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AMD Phoenix 2 Die shots revealed, looks like it has 2Zen 4 and 4 Zen4c cores alongside 4 RDNA (2 or 3) CU, cTDP from 9W to 30W:

AMD Phoenix 2 CPU Die Shot Seemingly Shows Zen 4, Zen 4c Cores | Tom's Hardware (

Looks like this will be used for mobile Ryzen 3 and Athlon CPUs. With a stronger GPU it could certainly also be interesting for handhelds and the like.

For the Athlons, this would be an enormous performance boost, since they're still on Zen+

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 11 September 2023

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zero129 said:

My reply to you was to your post about "My other post was about Todd running his mouth off about "upgrade your PC's" like i said Jizz was clearly exaggerating about needing to upgrade beyond a 4090 but you took it  and ran with it. Heck by your reply you didnt even read the article you where commenting on only jizz post.

Also Chaz, go look at your only buddy here that agreed with you and you agreed with about me.. he is banned. He was a clear troll. So how many other people in this thread disagreed with me exactly?. Yeah i guess most people here are waiting to play the game themselves.

And clearly not everyone holds my level of standards. And sorry im going to be harsh here. But you have been so bitter against PC gaming for ages now, its no ones fault if you still not been able to upgrade your pc, you dont need to keep trying to ruin things for the rest of us by being so bitter.

Its like you always have something bad to say about DLSS or Ray tacing etc etc.

Also in that article i disagreed with you as i believe Beth was taking a risk with this game, being a new ip that alone is risk. Never mind the rest of the stuff this game is doing. Like i said i think this game is the most RPG game they have done since Daggerfall or Morrowind.

You have no reason to be shitting on the game like you are even more so when you have not even played it.

Also im done after this, dont care what you reply back, im loving the game, its nothing to do with MS, i have loved Beth games for years and this game is no different. They have bettered themselves, the game looks and plays better than any game they released before, and they have returned to their proper RPG roots. Its their most polished game to date and their biggest. I honestly dont understand your point about how you can be a beth fan and think this game should be what exactly?, how much more could they better themselves?.. Anyway im done.

Except I didn't run with it, because I've been looking around me and seeing others with 4080's having issues with the game, like the game doesn't even have you set at x16 AF by default for example.

But even then, you quoted me on my post with Arcane first and asked me "what was MS doing?".

What friend are you talking about?.

I've no idea what and who you are going on about "disagreeing" with you. I've no idea why you are making this a numbers game of ppl who agree with you vs ppl who disagree with me, because so far it's only been you talking to me in total disagreement, but framing it as "factually wrong, stop being upsetti spaghetti man". 

I'm bitter because of the state it is in, because I know we've had it better before, I don't like seeing shitty exclusivity contracts, I don't like seeing studios release shit with bugs out the wazoo. I mean for gods sake, we even had one of Destiny's lead charges hold a GDC where he literally says "it's better to release the game busted and fix it up later", which echoes the mobile app design phase, which isn't what we should be adopting in the core gaming dev design space (because you lose consumer trust, your quality stumbles and you leave a negative first impression believe it or not). 

Actually no, I don't. I have issues with DLSS, because I see a future where we're overly reliant on AI and not on the hardware as much, and I've seen what happens when our species gets too comfy with one piece of tech for too long. Raytracing is fine, but when it's done right it works (like 2077's path tracing for example is some of the best).

I stopped reading replies to the article after I made my last comment there, so I've no idea what you said to me in that article, nor do I have any desire to go back and read, because I told you I was done with that.

You have no right to tell me what I can/cannot say period. It is of my own free will that I offer my own opinion.

Mate I know you care, because you made the reply. People that say they don't care, but then post anyway show that they do. I said I wasn't going to post in that article and I stuck to it and stopped posting after my last post there, and I have stopped commenting in any article comments section since.

You won't ever understand my pov because it clashes with yours so heavily, and you blind yourself with your bias that in turn does not allow you to stand back and look at the overall picture, but that isn't any fault of mine.

