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Cyran said:
JEMC said:

I'd bet that the 12GB number comes from, at best, a dev kit. The real product will have less than that, as always happens. I'd go with 8GB at best.

I'm surprised it supports DLSS 3 because, at least in theory and in desktop parts, only Ada based GPUs support this new version. So yeah, I'm surprised Switch's 2 SoC is so modern.

A little misleading the way it written in article.  More accurate would be to say it will use Nvidia DLSS SDK 3.1 ( ).  Which add performance upgrades to DLSS for Turing and later.  I am betting the switch will not support frame generation which is the feature that require Ada architecture.

So, it's a new version of DLSS that allows the game to update the DLSS files automatically, but it doesn't imply that the GPU will be able to generate frames.

That means the Switch 2 may use an "older" GPU architecture, which makes more sense in a Nintendo device.

Thanks for sharing.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
JEMC said:

The Thursday news:

Bethesda’s Todd Howard on Starfield PC optimization: “You may need to upgrade your PC”
In an interview with Bloomberg, Todd Howard claimed that Bethesda has optimized Starfield for PC, and that PC gamers may need to upgrade their PCs in order to enjoy it.
>> Not exactly the best answer, nor the best way to say it.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart September 7th Update brings performance and stability improvements, full patch notes
Nixxes has released a brand new patch for the PC version of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. According to the release notes, the September 7th Update brings a number of QoL improvements, including performance and stability improvements.

Someone should ask Todd how does one upgrade from a 4090 since there is nothing above that. What a shat answer.

Least Rift Apart is getting tons of patches as is the trend of a lot of modern games. Ship in a bad state, fix game after 3-4 months of patching.

If you have a 4090 you would have no problem playing the game, the game is very well optimized imo. So im sure he is talking about people who have very very old pc's and expecting to play the game on ultra@60FPS etc.

Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Someone should ask Todd how does one upgrade from a 4090 since there is nothing above that. What a shat answer.

Least Rift Apart is getting tons of patches as is the trend of a lot of modern games. Ship in a bad state, fix game after 3-4 months of patching.

I love how he says this while complletely ignoring the performance of the Xbox systems, both of which have far, far lower power output than the high end cards on the current market, even the 4090 itself.

No todd, I'm afraid this is mostly on you old bean.

I think that look on his face a few years back with 76 when he said "sometimes it doesn't just work" tells me that he didn't want to admit his company fucks up many a time.

I mean:

The face of a man who wants to take after his fellow mentor, Peter, yet gets caught out for his sweet lies nearly every time. I think Todd is acting more like Peter Mol as the years go on, this includes the part where you are meant to humble yourself and admit you made mistakes and maybe that the GAME ISN'T OPTIMISED TODD...

The amount of mods I'm seeing right now, that are designed to fine tune performance, tweak settings and also smooth out frame timings just tells me that it sure is a bethesda game, that clearly needed more time in the oven.

Now for a totally non rant: I know some ppl are losing their shit over the whole pronouns thing being a part of the game, but I honestly don't care that they are in the game, nono, that's not what bothers me...

What bothers me is that they thought "let's add pronouns into the game and maker sure they show up day one, but let's totally do our usual thing and skimp on optimisation and do that later, maybe blame it on user hw".

It's just kind of embarrassing to see other games coming out this yr that do have polish and run nice, and then there's those other big hitters over in the corner just running like ass for 3-6 months, because they really just wanted those first week/month sales windows so badly over anything else (this becomes so much more apparent now that even my next door neighbour, a hella hold guy, is able to pick up on this trope).

I feel super spoiled to hell that back in 2016 we got Doom and how smooth that game ran on my old rig and then my new rig in 2017, and fast forward some yrs, new tech for engines, new tech for GPU's, and yet we're still getting this worse level of non optimisations out the gate. As good as this yr has been to some ppl for games (not for me personally, not much new I've been interested in), it really has been quite shitty for performance ratios across the board (both consoles and PC). I just find it a bit insulting that someone as old as Todd has the balls to blame user end hw, ignoring the GPU crisis, as well as just throwing the consoles under the bus in that same line. 

