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And then there's the fun question of Sony's handling certain regions within countries where it offers service, which is what Chazore is particularly unhappy about, I think. I believe we (Finland) have one such region as well that sometimes gets 'special treatment', although I'm not sure how Sony handles it. Basically some regions within countries where Sony offers service don't work with the PSN requirement at all.

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JEMC said:
Zkuq said:

The PSN account requirement makes little sense to me. If they made it optional, almost every PlayStation owner would probably use it anyway, leaving the non-PS owners the interesting case. By forcing non-PS owners to use a PSN account, I don't believe Sony has much to gain, since what benefit could Sony possibly get from requiring an account? It's not like Sony has much to sell to non-PS owners, and forcing them to use an account isn't going to make them much more likely to get a PlayStation either. On the other hand, there's going to be a good number of people that aren't getting games they might otherwise be getting. My guess is that this is at best a very minor win to Sony, but the badwill gained from this nonsense shouldn't be worth it.

The PvP demos were mentioned. I don't really care much for PvP, but I did download the Delta Force demo because I'm interested in the game despite the PvP factor. I haven't tried it yet though, but I should have time this weekend (well I'd better have, because I think the demo won't be available much longer).

I didn't reply to the demos part of your message yesterday. By the way, I hope you've managed to get some time to try the Delta Force demo.

So far, and I don't think I'll try more,m I've tried four:

  • Commandos Origins_ It only has one mission. Not bad by any means, but it's no different than all the other games of the same genre that are launching nowadays. Sumerian Six, that has a demo I tried some days ago and it's still available, made a better impression. It's still better than Commandos 3, so at least there's that.
  • TMNT: Splintered Fate_ I didn't finish it. It's ok but it didn't catch my attention. Maybe the fans of the characters will enjoy it more.
  • The Precint_ It has three missions, a car chase, a patrol around the neighborhood on foot and an helicopter chase. All of them very different. I think it needs a bit of polish and we'll see how the final game actually plays, because the neighborhood patrol was ok, but it could be boring and repetitive.
  • Warside_ I've only played two of the missions. It's like Advance Wars. I'm not really good with these games so I can't really say anything about how well balanced it is. At least it's not boring.

If you have any recomendations, I'm all ears, although there isn't much time until the Next Fest ends.

I haven't played the Delta Force yet, but I'm hoping to later this evening.

I had forgotten there's a new Commandos game coming out. I won't have time to play the demo, but whatever - I haven't played the earlier games in the series yet either, so I have plenty to play there if I ever get the time.

Zkuq said:
JEMC said:

I didn't reply to the demos part of your message yesterday. By the way, I hope you've managed to get some time to try the Delta Force demo.

So far, and I don't think I'll try more,m I've tried four:

  • Commandos Origins_ It only has one mission. Not bad by any means, but it's no different than all the other games of the same genre that are launching nowadays. Sumerian Six, that has a demo I tried some days ago and it's still available, made a better impression. It's still better than Commandos 3, so at least there's that.

If you have any recomendations, I'm all ears, although there isn't much time until the Next Fest ends.

I haven't played the Delta Force yet, but I'm hoping to later this evening.

I had forgotten there's a new Commandos game coming out. I won't have time to play the demo, but whatever - I haven't played the earlier games in the series yet either, so I have plenty to play there if I ever get the time.

It's not really necessary to play the games in order. The only thing in common are the set of characters, there isn't really a story behind them.

And who knows, maybe the demo will still be available after the Next Fest is over. Sometimes that's the case.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
Zkuq said:

I haven't played the Delta Force yet, but I'm hoping to later this evening.

I had forgotten there's a new Commandos game coming out. I won't have time to play the demo, but whatever - I haven't played the earlier games in the series yet either, so I have plenty to play there if I ever get the time.

It's not really necessary to play the games in order. The only thing in common are the set of characters, there isn't really a story behind them.

And who knows, maybe the demo will still be available after the Next Fest is over. Sometimes that's the case.

True, true. It's just that I'm in no hurry to get into the new game, since I already have well-liked games in the series that I have yet to play. Might as well start with them, since the old game is probably not a problem for me. I mean, I've owned the earlier games since 2017, so might as well start there instead of getting yet another game or spending my time on something I'm not getting any time soon... And yes, I've been trying to go through my backlog a bit, which I've actually had some success this year. Games taking increasingly long to make isn't all bad!