I'll say this though, if I ever see you ever bringing anyone down on any game in the future, no matter what they say or do, I will be there to remind you of this, you have my word. 

Do not tell me how to talk, do not tell me what I can and cannot say, that is my final word of advice. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

The Monday news:


GOG has three new Deals of the Day and three new sales:

Steam has two new deals:

Humble Bundle has a new Strike From Shadows: Top-Down Stealth Bundle with up to 10 items (there are 3 coupons) to get during 18 days:

And Fanatical has a new Star Deal, two new sales and has launched a new BundleFest:




Starfield HD Reworked Project in development, gets preview video
Modder ‘Halk Hogan PL’ has announced that he’s currently working on an HD Reworked Texture Pack for Starfield. And, in order to showcase some of the newly improved textures, the modder shared the following comparison video.
As you’ll see, the new textures of the Starfield HD Reworked Project look absolutely incredible. These new textures are leagues beyond the vanilla textures, and we can’t wait to get our hands on this pack.
>> The video is a bit over 2 minutes long.

Starfield Mod brings 8K textures for almost all of the game’s planets
Modder ‘Revan’ has released a new pack for Starfield that brings to it 8K textures, overhauling almost all of its planets. As the modder noted, each texture was gone through some filters to make them look more “realistic“.
This 8K Texture Pack for Starfield is 1.6GB in size, and you can download it from here. At the end of the article, you can also find some screenshots that showcase the new upscaled textures.
Speaking of Starfield, Todd Howard claimed that Bethesda will release official modding tools for it in 2024. Similar to the Fallout 4 Creation Kit, the Starfield Creation Kit will allow you to create all sorts of mods. In theory, this will allow modders to create DLC-sized expansions for Bethesda’s latest title. And oh boy we can’t wait to see what modders have in store for us.
>> There are 4 screenshots.

I'm finally enjoying Starfield's combat after giving guns a giant buff
My official Starfield background is chef, but for the last 30 hours, I've become a full-time gun collector. I've racked up a respectable arsenal of very cool guns, some favorites being a six-shooter with sharp angles that look straight out of a Deus Ex game and a heavy rifle where the reticle is a grid of ominous laser pointers. Even though I'm only using a handful regularly, I keep picking them up because they're all so different, with distinct looks, sounds, and involved reload animations the FPS enjoyer in me is gobbling up. Bethesda has really upped their game since Fallout 4.
The only thing that's been dragging me down is that, no matter how fun they are to shoot, Starfield guns are actually pretty weak. Lethality varies with enemy level and gun stats, but generally speaking, vanilla grunts and pirates can easily eat up half or full magazines of ammo before going down.
With all due respect to Destiny diehards, dropping pounds of ammo on a single guy is not my idea of a good FPS, especially not one that I'm trying to stay immersed in. So just as I did with Cyberpunk 2077, I looked to Nexus for Starfield mods that'd make it play less like Borderlands and more like Call of Duty. There are already a few options, but I only tried out two: Immersive Damage by CnRJay and Project Reality by ADAIVI.
Both essentially do the same thing: buff your damage output with custom .ini files that are very easy to install, though for now, I'd recommend Project Reality first. It's the better-organized, more comprehensive mod of the pair with a few extra tweaks I like. Immersive Damage is more straightforward, if that's your preference, but it currently has a major issue with space combat.
>> Once again, there are no screenshots nor videos of the mod.

I look away for ten seconds and Starfield's modders have already pumped out way too many meme flashlight mods
Well, that certainly didn't take long. It looks like Starfield's handy dandy Constellation cadet junior flashlight has a simple, easy-to-swap texture file for the end of its beam, and modders over on the Nexus have gotten to work swapping in all manner of gag flashlights for our enjoyment. Here are a few of my favorites to emerge from this veritable artistic renaissance.
>> The article lists 7 mods, with 7 screenshots showing the results.

