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Chazore said:

After keeping tabs on PCgaming/PC Master race reddit the past week, It looks like NMS is only getting it's boost in sales due to those not being satisfied/not expecting what SF was going to be, and as a result they went for NMS.

I imagine people would have gone for Star Citizen, but that game is practically incomplete and known for being expensive, and the game in general is not as open ended/ Easy to get into like hopping into NMS.

That and NMS did release a new wealth of content not too long ago, so it's likely a form of unintended cross pollination.

For me personally, I was never into the SF hype and I know bethesda so I wasn't expecting much. Since I already own NMS, and I'm not up for spending money I don't have on SC, that makes NMS my small fix for space building/pirate life for me until some other space game comes along down the road (last space game before NMS for me was Starbound, way back in 2013).

Until then I await the next 20 years till bethesda decide to release TES VI, and I hope to good that actually holds together this time (and isn't auto generated, I like my lore intact, Todd).

As someone who's played SF and completed the main story and some of the big faction missions. You're not missing out on much. There's a lot of glaring flaws and comes with its fair share of jankiness. But the theme just isn't as interesting nor as diverse as interactivity goes with NPC's - as in its only humans really. Though there is fun found in there, its just Bethesda tried to cram so much in an old engine and tried to make huge, like the next Skyrim. But doesn't pull it off all that well and comes accross a scope crawl where there's a lot of content on the surface level, but delve in deeper and it seems about as deep as a puddle. When you have basic and dumb ai that stares at you and doesn't respond as you'd find in even their older games and daft enemy ai in combat its all a bit yeah, seen there done that. But now its in space and perhaps even more dumbed down.

Then you have the copy paste and rng aspect of it and mid story and yeah. It'll get better with patches and mods but not so much that it will dramatically transform the game. And if you're in it for space exploration, this isn't the game. Its basically a Bethesda title in space, with all the perks and cons but with a lot of closed biomes and a shit load of loading screens. In a way it reminds me of Halo Infinite where you'd have huge amount of space(s) in a massive map but there just isn't very much to do in them. Where before you'd have carefully crafted maps and level design this is just rng with rocks, foliage and buildings rng'd without much thought making it seem the game is bigger than it really is. Where in other BGS games exploration is rewarding and interesting there's none of that in here. Just feels a bit souless and made to pad out the game and for marketing.

Last edited by hinch - on 14 September 2023

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NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB GPUs Are Now Available For $549 US

Still needs to be lower. $500 at least. But discounts are a good sign and really shows Radeon made the right call with the 7800XT.

Intel’s upcoming Core i9-14900KF 24-core and 6GHz CPU shows up in new Geekbench tests

It's all fun and games until big daddy 4090 gets involved and shows the multi-generational advantage Nvidia has over Apple

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 14 September 2023


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB GPUs Are Now Available For $549 US

Still needs to be lower. $500 at least. But discounts are a good sign and really shows Radeon made the right call with the 7800XT.

Now we need the rumored 7600XT to force Nvidia to drop the 4060Ti price as well.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

hinch said:

As someone who's played SF and completed the main story and some of the big faction missions. You're not missing out on much. There's a lot of glaring flaws and comes with its fair share of jankiness. But the theme just isn't as interesting nor as diverse as interactivity goes with NPC's - as in its only humans really. Though there is fun found in there, its just Bethesda tried to cram so much in an old engine and tried to make huge, like the next Skyrim. But doesn't pull it off all that well and comes accross a scope crawl where there's a lot of content on the surface level, but delve in deeper and it seems about as deep as a puddle. When you have basic and dumb ai that stares at you and doesn't respond as you'd find in even their older games and daft enemy ai in combat its all a bit yeah, seen there done that. But now its in space and perhaps even more dumbed down.

