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Head's up, guys! Todays free game on the Epic Store is Ghostwire: Tokyo:

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Chazore said:

Depends. Porn sites have their own ads, they have their own subscription methods and of course, those uploading the content can also advertise their OF (for extra dosh), or simply allow you to buy their content for one time purchases on said porn site.

Meanwhile on Youtube you're stuck with watching ads or buying that YT premium sub (which still has a form of advertisement on it).

I wouldn't say they are faring any better though, I mean I've got a bunch of NSFW art friends that are struggling to get by (and the majority of them operate a patreon, sub star, and even in other cases, an OF as well). Also really doesn't help that card holder companies like Mastercard are really starting to crack down on NSFW content in general (I swear they're operated by puritans/Christian devout). 

I'm still sticking it to youtube though, since I'm sporting 2 adblockers at the same time, and if one fails, I simply expunge the cache and filter listings and renew them and reboot the blocker and I'm back to watching vids ad-free. I just really hate ads and do not believe in plastering ads everywhere (a trailer for a video game or movie I can tolerate, but only as long as it is only on YT and not some shitty trailer that pops up on your screen on a non YT website). 

The one that annoys me is after sitting through the first ad and enduring the lottery of whether or not the second ad is skippable, you find that the content starts halfway through but going back to the beginning most times means enduring those ads again even when moving back you make sure to stop before the point where the initial  ads finished.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

It's Christmas day here in Australia so have a happy Christmas day with plenty of gaming.

Now for mjk45's Christmas Message*: Remember Christmas food and drink belongs in your tummy not on your keyboard.

* (message sponsored by Mr Clean.)

 A new sponsored message  since our last sponsor ran away upon his unexpected arrival we would like to introduce our new sponsor Mr Messy whose message is :   to all of those messy gamers out there and yes that means all you  VGchartz slobs Merry Christmess.

 Christmas question will you have time to play on Christmas day either solo or with the family and if so what game I will be playing Ascent.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 24 December 2023

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Tell me why...when I was playing AC4 Black Flag today, I was trying to board a Man O War ship and all of a sudden the game glitches and places me like 900m from my ship and the enemy ship while it was storming.

Took me literally 5-10 minutes just to get back to my ship swimming the whole way to try to board it again while reading the text at the bottom "You are TOO FAR from your ship" - thanks.

mjk45 said:

It's Christmas day here in Australia so have a happy Christmas day with plenty of gaming.

Now for mjk45's Christmas Message*: Remember Christmas food and drink belongs in your tummy not on your keyboard.

* (message sponsored by Mr Clean.)

 A new sponsored message  since our last sponsor ran away upon his unexpected arrival we would like to introduce our new sponsor Mr Messy whose message is :   to all of those messy gamers out there and yes that means all you  VGchartz slobs Merry Christmess.

 Christmas question will you have time to play on Christmas day either solo or with the family and if so what game I will be playing Ascent.

Merry Christmas.

I'm going to be doing a combination of spending time with my family and playing games.

Gonna try to finish ACIV Black Flag.

mjk45 said:

The one that annoys me is after sitting through the first ad and enduring the lottery of whether or not the second ad is skippable, you find that the content starts halfway through but going back to the beginning most times means enduring those ads again even when moving back you make sure to stop before the point where the initial  ads finished.

There has been one thing bugging the crap out of me now for around a year, but I didn't think to tell anyone until now.

Any time I use the Youtube app on my phone (it's old, but not Nokia levels of ancient), everything loads up fine, especially when searching, however, the moment I click on the first video of the day/opening the app, I get a 5 second ad in my face and it feels like they made damn sure I couldn't swipe away the video to prevent the ad from getting more than 2 seconds out of my time.

Second annoying thing is, even if I close that vid, the moment I start up a new one, there's 2 ads in a row, making a total of 3 ads. Also, because I don't like YT knowing my exact location (or my phone for that matter), it will eventually play some random 60 fucking minute Chinese ad that lasts far longer than most content I watch on youtube (unless it's a documentary vid or LoFi).

I swear Google is doing this on purpose with the laggy vids at the start of the app being used for the day, because this happens every time without fail (even tried clearing cache and cookie data and it still happens, even clearing the phone's memory to see if the phone was low on ram). 

At this point Google just sees Youtube as cable tv and ad central, where we're not allowed to hear swear words or "bad words" in general, yet we have to endure ad upon ad, unless we resort to ad blocking and even then they actively combat against that, which means they are acting visibly hostile towards the viewer (God I wish they were taken to court for that alone and raked over the coals). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Also, Happy Christmas guys!

Got any movies you plan to watch on Xmas/Boxing day?. I'll be spending time at my partner's parents for a while, but I'm hoping we can slip in a movie or two, and I'll watch the rest when we get home sometime in the evening. 

For me it's going with tradition:

The Snowman

Raymond Briggs Father Christmas

Die Hard

Home Alone 1-2

Nightmare before Christmas

Secret of Nimh

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

Also, Happy Christmas guys!

Got any movies you plan to watch on Xmas/Boxing day?. I'll be spending time at my partner's parents for a while, but I'm hoping we can slip in a movie or two, and I'll watch the rest when we get home sometime in the evening. 

For me it's going with tradition:

The Snowman

Raymond Briggs Father Christmas

Die Hard

Home Alone 1-2

Nightmare before Christmas

Secret of Nimh

A great collection of movies and Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie staple also gaming related the Die Hard trilogy was one of my favourite PS1 games so here's my Christmas Salute to everyone "Yippee Ki Yay motherfuckers" 

Last edited by mjk45 - on 24 December 2023

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

BasilZero said:

Tell me why...when I was playing AC4 Black Flag today, I was trying to board a Man O War ship and all of a sudden the game glitches and places me like 900m from my ship and the enemy ship while it was storming.

Took me literally 5-10 minutes just to get back to my ship swimming the whole way to try to board it again while reading the text at the bottom "You are TOO FAR from your ship" - thanks.

mjk45 said:

It's Christmas day here in Australia so have a happy Christmas day with plenty of gaming.

Now for mjk45's Christmas Message*: Remember Christmas food and drink belongs in your tummy not on your keyboard.

* (message sponsored by Mr Clean.)

 A new sponsored message  since our last sponsor ran away upon his unexpected arrival we would like to introduce our new sponsor Mr Messy whose message is :   to all of those messy gamers out there and yes that means all you  VGchartz slobs Merry Christmess.

 Christmas question will you have time to play on Christmas day either solo or with the family and if so what game I will be playing Ascent.

Merry Christmas.

I'm going to be doing a combination of spending time with my family and playing games.

Gonna try to finish ACIV Black Flag.

How far through are you?

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mjk45 said:

A great collection of movies and Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie staple also gaming related the Die Hard trilogy was one of my favourite PS1 games so here's my Christmas Salute to everyone "Yippee Ki Yay motherfuckers" 

Y'know I really should download the PS1 Duck emu and give Die Hard 1 a shot like old times. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Merry Christmas to all!

Since I'm the one in charge of all the cooking (and most cleaning) I won't be able to play until night, if I'm in the mood. My brother will probably play some Age of Empires II in my PC after lunch, like he usually does.

By the way, I second Mr. Clean's message, don't drink or eat in front of your PC. It's messy and can cause unwanted troubles.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.