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Pemalite said:
Conina said:

I doubt that more than 200,000 gaming PCs worldwide have a Multi-GPU setup of any kind.

Out of almost 170 million users on Steam alone, I wouldn't bet on that, unless you have legitimate information to backup your claim?

Just my opinion. Most people are too lazy to go through the troubles of setting up and maintaining a Multi-GPU-setup (buying a bigger PC case with enough PCI-E slots, planning the system with a more powerful PSU, missing or broken SLI/CF profiles, micro stutters...)

It is great that these solutions exist for people that need the extra performance, but most people will prefer a Single-GPU solution.

But what is your estimate of the number of worldwide Multi-GPU-setups?

Edit: I just found this estimate: 300,000 Multi-GPU systems:

And even if the actual number is double or triple of that, it wouldn't change much in total.