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Slimebeast said:
JEMC, keep doing the sales part. Seeing it here sometimes wakes me up and I realize there's a good deal, especially if there's some sort of comment attached to the info.

Great, now I'll have to keep doing it .

vivster said:
So I made the performance problems disappear by plugging the card in slot 1 instead of 2. But now I'm greeted by regular micro stutter when I turn on vsync.

Congratulations on your half success.

About your new problem, I've read reports of microstutter with GTX 1070/1080s almost since launch. You'll find plenty of examples and "solutions" around. I hope you can fix it.

*Edit* I see you have solved it already. Congratulations again.

zero129 said:
JEMC said:

My biggest concern with Paradox's DLCs are that they make too many, and that they use to be a bit overpriced. That, paired with their lack of "Complete" or "Definitive" or whatever you want to call them editions is my biggest gripe about them.

Man to me they still over charge. It would of costed a person like 200 euro for EU4 plus all DLC if they where to buy new. same for all other Paradox games pretty much. Even Citys skylines. They are charging for Snow, Nighttime and now disasters!. WTF that should of all been free updates. I will never buy a paradox DLC until they get their shit together and start doing it proper.

It would cost EU4 all that money because there are way too many expansions/DLCs, and Paradox hasn't launched an edition of the game with all the content.

And don't tell me about Cities Skylines, charging for the content created by a modder just because they are making it official is mean and shameful. Until they launch a complete edition (and they can, because there's a retail edition with the base game, the Deluxe buildings and the After Dark expansion) I won't buy it... tho I always have to fight my urges to get it everytime it goes on sale, like right now.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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zero129 said:
JEMC said:

It would cost EU4 all that money because there are way too many expansions/DLCs, and Paradox hasn't launched an edition of the game with all the content.

And don't tell me about Cities Skylines, charging for the content created by a modder just because they are making it official is mean and shameful. Until they launch a complete edition (and they can, because there's a retail edition with the base game, the Deluxe buildings and the After Dark expansion) I won't buy it... tho I always have to fight my urges to get it everytime it goes on sale, like right now.

Worse thing is the Cities skyline DLC is already included with the game but locked.

It only takes dropping a simple file into its folder to allow the dlc to be unlocked.

Really?! Well, that makes it worse.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Pemalite said:
CGI-Quality said:

That's mostly how it works. It can be turned off through your bios (though I don't know why one would choose to do that), but yes, it's similar to what GPU boost does for a graphics card.

Sometimes windows will not schedule it correctly and you might have a game/program that is optimised for 2 cores end up on 1 core + 1 Hyper Threaded core, in those cases performance will be degraded.

I noticed if I forced Minecraft to say... Use Core 0 and Core 2 all the stutters dissapear.

And so nice to be able to use technology again! Had no power for the last 3 days due to weather taking down the entire energy grid for my state.
Even internet was non-existent, felt like I was living in the damn stone age.

My PC still hums like a kitten. :D Minus the shit GPU. (Wanna trade, CGI? :P)

Oh shit your in SA?? Sounds like y'all were having a great time over there. Man I wouldn't even know what to do if we had a power outage like that over here, I'd probably just try to sleep until power came back

So what's up with this "ultimate experience" rigmarole that I keep hearing?.

I almost forgot that PC was DoA according to a group on here.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

zero129 said:

I know its silly. And then carl comes in and asks me to back up my claim about kareton like for real?.

If i get banned for that when i come back right on the front page im going to post a list of all the shit PS4 fans have been saying and ask carl to ask them all to back up their claims otherwise its just double standards.

I'd ask Carl as to why they allow some bad apples to keep coming back, especially ones that keep baiting to get some users to explode on purpose.

See I've noticed a familiar pattern with the site, int hat whenever PS gets some articles, they get spammed out the arse and over hyped, all while using them to collectively shit on the other systems and platforms. When they are challenged, they then try dog piling those that speak against their intentions, then we get dismissal of years worth of evidence (Always using PS4 userbase for example, that will always, always lose to the size of Steam alone and they refuse to acknowledge this fact, yet they use their userbase against the X1 and tout themselves as "the bigger chunk" of everything).

I've also noticed that when there isn't PS news, Nintendo articles tend to pop up a few times during the week, but mostly we get NX rumors or ways to put down the system etc. Xbox news never catches a break, but even then it's almost always dismissed in one way or the other. Then we get maybe a night or day where nothing much happens, maybe 2 days tops, but after that we end up repeating the same cycle over and over. It's getting really stale, really boring and completely unproductive. The recent "wouldn't it be funny if a game I love killed two other games" thread is evidence that one's personal feelings are put into a thread that doesn't really serve a higher purpose other than to start shitty flame wars.

It's obvious that he wants you to explode though. He's been playing it safe for a week or two since the last time he was banned for talking down to a mod in PM. Hence why we're seeing ewasy bait like "ultimate experience!". We should be able to post on the site without having to be drawn to obvious disdain for others, but that's not going to happen with the bad apples hanging around. The bad apples that hang out on their own site, that they advertize within their sigs and talk smack about mods and anyone else on here.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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ktay95 said:

Oh shit your in SA?? Sounds like y'all were having a great time over there. Man I wouldn't even know what to do if we had a power outage like that over here, I'd probably just try to sleep until power came back

Yeah. Over on the Eyre Peninsula. It's been insane... Declared to be in a state of emergency.
Basically everyone is glued to their phones, browsing through pictures and videos and offline games... Sitting in their car to keep them charged. Haha

More weather coming tomorrow, so hopefully everything doesn't go off again. Hah

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Wow, bans are flying everywhere today. If only the console specific hardliners would just disappear.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

So amazon prime now gives you 20% off of all new games and game pre-orders...

Goodbye retail pre-ordering


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

The funny part is, for those of us who live in Canada, it basically matches US MSRP pricing.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Captain_Yuri said:
So amazon prime now gives you 20% off of all new games and game pre-orders...

Goodbye retail pre-ordering

There were already plenty of reasons to not preorder at retail.

But the more important thing, Amazon Prime now includes Twitch Prime. I may have to make a thread about this since nobody seems to care.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.