a few people don't care about a 400-600 dollar machine =P


I wish I had one to grill hotdogs...or a grilled cheese.

OT: So is the TIFF file like a type of picture format? No one answered me

twesterm said:
Katilian said:
twesterm said:
DOATS1 said:
the 360 is hacked and isn't affected by this! the ps3 gets updated way too often for any hack to make any significant progress, before it gets knocked down to square 1 again.

Do you have to void your warranty to hack your 360? Because this PS3 exploit I'm guessing you're just going to have to download something which isn't going to void your warranty.

Note: I don't own a 360, so I could have this wrong, but this is what I've gathered from the internet/people I know who have modded.

Technically yes, but unless MS has any way of seeing that you've opened your console, as long as your DVD drive is still flashable, it is simply a matter of reconnecting it to a PC and reflashing the original firmware.

 In order to mod the 360 you have to open it.  If you open the 360 (or any current console) there is a seal that's broken and your warranty is void the moment that seal is broken.

 I was fairly sure they'd have something, but as I said, not owning one I wasn't entirely sure.

senatorpjt said:
The iPhone also was hacked by a tiff exploit. I can't believe companies even include tiff support. Who actually looks at tiff files anyway?

 Just off the top of my head, from the last 5 or so years there have been exploits for various systems/programs found using JPG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF, TIFF and PNG, and for non image formats, MP3, AVI and MOV. You'd have a pretty lousy media system if you removed all those formats.

Exploits are generally not inhertent to a format (in the case of WMF/EMF it was) , but are part of poorly written code, usually not doing boundary checking.

Katilian said:
senatorpjt said:
The iPhone also was hacked by a tiff exploit. I can't believe companies even include tiff support. Who actually looks at tiff files anyway?

 Just off the top of my head, from the last 5 or so years there have been exploits for various systems/programs found using JPG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF, TIFF and PNG, and for non image formats, MP3, AVI and MOV. You'd have a pretty lousy media system if you removed all those formats.

Exploits are generally not inhertent to a format (in the case of WMF/EMF it was) , but are part of poorly written code, usually not doing boundary checking.

Well, a large portion of the problem has less to do with "lazy" programming as it has to do with lack of understanding how a lot of these exploits work. Most hacks and exploits could (easily) be eliminated if Universities taught their students how to hack a system (as the University of Calgary did a couple of years ago) but, unfortunately, if they try there will be massive negative press and most people will not understand why it is necessary.

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whats the point of hacking the ps3 other than pirating software?

i can understand the psp, i have a hacked one myself, since its portable.
but the ps3 has no benefits whatsoever, especially since the pc is a much better medium.

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iclim4 said:
whats the point of hacking the ps3 other than pirating software?

Other than that perhaps HD movie playback (mkv) and playback of files larger than 2gb.

think modded original xbox for this generation.  




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well, this is cool and all, but it would take forever to download blu ray iso's

Words Of Wisdom said:
Imagines a 120Gb hard drive filled with pirated game .iso's.

Is that "woo hoo" or a "boo hoo" and for who?

Ironically I have a 320GB PS2 =P


I finally decided to do it after my laser started to fail @disc reads ...again. It loads much faster and in general I am quite happy with it. Thats sort of the reason I've always given a /yawn at this whole zomg 80GB vs 40GB vs 120GB PS3 non-sense...I have spare drives laying about to throw in any PS3 I eventually get so no big deal....


To answer a question asked earlier:  No this really isn't a huge step but its a necessary step towards making it happen.  With that said you really should buy the games if you want the PS3 to do well. If they get this thing up and running and a bunch of big titles suddenly post poor numbers you can count on devs hedging their bets away from the PS3.  Just support your console and if you have doubts about a game just rent it or read reviews...simple.

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