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Battle of the upscalers is here! As usual, Nvidia leads the pack with DLSS while PSSR does well and comes in second place. XeSS falls behind PSSR and FSR is miles behind everyone. Maybe with the launch of RDNA 4, Radeon will finally give Radeon users a proper Ai upscaler... Nearly 4 generations after Nvidia came up with the tech lol

You know what's gonna be incredibly sad?, AMD isn't going to compete with high end cards once the 5000 series arrives on the scene, meaning the mid to low tier AMD cards are going to end up relying heavily on their 1st gen AI upscaling tech, and it'll STILL make Nvidia look miles ahead.

AMD basically shot both their legs off at this point. There's no catching up for them, not this upcoming gen, not even by the next, they've got less ground and are playing 4 gen catch-up. What a shit-show AMD's GPU gens have been...

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

"Oh man, we lost a ton of money investing into Concord. Maybe we should use the wide reach ability of Steam and PC to sell our games in countries where we are unable to sell our Playstation console thus providing players who haven't had a chance to play our games to buy them and make money"

"Nah, just ban all the countries where we don't see our console"


Like I've been on PC for a long, long time, and everyone I've seen come and go have always been relatively small-game when it comes to account creation and regional support, but MY GOD, has Sony proven to being that one company that wants to sell their games on other platforms, but wants to dictate how they are done in such a shitty way.

Like EGS are shit, not going to mince words, but Sony is literally hopping into Steam's taxi, and instead of letting Steam take Sony to their intended destination, Sony takes command of the journey and the destination, all of which isn't in the vested interest for those carting along with Steam, but at the same time being kicked out of that same taxi. 

Like I get it, I really do, Valve doesn't want to ever make enemies out of anyone on the planet. They would rather ignore EPic than to slam them down and give Epic and excuse to bitch about monopoly this or that, but my god, am I sick to death of Steam just keeling over like a nerd getting pushed around by a bunch of jocks and doing shit for said jocks without question.

Sony shouldn't be allowed free entry to just leech of a userbase they actively ignored for a long time, only to come to said platform and then rip this or that from it, enforce this and that, cram PSN overlay on top of Steam's, "you won't be needing Steam cheevos when you can have console-style PSN trophies". Like I'm just tired of how every big third party company or even first party just gets to treat Steam like a free lunch to fuck around with. I'm starting to realise that open platforms are a blessing, but they exist to just get dicked around with by those who hail from closed platforms or publicly traded corps. None of them know how to respect an open platform's customers the way they want to be treated (which is by not enforcing close-platform ecosystems on to of existing ones). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Zkuq said:

And then there's the fun question of Sony's handling certain regions within countries where it offers service, which is what Chazore is particularly unhappy about, I think. I believe we (Finland) have one such region as well that sometimes gets 'special treatment', although I'm not sure how Sony handles it. Basically some regions within countries where Sony offers service don't work with the PSN requirement at all.

You want to know something insanely funny?.

We have a GAME UK store here on my island, and it also sold Sony consoles FOR DECADES...

I was there for the midnight launch when the PS3 first came out, it was a cold ass night as well. 

Also I just remembered. one of my friends on the island owned a PS4 and he was able to create a new PSN account back when last gen launched, and that was on a Sony system, so my question is.... SONY WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FECK ARE YOU DOING?

Last edited by Chazore - on 19 October 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Battle of the upscalers is here! As usual, Nvidia leads the pack with DLSS while PSSR does well and comes in second place. XeSS falls behind PSSR and FSR is miles behind everyone. Maybe with the launch of RDNA 4, Radeon will finally give Radeon users a proper Ai upscaler... Nearly 4 generations after Nvidia came up with the tech lol

You know what's gonna be incredibly sad?, AMD isn't going to compete with high end cards once the 5000 series arrives on the scene, meaning the mid to low tier AMD cards are going to end up relying heavily on their 1st gen AI upscaling tech, and it'll STILL make Nvidia look miles ahead.

AMD basically shot both their legs off at this point. There's no catching up for them, not this upcoming gen, not even by the next, they've got less ground and are playing 4 gen catch-up. What a shit-show AMD's GPU gens have been...

