-Adonis- said:
This player knows how to play this character ! Some combos : **2nd vid** |
It's very noticeable that whoever is playing has done that several times, and yet there were a couple times where he was on the brink of death. Very impressive.
I'll also say that I'm too old or (more likely) lazy to play a game with boss fights that take 20 minutes to beat.
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
JEMC said:
After selling 1 million copies in a few hours, I'm sure either DSOGaming or PCGamer will write an article about it... but we'll have to wait until Monday to find out. |
It is already the second most played game in the world in the first 24 hours of its launch. I don't think you need to wait until Monday 😊 
Nope. If I make an exception now, that would open the door to make other exceptions in the future, and that's a can of worms that it's bext to keep well closed and well sealed.
But I encourage you to post an article about it if there's another besides the VGChartz one. This is a community thread and everyone is free to post news, leaks or articles that they may find interesting.
Besides, if you dpost it, that'll mean a little less work for me for the Monday news... 
Impressive synthetic results, but not there yet with the more real world one.
The ARM designs have sure grown a lot more powerful, and power hungry, with time.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.