And just like that, there's a Starfield mod that replaces all the cops in its first city with Star Wars Stormtroopers
New Atlantis needs a new kind of crime fighting force, one that specializes in telling people "Halt!" a lot while complaining about how hard it is to see out of their helmets. Soldiers who shoot first, and aren't able to ask questions later because they miss all their shots and their Sith overlords force choke them out for failure. That's right, modder kboykboy on the Starfield Nexus has turned the United Colonies' security force into Star Wars Stormtroopers.
Within a week of Starfield's launch we've already gotten bedrock, useful mods like Script Extender and a UI overhaul, but let's be real: we're all here for the shitposts. Kboykboy's Stormtroopers stand tall with all those weird flashlights people are churning out as an early example of the deluge of goofs we can expect from the Starfield Nexus.
I'm not clear on where kboykboy sourced the armor model from⁠—they just describe having created "an experimental mesh import tool" to get it in the game—but these Stormtroopers do look bafflingly good. There's a very believable sheen of weathered plastic (sorry, plastoid, not to be confused with plasteel) to them, as well as all the strange buttons and raised bits Imperial Command saw fit to adorn its standard-issue battle dress uniform with.
>> There are a couple of screenshots.

The Witcher 3 Mod restores cut content from all previous games
Modder ‘glassfish777’ released a really cool mod for The Witcher 3 that restores content that was cut from all previous games. The modder has neatly integrated everything into the game to feel like it was originally part of it.
Content additions include alchemy items from all three games, weapons from all three games, and new diagrams/recipes to discover. Moreover, the mod features numerous gameplay tweaks and improvements. For instance, it brings back the Witcher 1 drinking system that was from the first The Witcher game. It also allows you players to throw knives, just like they could in The Witcher 2. Thanks to this mod, you can also now use Traps freely.
We should also note that this mod only works with the Next-Gen Edition of The Witcher 3. glassfish777 does not currently have any plans to release a version for the original/vanilla version of the game.
>> The article has 5 screenshots.

This Fallout New Vegas Mod rewrites over 1,000 functions to improve performance and reduce load/save times
Modder ‘lStewieAl’ has released a must-have mod for Fallout New Vegas that improves performance and significantly reduces load/save times.
According to the modder, this mod rewrites over 1,000 functions in the game, improving algorithms and using the latest compilers. As such, the mod can improve in-game performance and significantly reduce load/save times.
Going into slightly more details, the modder used a profiler (Intel VTune) to find performance bottlenecks in the game’s code. lStewieAl then rewrote these bottlenecks and compiled them with various optimizations.
The modder claims that the game’s code has memory constraints due to PS3 and X360. Since the game also came out on consoles, the developers opted for slower but smaller code. As such, the mod rewrites the game code to favor faster code or better algorithms.
>> There are no screenshots nor videos of the mod.

Armored Core 6 gets an Easy Mode thanks to this mod
Modder ‘Vawser’ has released a pretty cool new mod for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon that adds to the game an Easy Mode. This is a must-have mod for those who had trouble with some of the bosses of the game.
Going into more details, this mod makes the game easier for the player, by making AC customization more flexible, ammunition counts more generous, and currency gain faster.
>> Given the kind of mod we're talking about, it shouldn't be surprising to learn that there are no screenshots nor videos of this mod.

Devil May Cry 5 gets a mind-blowing Half-Life 2 Mod
Modder ‘Sparky1j’ has released a mind-blowing Half-Life 2 Mod for Capcom’s Devil May Cry 5 that looks absolutely incredible. This mod brings the characters and enemies of Half-Life 2 to Devil May Cry 5, and it’s one of the best mods we’ve seen lately.
Going into more details, the mod replaces Dante with Gordon Freeman, Vergil with Gman, Nero with Kleiner, and V with Grigori. Naturally, it also replaces the DMCV enemies with those from Half-Life 2.
What’s also cool here is that the mod has also made some changes to the voices. During gameplay, you can hear new custom voice lines for Gman, Kleiner, and the HEV Suit. However, I don’t know whether the cut-scenes have completely new/different voices.
>> The video is almost 4 and a half minutes long.


eFootball 2024 now uses the Denuvo anti-tamper tech
Now here is something that passed under our radar. In August, Konami released Update v3.0.0 for eFootball which added Irdeto’s anti-tamper tech. And, as you may have guessed, eFootball 2024 is also using the controversial anti-tamper tech that all PC gamers hate, Denuvo.