It is truly amazing how much Radeon team cuckholds themselves when they have a good thing going. RDNA 2 made quite the surprising top down return to form after the launch of RDNA 1. While Radeon team was behind in key areas like Ai upscaling and Ray Tracing, their bet on giving people higher vram did pay off and they got a lot of good press. It put so much pressure that Nvidia had to put 12GB of vram on the 3060 and 8GB of vram on the 3050 which I am sure they were planning to cut those numbers by half like the mobile counterparts had. And the raster performance was up there with Nvidia's best. Even their drivers which was a shat show during RDNA 1 days was fairly stable during RDNA 2 days.

But then they put all their eggs in this chiplet nonsense while Nvidia simply improved on their arch and went back to TSMC instead of shatsung. 7900XTX/7900XT were joke of a product that competed against AD103 based 4080 while the 4090 was so far out of reach. They still relied on the garbage FSR for upscaling which is now more important than ever thanks to modern engines and their horrible optimization where a ton of AAA games are averaging around 720p-900p on current gen consoles. And the drivers were problematic as well as Radeon had to make an entirely different driver branch for RDNA 3 vs RDNA 2/RDNA1/Vega etc. And not to mention all the mini-failures in between like user accounts getting banned during the initial launch of anti-lag 2.

If they made a bigger RDNA 2 that competed with a 4090 in Raster and added Ai cores and Ai upscaling while being priced at $1000-$1200, they would have continued to be competitive and gained market share imo.

In the end, blind people will say that Nvidia is winning because of brand power and mindshare. The reality is Radeon is simply full of garbage leadsership and marketing. Most of the higher ups should be fired and I hope they hire competent people next generation. Radeon could have pulled a Ryzen but instead they pulled a xbox.

Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

"Oh man, we lost a ton of money investing into Concord. Maybe we should use the wide reach ability of Steam and PC to sell our games in countries where we are unable to sell our Playstation console thus providing players who haven't had a chance to play our games to buy them and make money"

"Nah, just ban all the countries where we don't see our console"


Like I've been on PC for a long, long time, and everyone I've seen come and go have always been relatively small-game when it comes to account creation and regional support, but MY GOD, has Sony proven to being that one company that wants to sell their games on other platforms, but wants to dictate how they are done in such a shitty way.

Like EGS are shit, not going to mince words, but Sony is literally hopping into Steam's taxi, and instead of letting Steam take Sony to their intended destination, Sony takes command of the journey and the destination, all of which isn't in the vested interest for those carting along with Steam, but at the same time being kicked out of that same taxi. 

Like I get it, I really do, Valve doesn't want to ever make enemies out of anyone on the planet. They would rather ignore EPic than to slam them down and give Epic and excuse to bitch about monopoly this or that, but my god, am I sick to death of Steam just keeling over like a nerd getting pushed around by a bunch of jocks and doing shit for said jocks without question.

Sony shouldn't be allowed free entry to just leech of a userbase they actively ignored for a long time, only to come to said platform and then rip this or that from it, enforce this and that, cram PSN overlay on top of Steam's, "you won't be needing Steam cheevos when you can have console-style PSN trophies". Like I'm just tired of how every big third party company or even first party just gets to treat Steam like a free lunch to fuck around with. I'm starting to realise that open platforms are a blessing, but they exist to just get dicked around with by those who hail from closed platforms or publicly traded corps. None of them know how to respect an open platform's customers the way they want to be treated (which is by not enforcing close-platform ecosystems on to of existing ones). 

Feels like every other than a few goes through this "fuck you" phase when it comes to pc gaming. EA, Cuckbisoft, Activision, Microsoft, etc. It happens until it comes a point where the shit they have been throwing catches up with them and comes back to their faces. And now it feels like that it's Cucknoys turn. They could have had a really good thing going just leaving pc gamers alone. But no, lets do this PSN nonsense. Let me guess, eventually they gonna come out with their own launcher that will integrate PS+ benefits for pc gamers. So tired of all this nonsense. Just give us good games so we can play them instead of adding all sorts of bs to them.

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 20 October 2024


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Sony is obviously setting themselves up to remove their games from Steam if they want to at some point (if their strategy changes or something).

Remember they are free to do so, even from those who have 'bought' them.






haxxiy said:

Sony is obviously setting themselves up to remove their games from Steam if they want to at some point (if their strategy changes or something).

Remember they are free to do so, even from those who have 'bought' them.

Like remove as in can't play them, even after buying?  Seems risky, given I would never touch Sony again, including their electronics.