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JEMC said:
QUAKECore89 said:

Lol i love benches and see weird problems. ;p

You have an expensive hobby.

Nah, both GTX 980 & R9 390 i bought them are used. :P

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JEMC said:

And make a price cut on the 970/980 to counter the 480 is one of the possibilities that I mentioned in my other post. And doing that with the 960 wouldn't be as effective as it's already a ˜200 € card (4GB variant) and would be a lot slower than the 480. Only the 970/980 would work against the 480.


Well, IF Nvidia is slashing the 970 prices to temporarily counter the 480 until the 1060 arrives, they naturally also have to lower the price of the 960, perhaps even the 950 price. The retail stores will want to get rid of these models until the 1060 and 1050 launch in August and/or September.

QUAKECore89 said:
Looks like my friend can't buy Geforce GTX 1080 this month, well i have no choice, i'll give him my GTX 980 until the price get fixed sometime later.

Don't blame Nvidia, blame Amazon & eBay.

It's like this every time a new GPU or CPU launches anyway. They call it the "early adopters tax". Enthusiasts numbering in the thousands will buy the latest and greatest at inflated prices.

Conina said:

Steam numbers Part 2

I found out today that Steamspy gives an estimate of the total number of active Steam accounts, their estimate is at 170 million:


37 million of these PCs should be at least as fast as a PS4.

I'm impressed.

And it should be more than 37 million, Steam doesn't count systems with Enduro/Optimus setups and they only count a single card in a crossfire set-up, PC didn't need a "reset" when the new generation started.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Conina said:
JEMC said:

And make a price cut on the 970/980 to counter the 480 is one of the possibilities that I mentioned in my other post. And doing that with the 960 wouldn't be as effective as it's already a ˜200 € card (4GB variant) and would be a lot slower than the 480. Only the 970/980 would work against the 480.


Well, IF Nvidia is slashing the 970 prices to temporarily counter the 480 until the 1060 arrives, they naturally also have to lower the price of the 960, perhaps even the 950 price. The retail stores will want to get rid of these models until the 1060 and 1050 launch in August and/or September.

Indeed they will make refresh GPU cards.

From 980 to 1060 & from 970 to 1050, lowering TDP and rename the codenames for budgets. Everybody know that.


Pemalite said:
Conina said:

Steam numbers Part 2

37 million of these PCs should be at least as fast as a PS4.

I'm impressed.

And it should be more than 37 million, Steam doesn't count systems with Enduro/Optimus setups and they only count a single card in a crossfire set-up, PC didn't need a "reset" when the new generation started.

I doubt that more than 200,000 gaming PCs worldwide have a Multi-GPU setup of any kind.

Around the Network
Conina said:
Pemalite said:

I'm impressed.

And it should be more than 37 million, Steam doesn't count systems with Enduro/Optimus setups and they only count a single card in a crossfire set-up, PC didn't need a "reset" when the new generation started.

I doubt that more than 200,000 gaming PCs worldwide have a Multi-GPU setup of any kind.

Out of almost 170 million users on Steam alone, I wouldn't bet on that, unless you have legitimate information to backup your claim?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
Conina said:

I doubt that more than 200,000 gaming PCs worldwide have a Multi-GPU setup of any kind.

Out of almost 170 million users on Steam alone, I wouldn't bet on that, unless you have legitimate information to backup your claim?

Just my opinion. Most people are too lazy to go through the troubles of setting up and maintaining a Multi-GPU-setup (buying a bigger PC case with enough PCI-E slots, planning the system with a more powerful PSU, missing or broken SLI/CF profiles, micro stutters...)

It is great that these solutions exist for people that need the extra performance, but most people will prefer a Single-GPU solution.

But what is your estimate of the number of worldwide Multi-GPU-setups?

Edit: I just found this estimate: 300,000 Multi-GPU systems:

And even if the actual number is double or triple of that, it wouldn't change much in total.

QUAKECore89 said:
JEMC said:

You have an expensive hobby.

Nah, both GTX 980 & R9 390 i bought them are used. :P

I'm sure your wallet appreciates that .

Conina said:
JEMC said:

And make a price cut on the 970/980 to counter the 480 is one of the possibilities that I mentioned in my other post. And doing that with the 960 wouldn't be as effective as it's already a ˜200 € card (4GB variant) and would be a lot slower than the 480. Only the 970/980 would work against the 480.


Well, IF Nvidia is slashing the 970 prices to temporarily counter the 480 until the 1060 arrives, they naturally also have to lower the price of the 960, perhaps even the 950 price. The retail stores will want to get rid of these models until the 1060 and 1050 launch in August and/or September.

I'm sure the 970/980 will go down in price, at least until they go EOL and price goes up again.

As I said, the 960 and 950 won't have don't need to have any impact on the 480 as their performance (in theory) is too far appart, but also because AMD will have other cards in those price points. After all, AMD won't launch just one new card, and since the RX 480 will the best of their new cards, those 960 and 950 will face whatever the 470 and maybe 460 have to offer.

Of course, there's the internet theory that AMD has a hidden, more powerful, card to compete with the 1070 because of the 36CU (and not 40) and because Lisa Su mentioned that they would have new cards from the $100 to $300 price range, but in my opinion that's just BS.

Oh, and one of those Nvidia chips can be the one of this rumor:

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Ahhhh... No wonder why they slashed prices that laptops come with 980M/970M from amazon.

Conina said:
Pemalite said:

Out of almost 170 million users on Steam alone, I wouldn't bet on that, unless you have legitimate information to backup your claim?

Just my opinion. Most people are too lazy to go through the troubles of setting up and maintaining a Multi-GPU-setup (buying a bigger PC case with enough PCI-E slots, planning the system with a more powerful PSU, missing or broken SLI/CF profiles, micro stutters...)

It is great that these solutions exist for people that need the extra performance, but most people will prefer a Single-GPU solution.

But what is your estimate of the number of worldwide Multi-GPU-setups?

Edit: I just found this estimate: 300,000 Multi-GPU systems:

And even if the actual number is double or triple of that, it wouldn't change much in total.

Fudzilla should always be taken with a grain of salt.

But let's say only 1% of Steam had a dual-GPU solution. That's still 1.7 million gamers and with the amount of years I have spent on Enthusiast PC forums, I would believe the number is higher than either of that.

But we won't know for certain unless a major platform holder (I.E. Valve/Steam) comes out with the information first.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--