The Tuesday news:
Steam’s Top 10

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The Humble Store has ended its BF Sale, but now has three pages with Deals under $5, Deals under $10 and Deals under $20.
Fanatical has an old Star Deal and a new bundle:
New STALKER 2 Mod enables real-time dynamic flashlight shadows
STALKER 2 fans, get ready for a treat. One of the biggest complaints about STALKER 2 was the fact that your flashlight could not cast dynamic shadows. This was a feature that was present in the classic STALKER games. And, thankfully, a mod was released that enables it.
By using this mod, your flashlight can cast real-time dynamic shadows. As such, the environments can look more realistic at night. This is a major visual improvement. So, make sure to download the mod.
The original version of this mod, Flashlight Customizer, has been live for a while. However, it’s not that easy to install which is why I hadn’t posted it. Thankfully, we now have a simpler version of it.
So, to enable the real-time dynamic flashlight shadows, you’ll
>> Besides the three different mods that you need to install and the instructions to do it, the article also has an almost 2 minutes video showing how to install it.
STALKER Anomaly vs STALKER 2 Video Graphics Comparison
The Anomaly Mod is perhaps the best overhaul mod for classic STALKER. So, time now to find out whether a heavily modded version of STALKER can compete with STALKER 2. Let’s find out.
The original STALKER came out 17 years ago, and it’s powered by the X-Ray Engine. On the other hand, STALKER 2 uses Unreal Engine 5, and takes advantage of Nanite and Lumen.
Hilariously, enough, some players claimed that STALKER Anomaly looks as good – or even better – as STALKER 2. Well, as you will see, that’s not the case. STALKER 2 looks way, way better than STALKER modded.
The only downsides of STALKER 2 right now are two. The first one is that the flashlight does not cast shadows. The second is that there are some noticeable pop-in issues.
>> The video is a bit over 10 minutes long.
City of the Snow Elves is a DLC-sized fan expansion for Skyrim
Skyrim fans, here is something for you today. Modder ‘Buresjakub2003’ has released a new DLC-sized fan expansion for Skyrim, called The City of Snow Elves. This mod adds a new city to the game, complete with new quests, NPCs, and multiple endings.
The City of Snow Elves is the first story in “The Heritage of Light” trilogy, focussing on the life of this small forgotten community. The city has several secret places, dozens of rooms, a few interesting worlds, and many unique characters.
To begin the story, players need to find Vyrthur´s journal, which is located in a chest in one balcony window in the Forgotten Vale. And when the player arrives at the City of Light, he will get to choose who the Dragonborn will join.
The mod has four endings. For the Best ending, the player must find and do several things. For the worst ending, the player must choose a sequence of certain sentences during the decision-making process.
>> Sadly, the article has no media.
Master Chief and Commander: It's Halo 3 but with boats and a naval battle against a Scarab
Who knows where the germ of an idea for some mods comes from but with, ahem, Pimps at Sea I can take a wild guess: "What if Halo 3 but with boats?" Well, what if?
Available now on the Steam workshop, Pimps at Sea lets you get nautical with the Halo 3 toolbox in a co-op mission set across some tropical islands infested with Covenant. The twist of course is that two big 'ol boats are sailing in big lazy loops in and around these islands, and any enterprising Spartan can hop on board.
I mean… it's not complex, but it is a lot of fun. You ride about while a very good Sergeant Johnson impersonator barks out orders, climb the mast and take pot-shots, fire cannons at things, and if you fancy hop off and engage the Covenant forces with a plethora of vehicles. The ship boasts 20 cannons and three turrets, but the piece de resistance is two deployable Boathogs hooked up to either side. As the name suggests, these are Warthogs: But boats.
The Covenant tootle around on the island and some engage you on the waves with Ghosts, which can now float on water, as well as all the land forces. After battling various waves (b'dum tsh) the mod's climax is the emergence of a Scarab: the gigantic purple death machine that's the focus of one of Halo 3's greatest set pieces.
But even a Scarab can't do much against sustained cannon fire reminiscent of the Royal Navy's finest hours. OK, it killed me a few times. But much like the heroic admirals of old, Master Chief re-emerged from the brine and cannoned the big bastard until it exploded.
This is a good mod. It even has ropes on the ships you can climb back up on if you fall off! But the Boathogs are really the making of it: I could bounce these things across the deep all day. The mod's creator InfernoPlus says it began as a Big Team Battle mod where two teams fought across two ships, and the ships could eventually be sunk, before pivoting to this more self-contained and dare I say beautiful form.
>> There’s an almost 15 minutes video.
43 minutes of PC gameplay from Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
IGN has shared a video, showcasing the first 43 minutes of gameplay from Kingdom Come: Deliverance. IGN has played the PC version, so this is how the game looks and runs on PC. So, make sure to check it out.
Final PC requirements revealed for Delta Force
TiMi Studio Group and Team Jade have revealed the final PC system requirements for Delta Force. Previously known as Delta Force: Hawk Ops, the game is now simply called Delta Force. So, let’s see what kind of PC you’ll need to run it.