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vivster said:

I wonder why there isn't yet a unified 3rd party launcher yet. I mean that's what usually happens. Remember when there were too many instant messngers on PC? Suddenly you saw unified clients pop up to solve this issue.

Oh yeah, almost forgot that those existed at one point.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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vivster said:
Pemalite said:

It's not a graphics powerhouse sadly. But it does have some good artistic flair.

Should be playable on PC eventually with the Wii U emulator gaining traction. ;)

That would actually be a great solution. BOTW in 1440p and 60fps and an actually good controller would be pretty awesome. I try to enjoy the game but so far the graphics and the controllers are killing me. It's so sad that good games have to suffer like this.

I'm tempted to buy a second hand Wii U just for it. (I don't wish to spend much cash on a Nintendo platform that I will probably never play.)

I wouldn't be surprised if Emulation is achieved within the next 6-12 months via CEMU.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Teeqoz said:
Yeah honestly I avoid games that are not on Steam for the sole reason of wanting to keep my library unified. Why can't Microsoft put all their games on steam

Because MSoft still thinks that PC is *their* platform despite not pating attention to it for the most part of this last decade, and they can't accept that someone else is using *their* platform for making money that they think should go for them. 

This is like Zune, Bing or WindowsPhone, MSoft getting late to the party with a solution that can't compete with what's already on the market. Let's just hope that they realize that there's nothing (at least legally) they can do to change that and move on.  

vivster said:
Chazore said:
I can see us eventually going to 20 launchers and things will just go downhill from there. It's bad enough that I see a mate of mine who has his entire desktop littered with game icons, yet he uses Steam to launch them.

All my launchers are attached to my Taskbar, but even then that's already half filled =/.

I wonder why there isn't yet a unified 3rd party launcher yet. I mean that's what usually happens. Remember when there were too many instant messngers on PC? Suddenly you saw unified clients pop up to solve this issue.

I agree that would be the best solution. But there has to be something preventing that from happening, otherwise I'm sure we would already have at least one.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Chazore said:
I can see us eventually going to 20 launchers and things will just go downhill from there. It's bad enough that I see a mate of mine who has his entire desktop littered with game icons, yet he uses Steam to launch them.

All my launchers are attached to my Taskbar, but even then that's already half filled =/.

Well, it ain't such a big deal to me. The only launcher which I autostart is Steam and the only ones in my Taskbar are Steam, GOG and ScummVM (for my favorite genre).

And you can easily organize your desktop with a few folders where you dump all the game and launcher icons, f. e. "Steam games", "Other games" and "Game launchers".

It is also smart to not put all the eggs in the same basket. So if Steam should be temporally down (for whatever reason), you just start one of the other launchers and pick one of the non-Steam-games.

Teeqoz said:
Yeah honestly I avoid games that are not on Steam for the sole reason of wanting to keep my library unified. Why can't Microsoft put all their games on steam

I'm honestly fine with a few launchers, but I'm currently up to 4 launchers in use with a possible fifth one sometime in the future. I can't really stand using 6+ launchers in the future because it just creates even mroe clutter, I mean we still have the option to add game shortcut launchers to this day, add that with game launchers and you're looking at a right cluttered mess. I just install my games and never add a desktop shortcut let alone start menu one for my games, I'm perfectly fine using my game launchers as my main portal to starting my games.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Conina said:

Well, it ain't such a big deal to me. The only launcher which I autostart is Steam and the only ones in my Taskbar are Steam, GOG and ScummVM (for my favorite genre).

And you can easily organize your desktop with a few folders where you dump all the game and launcher icons, f. e. "Steam games", "Other games" and "Game launchers".

It is also smart to not put all the eggs in the same basket. So if Steam should be temporally down (for whatever reason), you just start one of the other launchers and pick one of the non-Steam-games.

As I've already replied to Teeqoz before, I'm fine with using the launchers I currently use, it's using a lot more over time that bugs me, mainly because I love keeping my desktop clean and tidy, so most of my main use exe's are stuck on the taskbar, the start menu and desktop area are all kept empty. I've already got games and exe's in their respectable folders, I don't need folders on my taskbar/desktop to appease the big companies out there who refuse to pay a small percentage in order to keep the number of launchers needed at a low number. 

I understand the eggs in one basket example, but I don't think it's objectively good to have 10+ launchers for multiple games, games that also end up appearing on other launchers.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Teeqoz said:
Yeah honestly I avoid games that are not on Steam for the sole reason of wanting to keep my library unified. Why can't Microsoft put all their games on steam

Yea I know what you mean I pretty much do the same thing, Only launchers I use are Steam and and if games ain't on those I skip them(exception for my MMO needs), I don't actually mind the Xbox games been on the Windows 10 app as it's built into Windows anyway and it lets me post some Gamerscore :D but if they had them launch on Steam i'd be 100% buying them on there.

The company that looses out most from me is EA as I've passed up buying some many of their games day one on PC in favour of buying a cheap copy on Xbox One many months later to then resell on meaning i've played the game for almost nothing, Maybe it's just me been weird lol.

Finished the test my 1700X and my friend with his Core i7-6800K and delided Core i7-7700K 5GHz OCed on gaming performance.

The results is..... Joker what did you do?

The previous month of Humble monthly was great value also after getting Total War: Warhammer I'm looking forward to playing One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 as I played the previous 2 on PS3 so hopefully the 3rd is a good PC port. Also RIVE looks great and I'm glad to of got the Space Run sequel as I enjoyed the first game and had no clue it had a second game so that is a pleasant surprise :)

Well The Witness is the early game for the next month of Humble which is something I have wanted to play but had not been prepared to fork out £30 so getting it for the £9 is rather good before I even see what the other games are this month :)

QUAKECore89 said:
Finished the test my 1700X and my friend with his Core i7-6800K and delided Core i7-7700K 5GHz OCed on gaming performance.

The results is..... Joker what did you do?

I doubt there's anything that can beat a 7700K @5Ghz in games.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.