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-Adonis- said:
zero129 said:

If you have a 4090 you would have no problem playing the game, the game is very well optimized imo. So im sure he is talking about people who have very very old pc's and expecting to play the game on ultra@60FPS etc.

Nah please don't do this. Some people are really blinded when it's comes to the rich corporation they love. No way I will buy a Bugthesda's game again.


Gears 5 deserves to have a way better metacritic than "this". But it still could happen since Starfield's meta is going down.

Best 9,99€ I have ever spent :

You are showing bugs, the same can be done for any game. How does that have anything to do with how well it runs on a 4090?.

Like i said the game is very well optimized, i have played the game but yeah its clear your only shitting on the game since "MS" .

I put the game up to 1440P and at @80 DLSS res i still get 50 fps on a 3060ti with pretty much everything maxed out.

Edit: i seen your replys now in the articles making it even more clear why you are shitting on this game.

Also when did Gears becoming a massive open world game??.

Last edited by zero129 - on 09 September 2023

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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The point is that when a game is Radeon sponsored and this isn't just me ranting, this view is shared by many tech journalists out there is the fact that AMD doesn't want to play nice with others. If we look at various Nvidia sponsored titles, the real difference really stems from when Ray Tracing is involved but as we saw with Intel launching their cards and AMD launching RDNA 3, Ray Tracing isn't Nvidia gimping their competitors but rather just a showing of the Ray Tracing capabilities of each GPU. Nvidia sponsored titles also has a trend of allowing all upscaling methods and not "missing" certain ones. There are some exceptions but there is a pretty big gap between the sponsorships. The reason is Nvidia has an open source upscaling integration api called Streamline which Intel is part of hence why we typically see XeSS integration and it also allows FSR to be easily implemented too. AMD on the other hand refused to be part of it.

So imo, AMD is very much acting like how EGS acted against Steam where Steam has all these nice features that people like such as Family Sharing, Remote Play and such. But instead of competing in the feature set, EGS would rather have the barebones feature set and bribe developers to be EGS exclusive. Cause if I want to play Starfield at 90fps on my 4090, my choices are:

a) Use FSR that makes my game look terrible
b) Use DLSS mods that can crash the game from time to time and corrupt save files
c) Just play the game how it is which is sub 60fps drops when in big cities

It's annoying because generally when it's an Nvidia sponsored title, Nvidia users can have their DLSS, AMD users can have their FSR and Intel can have their XeSS. But with AMD sponsored titles where oh it's just Raster or light Ray Tracing and have to use FSR. And sometimes after 4 months, there is an official DLSS update.

I've been saying this for years now, but like, these companies, even on PC need to really fucking stop with exclusivity contracts for any game out there.

yes I'm aware it's a good use for promotion of said tech and can really give customers a view of what we can see/play/expect over the coming years, but does it really have to be a sponsored/exclusive deal?.

All I've been seeing throughout history, is that someone takes an exclusive deal, the other side gets fucked over because it didn't get the deal first, or hell, lose marketshare.

Not saying AMD is in the right here, but like, even as a 1080ti owner I fucking hate when I see Nvidia or AMD "sponsored" whenever I launch a game and either of those show up. Like whenever I play Deus Ex HR, I'm reminded about AMD, and when I boot up Cyberpunk, I'm reminded I don't have fucking DLSS, and all that.

Like with EGS, I don't like exclusivity wars being waged on an open platform, and I don't like seeing either AMD/Nvidia doing the same as well. All it does is get us nettled and has us picking on one side, while the other does something bad and we're still not done talking the other side to death (like how we're all going at AMD for now, but when is Nvidia getting their turn?). 