Is Todd just from a generation that don't know how to read the room, or that they just refuse to because then they'd realise they have to actually do something and improve?. 

Can someone point out where he said 4090 owners would need to upgrade?. Otherwise why is people like Chaz here trying to make a big nothing burger from nothing.

I played the game on a 3060ti running at 60 fps maxed out with shadows turned down a bit using dlss mod at 80%. it would be the same FPS with someone using FSR.

Honestly if someone is trying to run ther latest games on a patato of a pc thats their own fault if they dont get what they want and imo thats all he is saying.

Man that's depressing to hear about Arkane:

Losing 70% of the staff that helped make DH1-2 and Prey just feels like a bit of a gut punch to their general talent pool. I know they have 30% original devs left, but tbh, I don't see Arkane as the original Arkane. 70% is such a large chunk of people that helped make the games fun.

We seem to just be losing either entire studios or large chunks of staff with big publishers these days, mostly due to creative differences, not allowing for unions, or straight up driving devs into the ground via crunch time or milking a game via cash shop/BP's/MT's till the games die. 

This bums me out, mostly because I know that if they ever do go about making a new Prey or DH, neither will be the same, and those two games getting sequels will likely fall under "new devs didn't get what made the originals so special/didn't connect with the customers who liked what was already there". It's rare in this day and age to get fresh new blood into a studio that can not only match the output of Veteran devs, but are also able to mimic what was great before and nail it to a T.

Publishers like MS/beth really need to stop driving ppl away with shitty decisions based purely on money printing. let devs make the games they and we know we want, instead of forcing live service and cash shop bullshit, that'll end up dying down the road before year's end.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

Man that's depressing to hear about Arkane:

Losing 70% of the staff that helped make DH1-2 and Prey just feels like a bit of a gut punch to their general talent pool. I know they have 30% original devs left, but tbh, I don't see Arkane as the original Arkane. 70% is such a large chunk of people that helped make the games fun.

We seem to just be losing either entire studios or large chunks of staff with big publishers these days, mostly due to creative differences, not allowing for unions, or straight up driving devs into the ground via crunch time or milking a game via cash shop/BP's/MT's till the games die. 

This bums me out, mostly because I know that if they ever do go about making a new Prey or DH, neither will be the same, and those two games getting sequels will likely fall under "new devs didn't get what made the originals so special/didn't connect with the customers who liked what was already there". It's rare in this day and age to get fresh new blood into a studio that can not only match the output of Veteran devs, but are also able to mimic what was great before and nail it to a T.

Publishers like MS/beth really need to stop driving ppl away with shitty decisions based purely on money printing. let devs make the games they and we know we want, instead of forcing live service and cash shop bullshit, that'll end up dying down the road before year's end.

Did Ms do that to them?. I mean Redfall was in development before Ms even owned them. So i understand Beth, but what has MS done so far that no other company is doing thats driving away devs?, how are they forcing live service or cash shops down people's faces when pretty much all their biggest games in development atm is single player games?. Is the a reason for why you are singling out Ms instead of say Sony or Nintendo or someone else?.

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JEMC said:


Starfield has already got a 'potato mode' mod to help you run it on machines from 1969
Earlier this year, I got myself a treat. To replace my decrepit GTX 1080 Ti—the one that meant I occasionally had to turn my entire PC upside down—I bought an RTX 4080 the size of a loaf of bread. My rays were traced, my SS was DL'd, and all it required was a power draw roughly the size of Turkmenistan's.
Turns out I needn't have bothered, though, because the biggest game of the moment has now gotten a mod that would, notionally, let it run on something far weaker. Starfield has got its very own potato mode mod, crunching its textures down to 128 bits and saving you all that precious, precious VRAM you have on your, I don't know, 3DFX Voodoo 3.
>> The article only has one screenshot, but you can imagine how will the game look.

Got excited I might have been able to run it on my 3dfx voodoo system.

