Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
"Oh man, we lost a ton of money investing into Concord. Maybe we should use the wide reach ability of Steam and PC to sell our games in countries where we are unable to sell our Playstation console thus providing players who haven't had a chance to play our games to buy them and make money" "Nah, just ban all the countries where we don't see our console" 

Like I've been on PC for a long, long time, and everyone I've seen come and go have always been relatively small-game when it comes to account creation and regional support, but MY GOD, has Sony proven to being that one company that wants to sell their games on other platforms, but wants to dictate how they are done in such a shitty way.
Like EGS are shit, not going to mince words, but Sony is literally hopping into Steam's taxi, and instead of letting Steam take Sony to their intended destination, Sony takes command of the journey and the destination, all of which isn't in the vested interest for those carting along with Steam, but at the same time being kicked out of that same taxi.
Like I get it, I really do, Valve doesn't want to ever make enemies out of anyone on the planet. They would rather ignore EPic than to slam them down and give Epic and excuse to bitch about monopoly this or that, but my god, am I sick to death of Steam just keeling over like a nerd getting pushed around by a bunch of jocks and doing shit for said jocks without question.
Sony shouldn't be allowed free entry to just leech of a userbase they actively ignored for a long time, only to come to said platform and then rip this or that from it, enforce this and that, cram PSN overlay on top of Steam's, "you won't be needing Steam cheevos when you can have console-style PSN trophies". Like I'm just tired of how every big third party company or even first party just gets to treat Steam like a free lunch to fuck around with. I'm starting to realise that open platforms are a blessing, but they exist to just get dicked around with by those who hail from closed platforms or publicly traded corps. None of them know how to respect an open platform's customers the way they want to be treated (which is by not enforcing close-platform ecosystems on to of existing ones).