Techland has added microtransactions to Dying Light 2
Techland has released Update 1.12 for Dying Light 2: Stay Human which adds microtransactions to the game. Dying Light 2 came out in February 2022, meaning that it took Techland over a year in order to add microtransactions to it.

The creators of INDUSTRIA are working on a new game using Unreal Engine 5
Bleakmill, the team behind INDUSTRIA, is currently working on a new game using Unreal Engine 5. And although we don’t know its title, its genre, or its release date, we can at least take a look at two teaser videos for it.

Immortals of Aveum Patch #3 fixes DLSS 3 image quality issues
Ascendant Studios has released Patch #3 for Immortals of Aveum which resolves the DLSS image quality issues that appeared in its previous update.
For those unaware, the second patch for this magic FPS game completely broke compatibility with DLSS. The game looked really blurry, to the point that it made no sense using it (even if you had an RTX 40 series GPU). Thankfully, the developers took this feedback and fixed those issues in a matter of days.

Mortal Kombat 1’s Story Mode has been leaked online
It appears that the entire Story Mode of the new MK game, Mortal Kombat 1, has been leaked online. The following leaked video is over 3 hours in length and showcases all the single-player cut-scenes that are present in the game.

UNFOLLOW is a new great-looking surreal hyperrealistic horror game
Serafini Productions has released a short teaser trailer for its upcoming surreal hyperrealistic horror game, UNFOLLOW. UNFOLLOW targets a February 2024 release date and looks actually great.

Armored Core 6 Patch 1.02 released and here are all its tweaks, changes, fixes and improvements
FromSoftware has just released Patch 1.02 for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, and shared its complete changelog. According to the release notes, Update 1.02 improves gameplay stability and makes balance adjustments.

Last edited by JEMC - on 11 September 2023

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The second part of the Monday news:

Men of War 2 will now deliver men and war too in 2024
An RTS with an all-timer of a name, the original Men of War launched in 2009 and was very decent indeed (with a standalone expansion, Assault Squad, we rated highly). But those men just didn't get enough war the first time around: The sequel Men of War 2 has been in development for several years at Best Way, and was supposed to release this month.
But today Best Way and Fulqrum Publishing announced a delay until 2024 "to ensure fans receive the bug-free experience they deserve". Which may just be a fancy way of saying everyone's playing Starfield, but it comes after public playtests that have been running for most of the year and what the developer calls "issues found in the final rounds of internal testing."

Here's why Venus is the best place to chill out in Starfield
Waiting in Bethesda RPGs is a time-honored tradition, whether it's standing motionless outside a vendor's shop all night until they open for business in Oblivion, or crafting a chair in Fallout 4's survival mode so you can park your butt and avoid taking hunger damage.
The tradition continues when you wait in Starfield. You can have a seat to fast-forward the clock or sleep in a bed to get an XP boost—and sleep with a Starfield companion for an even bigger one. But if you really want to maximize your waiting in Starfield, there's one planet you should do all your waiting on: Venus.
>> By the way, some dumbasses have been harassing Starfield voice actors because of its exclusivity, like they had some saying in t he matter.

Fortnite creative boss Donald Mustard retires
Donald Mustard may not be the most well-known name in gaming, but he's definitely one of the most influential. For the past seven years he's been the chief creative officer at Epic Games and "Loremaster of Fortnite"—the big hand on the wheel of one of the biggest videogame phenomena of all time. But soon that era will come to an end, as Mustard has announced that he is retiring.