But the mod doesn't really reduce/remove/alter any of the shaders and other features of the game, just destroys the textures for low-VRAM GPU's... It's definitely not like the Oblivion/fallout 3 mod to allow it to run on a Geforce 3. (Original Xbox equivalent hardware)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

zero129 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Someone should ask Todd how does one upgrade from a 4090 since there is nothing above that. What a shat answer.

Least Rift Apart is getting tons of patches as is the trend of a lot of modern games. Ship in a bad state, fix game after 3-4 months of patching.

If you have a 4090 you would have no problem playing the game, the game is very well optimized imo. So im sure he is talking about people who have very very old pc's and expecting to play the game on ultra@60FPS etc.

Nah please don't do this. Some people are really blinded when it's comes to the rich corporation they love. No way I will buy a Bugthesda's game again.


Gears 5 deserves to have a way better metacritic than "this". But it still could happen since Starfield's meta is going down.

Best 9,99€ I have ever spent :

Last edited by -Adonis- - on 09 September 2023

zero129 said:

Did Ms do that to them?. I mean Redfall was in development before Ms even owned them. So i understand Beth, but what has MS done so far that no other company is doing thats driving away devs?, how are they forcing live service or cash shops down people's faces when pretty much all their biggest games in development atm is single player games?. Is the a reason for why you are singling out Ms instead of say Sony or Nintendo or someone else?.

Those at the top of Arkane, and for MS not dropping the project when MT's and the like had been baked in from the start. 

The devs didn't like it, they knew it wasn't going to be good, those at the top of Arkane didn't listen, they just wanted their golden parachute (which I guess they got, because they're gone as well). 

The problem Luke brings up, is that if you make a game from the ground up with MT's and a cash shop, XP boosters, gear boosters and all that jazz, and then you remove it, it is impossible to fully remove and make what should have been there in the first place.

I know exactly what he means, because I still feel it to this day whenever I play Diablo 3 (That game featured a real money auction house, which has been removed for years, but the foundations are still there, still fractured because they created that game with that house in mind). 

No one's singling out MS here, it's that Redfall released this year. If you go check out these two guys:

Joe, a PC gamer:


You can see those two aren't singling out MS, if anything those two are mostly on Sony/Nintendo's back half the time they talk about video games. Don't forget Zero, MS isn't your friend, it deserves no "swan song", no pause to give nothing but praise, they are still a trillion dollar company after all. 

They also didn't push for Bethesda to get with the times to have them drop Creation engine for something more modern, and still release that game in it's state.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

-Adonis- said:
zero129 said:

If you have a 4090 you would have no problem playing the game, the game is very well optimized imo. So im sure he is talking about people who have very very old pc's and expecting to play the game on ultra@60FPS etc.

Nah please don't do this. Some people are really blinded when it's comes to the rich corporation they love. No way I will buy a Bugthesda's game again.

Yeah, you did this with my post and you're doing it with Yuri's post now too.

Don't do this Zero, don't' just bat for Bethesda/MS at the ready like this, it's not good. These corps don't need a random person on the net stanning for them at any turn.

If anything you should stan for yourself, for the customer, the people that the industry rely on at the end of the day. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

JEMC said:

Well, the Steam Deck also has a 7" screen with a 800p resolution and few people complained about it, so I'd say that there's still a market for this size and resolution.

Besides, we're talking about Nintendo. They don't make a lot of money from their hardware, most of it comes from their software, and if they can save a few pennies here and there, you can bet that they'll do it.

Yeah I know its a perfectly servicable resolution for the size. Its just I'm wishing for progress from the origional NS lol. We'll see either way but yeah you're probably right 720P is the more sensible option considering its size, form factor and its cost savings and revenue to Nintendo.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Personally I'd take 720p VRR screen over 1080p non VRR screen any day. While unlikely, I do hope Switch 2 has VRR but I wouldn't be disappointed if it doesn't.

I wouldn't mind that either. A VRR display would be pretty awesome. That and/or a 40hz mode much like on the Steam Deck. Not that it needs it but yeah would be nice to have. Either way excited to see a new, powerful Nintendo console release soon.