An 18 year old in Texas was recently jailed for EIGHT YEARS because he made a joking threat on an online post about killing people.
To everyone in this thread who said yes, I fear for your safety.
An 18 year old in Texas was recently jailed for EIGHT YEARS because he made a joking threat on an online post about killing people.
To everyone in this thread who said yes, I fear for your safety.
lol for $25 million I would happily push the button detonating a nuke wiping out a city of millions.
Some people in this thread is exactly what is wrong with this world, wheres your humanity? I don't support violence in any form, I don't support soldiers in the military, what pride and honour is there in killing a fellow human being, people need to wake up and stop fighting wars for old men in suits. Obama the terrorist, Obama's fake tears for the poor children of sandy hook, when that man is responsible for killing Thousands of people with drone strikes including children. When the power of love overtakes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix
RCTjunkie said: I hope that innocent person doesn't end up being yourself. |
deyon is anything but innocent
2 answers.
1) No. Just in general, don't kill.
2) Say yes and then attempt to kill the person in front off you offering the money pointing out the whole irony of the situation... then as they fear for their life say No.
Hmm, pie.
MegaDrive08 said: Some people in this thread is exactly what is wrong with this world, wheres your humanity? I don't support violence in any form, I don't support soldiers in the military, what pride and honour is there in killing a fellow human being, people need to wake up and stop fighting wars for old men in suits. Obama the terrorist, Obama's fake tears for the poor children of sandy hook, when that man is responsible for killing Thousands of people with drone strikes including children. When the power of love overtakes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix |
People like you are also what's wrong with this world
Talk about naive
No sir people like you are, to stupid to see what's really going on in the world.
User was banned for this post.
No they could make me the richest person on earth and i still wouldn't do it. Human life has no monetary value and we all know that because a person is far beyond what money brings in terms of happiness.
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