Need for Speed: Rivals will come equipped with the AllDrive system, which boasts the ability to seamlessly blends single and multiplayer together. To show the system off, EA and Ghost Games has released a video for it, which you can view below. If you havn’t done so already, check out Stace’s piece here where he speaks with the game’s creative director Craig Sullivan, and has a look at the game himself. Need for Speed: Rivals is due on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 November 19 in North America and November 22 in the UK, and is also coming to next-gen when the PS4 and Xbox One launch.
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Elite: Dangerous has a new developer diary available in which David Braben discusses the space sim’s alpha launch, which will launch in December. The full game won’t be avaiable, obviously, instead the tester will contain to be revealed segments along with the combat, before moving on to other parts. News on the beta will be revealed at a later date and will then be followed by a “gamma” testing phase the game is released. Watch below. Thanks, PC Gamer.
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Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 will release on PC October 31, Rebellion has announced. You can pre-order the game now through the developers’ store and through Steam for 20% off. The first screens and trailer for the game have also been released and you can view those below. The game could also land on next-gen consoles, but has yet to be announced for the new systems.
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Blizzard has won another lawsuit against creators of bot programs developed to run with World of Warcraft. The latest legal battle lasted two years and was between the MMO developer and Ceiling Fan Software, which is now facing a $7 million judgment and ordered to cease operating – as you can see through the official website. In 2011 Blizzard won a lawsuit against the maker of Glider, one of the biggest and most notorious bot software programs of its time, which resulted in the company walking away with all of the trademarks associated with the program. More through WoW Insider.
Total War: ROME 2 has been updated with the free Seleucid Empire faction for both single-player and multiplayer. The update includes Patch 5 which delivers further performance and gameplay balancing improvements. Full patch notes are through here. Also featured, is Steam Workshop support and activation of the mod manager in the Total War Launcher, making the sharing and loading of mods rather easy. Hit up the links for more information and to acquire the update, just fire the game up and it will patch automagically.
The first ever World vs. World season is well under way in Guild Wars 2, with servers beating each other up through until November 21. A new league begins today, and ArenaNet is introducing a beta map made up of floating islands in an attempt to alleviate long queuing times and speed up gameplay.
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Bound by Flame, the new RPG from Spiders Studios announced back in March, has some new screenshots available showing some of the enemies included in the bestiary. Bound by Flame puts players in the role of a mercenary possessed by a flame demon who must choose between the powers offered by their host, or to keep their humanity with heroic talents. Bound by Flame will release in early 2014 on PC, PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360. Screenshots are below.
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Undoubtedly I will be lynched for this, but I don’t really know anything about Dota 2. But I’m told that the long list of changes made in the new 6.79 gameplay update are rather significant, and will result in some big changes. Rather than pretend to know what I’m talking about, I’ll just link to a forum post by a Valve developer which appears to be a preliminary list of the changes you can expect.
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Batman: Arkham Origins on Wii U and the disc version of the PC option will be released in Europe on November 8, Warner Bros. has confirmed to Eurogamer, along with the news that Blackgate, the handheld version, has also seen a delay on 3DS in the region.
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Female characters are proving quite the sticking point for forthcoming marquee shooters. Now Battlefield 4′s executive producer Patrick Bach has explained that he hopes the franchise can one day fully incorporate female characters, but that DICE needs to work out how much it would have to “sacrifice” to make it possible.
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Okay, we knew this was going to happen. It was just a matter of time. During Nvidia’s event, a fan asked John Carmack, Tim Sweeney and Johan Andersson their opinion about AMD’s Mantle. This was the weirdest question asked, and all three programmers felt a bit… well… uncomfortable. Continue reading →

Crytek has released a new version of its free CRYENGINE SDK that is built on the new CRYENGINE 3.5 platform. This new SDK comes with lots of fixes and new additions, with a focus on ironing out existing known bugs. Those interested can download this new SDK from here and can view the complete changelog below. Enjoy! Continue reading →

Well look what we’ve got here. Guru3D’s member ‘kn00tcn’ has just discovered a profile for the latest part of Rockstar’s title in the latest BETA drivers of AMD. As we can clearly see, AMD has added a profile for GTA V, meaning that a PC version is almost certain at this point. Continue reading →
18 October 2013 • 4 hours 11 min ago •
Story by Matt Purslow
Some people claim they live ‘in’ the internet, but you’ve never lived in the internet until you’ve walked its wireframe halls. And believe me, Tron got it wrong. Instead of massive glowing space invader ships, you’ll be coming face to face with towering memes.
It’s all courtesy of World of Reddit, an app for the Oculus Rift that allows you to walk through the social site and see its wonders in full 3D. Welcome to the future of the internet, as envisioned in the early 2000s.
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18 October 2013 • 5 hours 55 min ago •
Story by Matt Purslow
If you listen to any console PR man at the moment, no doubt part of his spiel is something to do with DVR. “Record your games and share your precious moments on the internets!” he may say. It’s something we’ve been doing on the PC for years thanks to Fraps, but the whole mechanic of the system constantly recording your last 5 minutes of game so you can instantly upload without pre-planning is pretty neat.
Of course, if it can be done on console, it can be done on PC. Enter ShadowPlay.
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18 October 2013 • 6 hours 28 min ago •
Story by Matt Purslow
All of us, at one point or another, have experienced the dreaded screen tear. It’s that horrific moment when a great diagonal line cuts your image, making it look like Norman Bates took his kitchen knife to your game. Nvidia, being the graphics boffins they are, set out to banish that, along with stutters and other graphical ailments, for good. The result: the Nvidia G-Sync monitor. It actually sounds kind of amazing.
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18 October 2013 • 9 hours 17 min ago •
Story by Jeremy Peel
Microsoft have begun turning off the lights on Games for Windows Live, sending developers scurrying for the bolt-jointed hydraulic arms of Steam. Latest to come in from the cold are Rocksteady. Their Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are now solely Steam games for the twin purposes of verification and updates, effectively immediately.
There’s a frownsome addendum to that, though: your existing saves aren’t coming with them.
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