The last news of the year!
Steam’s Top 10

(It’s funny how SteamDB labels it as the first week of 2025, instead of the last from 2024. In any case, click here for the Top 100)
The Epic Store gives away Sifu during the next 24 hours:
GOG has one last GIVEAWAY: Vambrace: Cold Soul, free to get during the last 70 hours of the sale:
Fanatical has a new Star Deal: SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS is going to be 35% off for at least 24 hours:
30 minutes of new gameplay footage from the Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake in Unreal Engine 5.5
CryZENx has released a new video, showcasing 30 minutes of brand new gameplay footage from his remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 5.5. This is one of the best fan remakes in UE5. So, be sure to check it out.
In this video, CryZENx showed off an updated version of the Kakariko Village. In this new version, the artist added more details to the map. Moreover, players can now enter some houses. In the next update, CryZENx will focus on the Road to Zora domain.
Infinity Nikki's 1.1 update, Shooting Star Season, is out now
The ever-flowing open world fashion torrent of Infinity Nikki flows on, friends: As of yesterday they've released an update to Version 1.1 "Shooting Star Season" with a lot of new stuff to do (and a few doors shut on old stuff you didn't finish yet.)
Here's a quirky little space sim crossed with traditional roguelike
I'm always on the lookout for an odd little roguelike, so imagine my surprise when I see one that's years old and I'd never spotted before, and it's the oft-ignored space roguelike to boot? Well, that's Approaching Infinity, a sci-fi dungeon crawler that's looking pretty interesting after a few years of solo developer toil in early access release. (Though they've been working on it, on and off, since 2013.)
Needless to say, there'll be no news tomorrow.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.