Then you have the copy paste and rng aspect of it and mid story and yeah. It'll get better with patches and mods but not so much that it will dramatically transform the game. And if you're in it for space exploration, this isn't the game. Its basically a Bethesda title in space, with all the perks and cons but with a lot of closed biomes and a shit load of loading screens. In a way it reminds me of Halo Infinite where you'd have huge amount of space(s) in a massive map but there just isn't very much to do in them. Where before you'd have carefully crafted maps and level design this is just rng with rocks, foliage and buildings rng'd without much thought making it seem the game is bigger than it really is. Where in other BGS games exploration is rewarding and interesting there's none of that in here. Just feels a bit souless and made to pad out the game and for marketing.

Wait, you managed to do the main story already?.

Even back when I was playing Skyrim, it took me a few days to more or less finish the main story (even though the Parthanax Q is incomplete).

I've seen one user I recently started watching, and his endeavour with one NPC was funny for a watch, though he was baffled by the fact he had little choice in dialogue (let alone changes to the NPC's behaviour and somehow said NPC kept forgetting that they had the exact same convo moments ago made me chuckle).

Atm I'm seeing a mix of folks who are amazed by the vistas of the planets (those showing off multiple screens of said vistas), and those who like exploring, but are disappointed in finding planets that are straight up barren. I've also seen some people comparing this to Skyrim, in that some wish SF had Skyrim's hand crafted approach, where the content was scattered about the map, but it meant that the player always had something to look for or adventure towards.

I would have thought that with the self generated approach, that they would mix aspects like prefabs with the self made planets, to at least give players more to explore per planet, even if it's nothing tied to the main story, it'd at least be better than landing on a planet that is devoid of anything at all.

I'm not likely to grab SF tbh, especially seeing as how my hw is unlikely to run it well enough, but I was never really grabbed by the game since it's day 1 announcement/gameplay reveal. I liked Prey, but that was more of a linier action game set in space. I like NMS/Starbound because those 2 games allow for free roam exploration/base building (though NMS actually allows for ship to ship combat, whilst Starbound doesn't, you can only invade ships in that game). 

That being said, I do wish people would stop taking offence to the game's shortcomings and just see the game for what it is, not what it was hyped up to be, or the brand studio behind it (people lauded Witcher 3 and then 2077, but then CDPR shat the bed and now that rep with their brand is tarnished, so people shouldn't let themselves get over-hyped anymore). People seem to think those criticising BGS or SF, (like myself) hate the game, but that isn't entirely true. There are some that flat out dislike it of course, but then there's folks like me who weren't caught in by the hype, didn't have the tinted glasses slapped on since day 1, and were able to step back and see what could have been done better, or what was missing.

Even you, someone that has played the main story, and put hours into the game are able to see what is there and what is not, without being the branded form of "hater". People just need to stop attaching their personalities/lives around a mere game (Like I really love Starbound for example, and yet hardly anyone on this forum gave a care for it when I droned on about it years ago, and I came to terms with that).

What I don't get, is that the past 5 or more years, we've been seeing these RPG games adding guns into the mix, and then of course the RPG aspect overrides the realism of using a gun, so enemies end up becoming bullet sponges, and I know that more or less was a thing for Fallout 3, but it's weird to see this with SF and other games like Destiny 2 (even though that falls into MMO and MMO's basically get that bullet sponge free pass for what they are) having this (especially when I've seen players with space age guns in SF vs people on a colony ship with guns that are practically 20th century based). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB GPUs Are Now Available For $549 US

Still needs to be lower. $500 at least. But discounts are a good sign and really shows Radeon made the right call with the 7800XT.

Intel’s upcoming Core i9-14900KF 24-core and 6GHz CPU shows up in new Geekbench tests

It's all fun and games until big daddy 4090 gets involved and shows the multi-generational advantage Nvidia has over Apple

A close art friend of mine went full on Apple fan within the past 2 years. He's been going on and on and on about his SFF Apple build and how it can run Cyberpunk at 4k with X/Y settings at his locked 30fps and I just can't lol.

