BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode One launch trailer features Elizabeth collecting a debt
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode One launched today. Have a look at it’s trailer below. If you missed it yesterday, here’s Dave’s interview with Ken Levine on the making of BioShock: Infinite. Review scores for the Burial at Sea are through here.
Guild Wars 2: The Nightmares Within update is live

Guild Wars 2: The Nightmares Within is the latest living world update for the MMO from ArenaNet and it launches today. The content follows directly on from previous update Tower of Nightmares and you can get a breakdown of its contents from a previous post here. New screenshots are below.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor from Monolith is latest Lord of the Rings title

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor from Monolith Productions is the latest game in the Lord of the Rings franchise from publisher Warner Bros. and the game graces the December issue of Game Informer.
Child of Light gameplay walkthrough video released

Child of Light is coming to PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in 2014, and today, Ubisoft has released a gameplay walkthrough video for it, narrated by lead programmer Brianna Code. Have a look below.
Bloom: Memories releases alpha demo in support of Kickstarter

Bloom: Memories, a gorgeous-looking 2D action adventure RPG, is looking to raise $40,000 on Kickstarter. Pitting itself as a little bit different from other games, it “moves away from the cliche of violence and domination”, and will permit players to use stealth, strategy and diplomacy to avoid combat completely if they so choose. An interesting concept – and you can try a PC demo for yourself. Check out the trailer and pitch video through the break, and throw it a vote on Steam Greenlight if it catches your fancy, although the developer would probably also like a pledge and is offering various rewards and stretch goals to tempt you.
After Reset aims to fill Fallout: Van Buren’s gap, takes to Kickstarter

After Reset is an old school open-world RPG in the style of the first two Fallout games – in fact, its developers describe it as filling the gap left by the cancellation of the project codenamed Van Buren, which would have been Fallout 3. The project was passed through Steam Greenlight in five days and has 15,000 Facebook fans, so it’s clearly got some traction, and indie studio Black Cloud is hoping to capitalise on that with a $900,000 crowdfunding campaign. Check out the rewards and stretch goals on Kickstarter. Trailer and pitch video through the break.
Company of Heroes 2 Turning Point update out now along with new DLC

Sega has released a hefty update for Company of Heroes 2, adding a map editor and two free maps alongside the release of a slew of new DLC.
Steam update allows for downloads while playing

Valve has issued an update to the Steam client which makes it much, much easier to enable downloading while you’re playing games. Until now, most users have had their downloads pause while playing a game, which is annoying if you’re not using the game’s online features and just trying to kill time waiting for the next one. The other major feature of the update is the option to set what times of day Steam can download updates. For full patch notes including a number of Linux and Big Picture fixes, hit the break.
Humble Bundle keys now giftable

The Humble Bundle team has added a much-requested feature to its already robust service – giftable keys. Now when you purchase a big pile of games in one go for a ridiculously cheap amount, you don’t have to worry about “wasting” tiny amounts of cash picking up duplicates of games you already own – you can pass individual titles onto less fortunate friends. How blessed you are. At present the feature only applies to Steam-compatible titles and is in testing; for more details, see the Humble Bundle blog.
PS4, Xbox One “too limited” for Oculus Rift, says inventor

Oculus Rift founder Palmer Luckey believes even the grunt of next-gen consoles is too feeble for virtual reality tech.
Dungeonland now available in free-to-play edition

Paradox has produced a Free Admission Edition of Dungeonland, a co-op action game released early this year which has three players battling through an amusement park as a fourth takes the role of villain. The conversion to free-to-play also delivered the addition of Steam Trading Cards. Paradox says it’s not worried about going free-to-play because it’s going to loot players’ corpses, but probably it’ll make a few dollars from conversions to the full game, as the free version only includes one of four stages.
Clang, Liege and Wheels of Destruction among latest Steam Greenlight approvals

Swordfighting sim Clang and old school RPG Liege, both crowdfunded titles, are among 40 new Steam Greenlight approvals announced today.
Sonder has you dive from one character’s head to another’s trying to save the day
CommentWe’ve all had minor revelations in our life. Things like “No one ever said to blow on a game cartridge if it didn’t work, yet everyone naturally did it.” Such realizations leave us briefly wide-eyed and sensing we’re a little closer to understanding the cosmos.
Sonder is a game built from one of those realizations. Specifically, “the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own” (as defined by the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows). You control all the characters in a drama that plays out in real time. You can hop from one head to another, affecting events from the perspective of that character, altering the world for all the other characters.
It’s brilliantly ambitious.
Clockwork Empires trailer shows peaceful frontier life and the summoning of Quag’garoth
CommentClockwork Empire would be steadily climbing to the top of the list of “Most Fascinating Games of 2014” if such a list were to exist in the PCGamesN offices. Instead we pick what games to preview and shout about based on a complex system of bribes and forfeits.
But, while no one is looking, I can slip out a quick news post about Clockwork Empires newest trailer. It’s a fine balance of colonisation and battling with Lovecraftian horrors.
Neptune’s Pride 2 to get 64-player mode for maximum Machiavellianism and misery
CommentLet’s make this absolutely clear: if there’s any pride to be found in this game, it’s jealously guarded by the offscreen water god himself - with none left over for its humble players. For them, the only emotions left in the barrel are greed, shame, and a deep sense of mistrust for people they might once have considered close friends.
In a move Beelzebub has hailed as the greatest triumph for efficiency in evildoing since the building of the M1, Neptune’s Pride 2: Triton is soon to play host to no less than 64 mini-Machiavellis at once.
Planetside 2 subject to "significant increases in performance" thanks to optimisation update
Comments2At the end of September, the Planetside dev team downed tools on new vehicles and whatnot and instead dedicated all of their staff to OMFG: Operation Make Faster Game. Following a four-hour update process in the dead of last night, you can now take advantage of the first framerate fruits of their efforts.
StarCraft II balance patch hits all three factions, nerfs widow mines
CommentIt’s said that when a butterfly’s wing flap rate is nerfed, a base half the map away can be laid to waste as a consequence. The same is true of practically any change made to StarCraft II - any one unit’s movement speed could wreak havoc in the eSport’s intricate metagame.
That knowledge could leave a creative mind wracked with inertia - but Blizzard’s dev team are used to it, and have learned to take cautious but firm steps in the direction of more consistently exciting matches. Today’s balance update is one such step.
Path of Exile Adds New Content, Expansion Coming In March
By Graham Smith on November 12th, 2013 at 8:00 pm.
Path of Exile, aside from being the name of my freelance career thus far, is a free-to-play action-RPG which Adam liked a lot even in its early beta stages. It came out of beta just a few weeks ago, but its developers are already outlining the next four months of post-release patches leading up to the first expansion in March.
A video explaining the additions of the first patch, 1.0.1, is below.
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