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Tell me why...when I was playing AC4 Black Flag today, I was trying to board a Man O War ship and all of a sudden the game glitches and places me like 900m from my ship and the enemy ship while it was storming.

Took me literally 5-10 minutes just to get back to my ship swimming the whole way to try to board it again while reading the text at the bottom "You are TOO FAR from your ship" - thanks.

mjk45 said:

It's Christmas day here in Australia so have a happy Christmas day with plenty of gaming.

Now for mjk45's Christmas Message*: Remember Christmas food and drink belongs in your tummy not on your keyboard.

* (message sponsored by Mr Clean.)

 A new sponsored message  since our last sponsor ran away upon his unexpected arrival we would like to introduce our new sponsor Mr Messy whose message is :   to all of those messy gamers out there and yes that means all you  VGchartz slobs Merry Christmess.

 Christmas question will you have time to play on Christmas day either solo or with the family and if so what game I will be playing Ascent.

Merry Christmas.

I'm going to be doing a combination of spending time with my family and playing games.

Gonna try to finish ACIV Black Flag.