Apple still have a ways to go to get anywhere in the GPU space that sees them catching up to Nvidia, let alone the rest. They'll also have that massive hurdle of getting customers to eventually realise you can actually play video games on their OS. It's just that most these days just play on Windows or console, with Linux and Mac OS support being there on the wayside and not talked about all that much. That's something that will take years for them to resolve, but they may as well get to it now rather than later when everyone keeps leaping ahead of them. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 14 September 2023

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Chazore said:
zero129 said:

I wasnt going to reply back but fuck me your crusade is real... My post was sarcasm dude.. Anyway enjoy missing out on such a great game until TES VI launches. And i imagine that will also use Auto Gen for landscapes etc too since pretty much every Beth game has used Auto Gen. And you call yourself a fan .

My post wasn't aimed at you?, it was aimed the the news JEMC posted?.

Why are you making this all about you?

You replied a few times after he posted that news.. And yet it took my reply to get your one.... Right on the same story i made a sarcastic post about. Sure it could of just been a coincidence but i am sure you can understand why i would of thought otherwise?.

Also @hinch how you finished this game so fast you must of blasted trough it. Didnt seem to take anytime at all?.

Im not even near the surface of finishing it, and i have been having a blast, For me the is something new to do and find almost anywhere you go.

How you could think its boring or not much to do is beyond me but everyone has their own opinion i guess..

Last edited by zero129 - on 14 September 2023

Only 3 month exclusivity? Maybe I should sell my PS5 cause hot damn, I am getting zero use out of it and FFVIIR only being exclusive for 3 months means easy wait for PC version.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

zero129 said:

You replied a few times after he posted that news.. And yet it took my reply to get your one.... Right on the same story i made a sacastic post about. Come on man get over your hate with starfield.

Because I'm also replying across multiple forums to multiple people at different times.

Zero I am not an AI that follows a strict set of rules when posting.

You can even see that I don't always multiquote either, because I forget to time that properly or just forget altogether.

I don't really see the sarcasm in your post tbh, so I wasn't even aware of that. 

I don't hate the game though?. I've been talking to others like Yuri about what could have been there, what people are yearning for, what is technically mucked up (factually mucked up, as in the engine itself). 

Are you going to brand Hinch a "hater", because he doesn't share your viewpoint on the game?, or are you only doing this to people who do not own the game, because there are already people pulling that argument:

And just to be clear (because I need to with you somehow, despite you seeing me on this forum for years now), Joe isn't an "Xbox/MS hater", go look at the rest of his video history and actually watch the video before you resort to the labelling. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Only 3 month exclusivity? Maybe I should sell my PS5 cause hot damn, I am getting zero use out of it and FFVIIR only being exclusive for 3 months means easy wait for PC version.

Likely due to the new CEO making changes (I imagine at least).

Still going to wonder if they decide to take up on that 6 month offer with Epic though (the one where they get 100% of the profits for 6 months, then elt it touch Steam). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
zero129 said:

You replied a few times after he posted that news.. And yet it took my reply to get your one.... Right on the same story i made a sacastic post about. Come on man get over your hate with starfield.

Because I'm also replying across multiple forums to multiple people at different times.

Zero I am not an AI that follows a strict set of rules when posting.

You can even see that I don't always multiquote either, because I forget to time that properly or just forget altogether.

I don't really see the sarcasm in your post tbh, so I wasn't even aware of that. 

I don't hate the game though?. I've been talking to others like Yuri about what could have been there, what people are yearning for, what is technically mucked up (factually mucked up, as in the engine itself). 

Are you going to brand Hinch a "hater", because he doesn't share your viewpoint on the game?, or are you only doing this to people who do not own the game, because there are already people pulling that argument:

And just to be clear (because I need to with you somehow, despite you seeing me on this forum for years now), Joe isn't an "Xbox/MS hater", go look at the rest of his video history and actually watch the video before you resort to the labelling. 

I replied to Hinch in my edited reply to you. Very good he could finish the game so fast and found it boring, i guess if i didnt take time to play it or enjoy it id feel that way too. Anyway thats his opinion.

Also i dont care about that video. You say his not a hater but he is talking about how Ms fans are saying Xbox is back and redfall and now this shows they are not...

As if i give a fuck about that??.. Its Starfield im talking about, its starfield im enjoying (I also really enjoyed Cyberpunk and that had a lot of haters too). Why would i care about xbox being back or not?. Its PC i play on not consoles....