Like I know at the end of the day we'll still get the better experience on PC, but it's still willingly being fractured by these publishers and hardware corpos, to the point where you only have 1, maybe 1 and a half of a choice of hw to roll with to get a decent experience across the board (which at this time of typing is generally going to Nvidia), instead of us all being able to roll AMD/AMD, or Intel/Intel, Nvidia+Intel+AMD, and getting a decent experience across all those match-ups. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
zero129 said:

Did Ms do that to them?. I mean Redfall was in development before Ms even owned them. So i understand Beth, but what has MS done so far that no other company is doing thats driving away devs?, how are they forcing live service or cash shops down people's faces when pretty much all their biggest games in development atm is single player games?. Is the a reason for why you are singling out Ms instead of say Sony or Nintendo or someone else?.

Those at the top of Arkane, and for MS not dropping the project when MT's and the like had been baked in from the start. 

The devs didn't like it, they knew it wasn't going to be good, those at the top of Arkane didn't listen, they just wanted their golden parachute (which I guess they got, because they're gone as well). 

The problem Luke brings up, is that if you make a game from the ground up with MT's and a cash shop, XP boosters, gear boosters and all that jazz, and then you remove it, it is impossible to fully remove and make what should have been there in the first place.

I know exactly what he means, because I still feel it to this day whenever I play Diablo 3 (That game featured a real money auction house, which has been removed for years, but the foundations are still there, still fractured because they created that game with that house in mind). 

No one's singling out MS here, it's that Redfall released this year. If you go check out these two guys:

Joe, a PC gamer:


You can see those two aren't singling out MS, if anything those two are mostly on Sony/Nintendo's back half the time they talk about video games. Don't forget Zero, MS isn't your friend, it deserves no "swan song", no pause to give nothing but praise, they are still a trillion dollar company after all. 

They also didn't push for Bethesda to get with the times to have them drop Creation engine for something more modern, and still release that game in it's state.

Trust me dude, and i dont mean this in any bad way, but i dont need you to tell me that. I was looking forward to this game way before Ms ever owned them, hell why would i not when i was such a big fan of all their other games except for FO70?. This game for me delivers in every way, its the most polished game they ever released. I can only imagine what mods are going to bring also and thats where the fun is with Beth games and its why so many PC gamers are into them. so why that opinion should change for some PC gamers now that Ms own them i think show more of their colors then anyone elses. ( thats not directed at you btw).

But i know where your problem with the game comes from is a few down votes you got for saying how "Beth are doing nothing new with this game" or something like that. no point in holding that in not everyone is going to agree with that on the bases its a new IP alone.. You seemed to always enjoy their games before so i dont understand why you wouldnt enjoy this one.

Chazore said:
-Adonis- said:

Nah please don't do this. Some people are really blinded when it's comes to the rich corporation they love. No way I will buy a Bugthesda's game again.

Yeah, you did this with my post and you're doing it with Yuri's post now too.

Don't do this Zero, don't' just bat for Bethesda/MS at the ready like this, it's not good. These corps don't need a random person on the net stanning for them at any turn.

If anything you should stan for yourself, for the customer, the people that the industry rely on at the end of the day. 

WTF are you on about? dont be getting sad over a few down votes. i enjoy the game its nothing to do with MS, the game is good very good so whats your problem?. your shitting on the game and you have not even played it. I done nothing to Yuri, he passed a comment joking i pointed out how his 4090 would run the game great, he never replyed back as he knows it would run it great.

You however are shitting on this game for the simple fact you got a few down votes and now Ms own them.

The game clearly isn't well optimized for Nvidia GPUs, unless the DF video is somehow misleading. That, or it's super-optimized for AMD GPUs, and I really doubt that. Or perhaps it's just one of those rare cases where AMD GPUs just happen to be much better than Nvidia GPUs, but how likely does that seem? At least I have my doubts about that, to say the least. The simplest explanation seems to be that it simply isn't well optimized. Oh, and the same also seems to go for CPUs. Maybe it's optimized well enough to be a decent experience overall, but based on what we know, calling it well optimized doesn't seem like a reasonable assessment to me. Feel free to enlighten me if I'm wrong of course, and I'd like something other than just anecdotal evidence.