Runescape community claims 'supreme victory' as developer apologizes and cuts pay-to-win features from hated battle pass
In the wake of a furious backlash from players, Runescape developer Jagex has admitted that it "messed up" and is making major changes to the recently-announced Hero Pass to remove all the "controversial features" that touched off the uproar.

Stalker 2 developer's latest setback is a fire gutting a third of its office, but it insists the team's 'dealt with worse than that before'
As reported by Czech publication Vortex, on September 7, Stalker 2 developer GSC Game World suffered a fire at the Prague office it moved into last year following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. GSC Game World employees have stated that no one was hurt in the incident, but one of the three floors occupied by the dev sustained heavy damage and requires "full restoration."

Sifu's final content update lets you customize your arena fights
Sloclap has released its final content for Sifu, the beat 'em up martial arts game that stylishly battled its way into many players' hearts last year. This last content update is for the most dedicated warriors among Sifu fans, focusing on new stuff for the game's Arena Challenges, was accompanied by a trailer.

Dune: Spice Wars launches this week
The hybrid 4X and RTS set in Frank Herbert's universe of Dune will launch out of Early Access this week, on September 14th, as Shiro Games releases Dune: Spice Wars. First released last year, Spice Wars is a surprising hybrid of the two genres that you'd expect from modern RTS innovators Shiro Games, who previously made Northgard.

Payday 3 reveals two new characters and a year of post-launch DLC
Payday 3 is rapidly approaching its September 21 launch date and Starbreeze has revealed two new characters joining the team for the delightful heists to come. They've also announced their roadmap for the first entire year of DLC, focusing on the four expansions that will comprise the Year 1 - The Bad Apple releases. These being the ones you get some of or all of for the more expensive Silver and Gold versions of the game.

This Act 3 Speak with Dead scene in Baldur's Gate 3 has worrying implications, given the spell's D&D roots
Baldur's Gate 3 is somehow still turning up juicy little surprises. Granted, I only used Speak with Dead when I had to claw info from the grave for an investigation—I rarely did it just for flavour kicks. This use of the spell in Act 3 has some wild implications only obvious to those with tabletop brainworms (like yours truly), and I'm here to pass on that existential dread to you.
>> Talking about BG3: in case you're curious, the actor that gave voice to Astarion is doing a let's play of the game.

In Starfield, the sun literally doesn't shine on AMD GPU users
If you're playing Starfield on an AMD graphics card, there's a good chance you've missed one of the most glaring bugs in the game, because you just won't have seen anything. The AMD-sponsored Bethesda game simply doesn't render a local star from any planet without an atmosphere on an AMD card.
And yet the stars will blaze away until the end of time on an Nvidia GPU.
>> That's why AMD cards perform better, they don't have to power up those massive stars.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Starfield Is Seemingly Missing Entire Stars When Running On AMD Radeon GPUs

Looks like even Radeon GPUs have issues with this game

Intel 14th Gen Core i9-14900K, i7-14700K and i5-14600K reportedly launches October 17th

Boring and skippable launch

ASUS discontinues ROG Z790 APEX overclocking motherboard – a new version is on the horizon

Unreleased GeForce RTX 3090 SUPER in all-black design has been pictured

AMD Ryzen Z1 non-Extreme featuring Phoenix2 silicon has been tested

Intel lists updated “Fishhawk Falls Refresh” platform for its Xeon W2500/3500 HEDT series

TSMC Partners Up With NVIDIA & Broadcom to Develop Cutting-Edge Silicon Photonics

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 11 September 2023


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Around the Network
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Starfield Is Seemingly Missing Entire Stars When Running On AMD Radeon GPUs

Looks like even Radeon GPUs have issues with this game

After AMD patches this:



PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:


lmao what makes it funnier for me is that that's one of the artists I know, along with the first person to comment being a 3D animator on I talk to on one of my art friend's disco servers. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

So what, a Bethesda game with bugs?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

It's not so much that the game has bugs but the amusing situations of these bugs


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850