Deathfire Ruins of Nethermore is a CRPG Kickstarter with 30 reward tiers
G3 Studios’ Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore is an classic first person dungeoneering RPG in the vein of Wizardry or the Legend of Grimrock on Kickstarter. For what it’s worth, it looks alright and smartly targets an audience whose “heart sings” for the games of yore. However it’s also the latest in a troubling Kickstarter trend: over half of this new IP’s Kickstarter page is dedicated to backer rewards and merch. It has 30 different tiers to back the game with.
Wasteland 1 has been submitted to Good Old Games and Steam

In the latest update to backers, inXile’s project lead Chris Keenan announced that the studio’s rerelease of Wasteland 1 – The Original Classic has been submitted to both Good Old Games and Steam for approval and should be available on those stores before too long. All backers of Wasteland 2, including those who are getting a copy of the game through their Planescape Torment pledge will be receiving either a Steam or Good Old Games key for Wasteland 1 free.
Heroes of the Storm’s first artwork is released, reveals heroes

Blizzard has released the first artwork for its upcoming MOBA Heroes of the Storm and in doing so, revealed some of the heroes which will probably feature. In no particular order the characters featured are: Anub’arak, Illidan, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, the Witch Doctor from Diablo, Chen Stormstout, Diablo himself, Noba, The Lich King and Starcraft’s own Tychus Findlay. Check it out after the cut.
You Don’t Know Jack original series releases on Steam, on sale for $20

To celebrate the 18th anniversary of You Don’t Know Jack’s release, developer Jackbox Games has fixed up almost the entire series to run on modern computers and released them on Steam. This includes the first six volumes of the series, alongside the special movies, sports and television titles.
Shroud of the Avatar’s early access to start December 12

The first stage of Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues’ early access will launch on December 12, allowing players to create characters and claim their own slice of real estate after experiencing the game’s first town. However, it’s only going to be available for two days and although the access will require you to play online, you’ll have to play single player, online. The game’s full schedule after the jump.
League of Legends will increasing LP after Season 3 ends

After Season 3 ends, League of Legends will no longer ‘clamp’ League Point gains for players below Diamond tier, so that everyone advances through the ranks a little bit faster and combat a trend of players reaching a tier’s fifth division, burn out of low LP returns and become “increasingly toxic”.
InSomnia Kickstarter looks to raise $70k for new online tacical-RPG, teaser trailer launched

InSomnia is the new online tactical-RPG from developer MONO. The team has taken to Kickstarter in an attempt to raise $70,000 to make the game happen.
Metro: Last Light will ship with Valve’s Steam machine prototypes

Valve will ship its Steam machine prototypes with copies of 4A Games’ shooter Metro: Last light.
Deadfall Adventures video takes you to the Sahara

Deadfall Adventures has a new video available showing gameplay in the Sahara. The video is rather short, and is the first of three which will be released by The Farm 51 showing off the picturesque environments. Deadfall Adventures will be released on November 15 on PC and Xbox 360.
Company of Heroes 2: Victory at Stalingrad mini-pack available for pre-order on Steam

Victory at Stalingrad, the premium content for Company of Heroes 2’s Theater of War mode, is available for pre-order on Steam and is 10% off until Monday, November 11.
Blizzard have “more resources focused on building content for World of Warcraft than ever before”
CommentThe headline news for the Blizzard bit of Activision’s earnings call last night was that World of Warcraft subscriber numbers are still declining, and appear to be picking up speed. That’s a disconcerting thought for Azeroth’s inhabitants, who can see Blizzard pumping cash into what they hope will be new floats for the company to bob along on once WoW is fully deflated - Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm.
But Blizzard haven’t begun the long, finickety process of pulling out of WoW just yet. Indeed, they’ve upped its budget to ensure that “it can continue having a long and happy life”.
X Rebirth Gets A New Trailer That Focuses On Exploration
Egosoft has released a new trailer for X Rebirth, in which the company explained the game’s exploration by demonstrating the long range scanner, an upgrade which can detect even the smallest objects in quite a long distance if you have the right upgrade and use it in a skillful manner. X Rebirth is currently scheduled for a November 15th release, exclusively on the PC. Enjoy! Continue reading
Grim Dawn Now Available via Steam’s Early Access Program
Great news for all action RPG hack n slash fans, as Grim Dawn is currently available on Steam via its early access program. Grim Dawn is a classic action role-playing from the lead gameplay designer of Titan Quest, and features satisfying combat, strategic character development, frenzied loot collection and quests with choice and consequence. Continue reading
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