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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
JEMC said:

Have I denied that AMD GPUs perform better than Nvidia's with today's drivers? No, I haven't. Why don't we wait until Nvidia launches another driver with further optimizations before we start losing our minds?

Also, I'm not sure if you're written that the way you wanted, but you're right, I haven't been able to find a game where the 3080 is 40% faster than a 6800XT. Max I've found is 26%. Without RT, of course.

The point is that when a game is Radeon sponsored and this isn't just me ranting, this view is shared by many tech journalists out there is the fact that AMD doesn't want to play nice with others. If we look at various Nvidia sponsored titles, the real difference really stems from when Ray Tracing is involved but as we saw with Intel launching their cards and AMD launching RDNA 3, Ray Tracing isn't Nvidia gimping their competitors but rather just a showing of the Ray Tracing capabilities of each GPU. Nvidia sponsored titles also has a trend of allowing all upscaling methods and not "missing" certain ones. There are some exceptions but there is a pretty big gap between the sponsorships. The reason is Nvidia has an open source upscaling integration api called Streamline which Intel is part of hence why we typically see XeSS integration and it also allows FSR to be easily implemented too. AMD on the other hand refused to be part of it.

So imo, AMD is very much acting like how EGS acted against Steam where Steam has all these nice features that people like such as Family Sharing, Remote Play and such. But instead of competing in the feature set, EGS would rather have the barebones feature set and bribe developers to be EGS exclusive. Cause if I want to play Starfield at 90fps on my 4090, my choices are:

a) Use FSR that makes my game look terrible
b) Use DLSS mods that can crash the game from time to time and corrupt save files
c) Just play the game how it is which is sub 60fps drops when in big cities

It's annoying because generally when it's an Nvidia sponsored title, Nvidia users can have their DLSS, AMD users can have their FSR and Intel can have their XeSS. But with AMD sponsored titles where oh it's just Raster or light Ray Tracing and have to use FSR. And sometimes after 4 months, there is an official DLSS update.

Have you even tried to play the game to see?. Also your always happy with DLSS in everything else so why be upset now?.

Also been using the DLSS mod since start no crashing or saves being messed up so far.

Heck you can even use the DLLS3 mod with frame gen since you where pretty happy with it in Cyberpunk.. That should boost your frames a lot.

Zkuq said:

The game clearly isn't well optimized for Nvidia GPUs, unless the DF video is somehow misleading. That, or it's super-optimized for AMD GPUs, and I really doubt that. Or perhaps it's just one of those rare cases where AMD GPUs just happen to be much better than Nvidia GPUs, but how likely does that seem? At least I have my doubts about that, to say the least. The simplest explanation seems to be that it simply isn't well optimized. Oh, and the same also seems to go for CPUs. Maybe it's optimized well enough to be a decent experience overall, but based on what we know, calling it well optimized doesn't seem like a reasonable assessment to me. Feel free to enlighten me if I'm wrong of course, and I'd like something other than just anecdotal evidence.

Well its Optimized well enough for my 3060ti to be running it at 1440P @50FPS with the DLLS mod set at 80%, and i only have a 3600XT cpu . So yeah compared to some of the games i have played lately and for a beth game i think its running great and is clearly going to improve.

zero129 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The point is that when a game is Radeon sponsored and this isn't just me ranting, this view is shared by many tech journalists out there is the fact that AMD doesn't want to play nice with others. If we look at various Nvidia sponsored titles, the real difference really stems from when Ray Tracing is involved but as we saw with Intel launching their cards and AMD launching RDNA 3, Ray Tracing isn't Nvidia gimping their competitors but rather just a showing of the Ray Tracing capabilities of each GPU. Nvidia sponsored titles also has a trend of allowing all upscaling methods and not "missing" certain ones. There are some exceptions but there is a pretty big gap between the sponsorships. The reason is Nvidia has an open source upscaling integration api called Streamline which Intel is part of hence why we typically see XeSS integration and it also allows FSR to be easily implemented too. AMD on the other hand refused to be part of it.

