Conina said:
AC VR? Hopefully with full roomscale... like the old Kinect version: *vid* 
You've got to give Ubi some credit: they're always open to try/support new things.
I don't recommend doing some of those moves wearing a VR headset.
hinch said:
Alan Wake 2 PC requirements 
Visuals do look good but man, the entry level to hit decent image quality and framerates are so darn high. CPU requirements are fairly low, topping out with the 3700X. Also think theres a small typo with the 1080P and 1440P tags swapped around on recommended settings. But yeah, 6700XT at 1440P at performance settings is pretty rough indeed. PT too with fairly low DLSS settings to keep up 60 fps, even on 4080. |
Thanks for sharing.
And yes, those GPU requirements are quite brutal, but Remedy always go hard on the graphics, so it's not that surprising. I wonder how the game will perform on consoles.
Zkuq said:
I saw the review yesterday, and I'm not sure what to think of it. The game absolutely deserves to lose a lot of points for its performance, but beyond that, it feels like some fairly minor issues, depending on your expectations (I wouldn't personally expect the base game to beat 8 years of updates and DLC, period, and the game will probably feel lacking in the detailing department, if that's your thing). Additionally, there's nothing indicating they actually built a very large city at any point, so feels like... a rushed review for what could arguably be called a rushed game. I saw some other reviews as well, and performance excluded, it felt like there were relatively few common issues between different reviews. I guess different people have different expectations and wants, and it's showing here even more than usually. |
In my opinion, some of the criticisms of PCGamer review are valid, like the lack of details and that the city feels empty or lifeless, while others are uncalled for, like having to restart his 45K people city because his fps dropped to "a choppy 30 fps" when zooming in.
My biggest concern is that it's a Paradox game. The first one was a bit of a gamble and launched being a finished game that, because of its success, was extended and improved with its many DLCs. But this second one may have being developed with DLCs in mind and, as such, some content may have been left out on purpose to be part of a DLC, like the lack of decorations content and small parks.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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