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If the rumored price and performance levels of the 9070XT are accurate, I don't see what AMD is nervous about. The 5070Ti is $750. The 9070XT, based on rumors, should match it in raster while having 4070Ti to 4070Ti Super RT performance. If AIB cards are truly $550 with reference models being less, then it makes the standard 5070 look like a terrible buy at $550. But AMD has a habit of getting an opening from Nvidia that they completely botch. So, we shall see.

Last edited by Darc Requiem - on 20 January 2025

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It certainly feels like a case of they priced their gpus too high or too low. If we go with the rumour of pricing a 9070 XT at $479 while performing like a 5070 Ti, then they priced it too low and likely are trying to figure out how much to up their price by while being lower than Nvidia.

If we go by the current rumour that said they priced it too high. Then they were expecting the 5070 Ti to be priced at $800-$900 and 5070 to be priced at $600-650. In which case they would price the 9070XT as $700-$750 and 9070 as $500-$550. But since Nvidia actually lowered their prices, Radeon is now scrambling to lower their MSRP.

Either way you cut it, Radeon continues to be miss managed and the clock is ticking. And 5070/5070 Ti reviews won't be out till February so unless Radeon is planning to delay the RDNA 4 launch until 5070 reviews come out, they need to finalize their shat and actually do their press event.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Darc Requiem said:

If the rumored price and performance levels of the 9070XT are accurate, I don't see what AMD is nervous about. The 5070Ti is $750. The 9070XT, based on rumors, should match it in raster while having 4070Ti to 4070Ti Super RT performance. If AIB cards are truly $550 with reference models being less, then it makes the standard 5070 look like a terrible buy at $550. But AMD has a habit of getting an opening from Nvidia that they completely botch. So, we shall see.

I don't make a habit of quoting myself, but no sooner than I post this I see this news.

Even if the pricing is at the $550 level, this is a major fumble. This gives Nvidia all of February to themselves. This is a huge missed opportunity for AMD if they wish to gain marketshare. They had an uphill battle anyway and now people waiting to upgrade will just  buy 50 series cards and be done with it. There has to be some sort of driver issue, retailers are already getting cards in stock. WTF AMD.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

4090 FE on the top

5090 FE on the bottom

There is no way the bottom one isn't running toasty af at 575 watts

New feature: A.I Cooling.

*Races to patent office*

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Darc Requiem said:
Darc Requiem said:

If the rumored price and performance levels of the 9070XT are accurate, I don't see what AMD is nervous about. The 5070Ti is $750. The 9070XT, based on rumors, should match it in raster while having 4070Ti to 4070Ti Super RT performance. If AIB cards are truly $550 with reference models being less, then it makes the standard 5070 look like a terrible buy at $550. But AMD has a habit of getting an opening from Nvidia that they completely botch. So, we shall see.

I don't make a habit of quoting myself, but no sooner than I post this I see this news.

Even if the pricing is at the $550 level, this is a major fumble. This gives Nvidia all of February to themselves. This is huge missed opportunity for AMD if they wish to gain marketshare. They had an uphill battle anyway and now people waiting to upgrade will just  buy 50 series cards and be done with it. There has to be some sort of driver issue, retailers are already getting cards in stock. WTF AMD.

Like clock work. Every dang generation, they just have to goof something up. Launching in March when retailers already have AIB versions of their cards in hand? Are they fucking serious?


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

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Since a price cut wouldn't be enough for this late launch, there has to be something really, really wrong with either the drivers or the hardware itself to delay the launch of cards that are already in the hands of stores.

This doesn't look good for AMD and for us, consumers.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Darc Requiem said:

I don't make a habit of quoting myself, but no sooner than I post this I see this news.

Even if the pricing is at the $550 level, this is a major fumble. This gives Nvidia all of February to themselves. This is huge missed opportunity for AMD if they wish to gain marketshare. They had an uphill battle anyway and now people waiting to upgrade will just  buy 50 series cards and be done with it. There has to be some sort of driver issue, retailers are already getting cards in stock. WTF AMD.

Like clock work. Every dang generation, they just have to goof something up. Launching in March when retailers already have AIB versions of their cards in hand? Are they fucking serious?

I saw where a Ukrainian retailer has gotten 9070 series cards. Given what going on there, retailer avaialibility in general has to be wide spread. You can not make this "stuff" up.

So let me get this straight...

Intel launches B580 in December. 12GB of vram. $250. Shows Raster benchmarks against Nvidia's 4060.

Nvidia launches RTX 5000 series in January. Ai this and Ai that. Price is generally bad outside of the 5070 Ti.

Radeon skips CES but has a slight press briefing. Delays their launch till March for god knows why while shipping their cards to retailers already.

What is this timeline lol


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Is it me or has this site been loading slow af recently?

That's one way to put it. I'd call it terrible, abysmal, or painfully slow, but I think we more or less agree about the issue.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

So let me get this straight...

Intel launches B580 in December. 12GB of vram. $250. Shows Raster benchmarks against Nvidia's 4060.

Nvidia launches RTX 5000 series in January. Ai this and Ai that. Price is generally bad outside of the 5070 Ti.

Radeon skips CES but has a slight press briefing. Delays their launch till March for god knows why while shipping their cards to retailers already.

What is this timeline lol

I swear we've entered a warped timeline where NO ONE wants to directly compete with one another anymore.

Look at the consoles and the directions all 3 of them are going in, barely wanting to go toe to toe with one another these days. Look at Streaming and it's the same song & dance, and now we look at GPU's and again, competition trying to avoid each other with slight focusing on other areas outside of their core markets.

Is it me or are businessmen too lazy/scared to compete anymore?, or they just don't think it's worth dumping even a fraction of the money they've earned, to push marketing and sales to directly compete?. Why the fuck is everyone avoiding each other like this?, I genuinely want to know what caused this spin across multiple industries. 

Like I see portable HW directly competing, but I don't see it happening in the same vein for the former I mentioned.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.