So imo, AMD is very much acting like how EGS acted against Steam where Steam has all these nice features that people like such as Family Sharing, Remote Play and such. But instead of competing in the feature set, EGS would rather have the barebones feature set and bribe developers to be EGS exclusive. Cause if I want to play Starfield at 90fps on my 4090, my choices are:

a) Use FSR that makes my game look terrible
b) Use DLSS mods that can crash the game from time to time and corrupt save files
c) Just play the game how it is which is sub 60fps drops when in big cities

It's annoying because generally when it's an Nvidia sponsored title, Nvidia users can have their DLSS, AMD users can have their FSR and Intel can have their XeSS. But with AMD sponsored titles where oh it's just Raster or light Ray Tracing and have to use FSR. And sometimes after 4 months, there is an official DLSS update.

Have you even tried to play the game to see?. Also your always happy with DLSS in everything else so why be upset now?.

Also been using the DLSS mod since start no crashing or saves being messed up so far.

Heck you can even use the DLLS3 mod with frame gen since you where pretty happy with it in Cyberpunk.. That should boost your frames a lot.

I did hence why I am whining about the performance. I didn't use the mod because based on what I read from people that have been using it, it is prone to crashes and it did corrupt their save file which is something I don't want to happen with me. I don't use DLSS all the time but if the game is demanding enough, I do turn it on. It is good to hear that you are having a good experience with the mod though so maybe I'll give it a go.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
zero129 said:

Have you even tried to play the game to see?. Also your always happy with DLSS in everything else so why be upset now?.

Also been using the DLSS mod since start no crashing or saves being messed up so far.

Heck you can even use the DLLS3 mod with frame gen since you where pretty happy with it in Cyberpunk.. That should boost your frames a lot.

I did hence why I am whining about the performance. I didn't use the mod because based on what I read from people that have been using it, it is prone to crashes and it did corrupt their save file which is something I don't want to happen with me. I don't use DLSS all the time but if the game is demanding enough, I do turn it on. It is good to hear that you are having a good experience with the mod though so maybe I'll give it a go.

You should give it a go. And how your not getting over 60FPS@4k is beyond me since im having no problem getting 50fps @1440P on a 3060ti.

For me the game is running great so far and im happy, i have been waiting a long time for this game and the is no way am i going to let MS owning them get in the way of that, I have played all beth games at the start from morrowind. This for me is their most polished game to date without mods. The amount of choices is like Morrowind in space never mind oblivion. Yes it has bugs but nothing near what Beth games has have before. And yes mods are going to fix things players would like but isnt that how its always been with beth games and why us pc gamers love them?, since their engine is so open to modding?.

For you i fully understand your opinion on this. But when it comes to Adonis just look at his comments in the starfield articles, and Chazor shouldnt be holding a grudge from a few down votes and trying to make it look like anyone who enjoys the game is an Ms fan or something.

zero129 said:
Zkuq said:

The game clearly isn't well optimized for Nvidia GPUs, unless the DF video is somehow misleading. That, or it's super-optimized for AMD GPUs, and I really doubt that. Or perhaps it's just one of those rare cases where AMD GPUs just happen to be much better than Nvidia GPUs, but how likely does that seem? At least I have my doubts about that, to say the least. The simplest explanation seems to be that it simply isn't well optimized. Oh, and the same also seems to go for CPUs. Maybe it's optimized well enough to be a decent experience overall, but based on what we know, calling it well optimized doesn't seem like a reasonable assessment to me. Feel free to enlighten me if I'm wrong of course, and I'd like something other than just anecdotal evidence.

Well its Optimized well enough for my 3060ti to be running it at 1440P @50FPS with the DLLS mod set at 80%, and i only have a 3600XT cpu . So yeah compared to some of the games i have played lately and for a beth game i think its running great and is clearly going to improve.

Considering it's 'only' 1440p and you have to use DLSS to get 50 FPS, I'm not sure that counts at well optimized. It's not terrible, but it seems like it should perhaps run better.