Should mention this thread has been going for over 10 years now... And Zarx sadly left us 6 years ago.
Good work to those who have been keeping it alive all these years.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--
Should mention this thread has been going for over 10 years now... And Zarx sadly left us 6 years ago.
Good work to those who have been keeping it alive all these years.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--
Damn, a full decade! That's a real accomplishment. We're not the most heavily read thread in here, but we are, of course, the best. It's nice having online buddies to whine about the current state of the PC-gaming scene with. Plus, you guys are knowledgeable as hell, I've learned a lot during my stay here.
JEMC said: You are were still at Arid Badlands? You're taking your sweet time. I hope you visit every location that there is. In my case, I finished XCOM 2, toyed a bit with a couple of MegaDrive/Genesis games (nothing too serious, just to waste some time), started and finished "Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans" playing as Bud Spencer, I'll go back some time to beat it as Terence Hill, and now I'm halfway through Rocketbirds 2 Evolution. For some reason I'm not in the mood for long games, that's why I'm going with short ones. |
Yep, just got the achievement for completing all the missions in Arid Badlands.
Yep I plan to do all the locations including all of the DLC.
I wonder how long it will take me to finish this considering the original that I finished 10 years ago took...
I tend to get stuck with long games, majority of the long games I've played have been some of my most favorite.
The only exception being the first PSP trilogy of the Legend of Heroes games (not Trails in the Sky series) - played all 3 games for a total of 160 hours and...the translation and awful slow gameplay didnt help lol
At the very least Trails in the Sky First Chapter was great - speaking of which, I need to play the other two games before I play the newer ones.
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (PSP): 75
The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch (PSP): 78
The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean (PSP): 80
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky First Chapter (Steam/PC): 91
BasilZero said:
Yep, just got the achievement for completing all the missions in Arid Badlands. Yep I plan to do all the locations including all of the DLC. I wonder how long it will take me to finish this considering the original that I finished 10 years ago took... I tend to get stuck with long games, majority of the long games I've played have been some of my most favorite. The only exception being the first PSP trilogy of the Legend of Heroes games (not Trails in the Sky series) - played all 3 games for a total of 160 hours and...the translation and awful slow gameplay didnt help lol At the very least Trails in the Sky First Chapter was great - speaking of which, I need to play the other two games before I play the newer ones. The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (PSP): 75 |
Wow. I have a bit over 80 hours on Borderlands GOTY at Steam, and I've beaten that game twice. You sure take your time.
And now that you mentioned it, I need to go back to Trails in the Sky, but I'll have to start a new game since it's been a long time since I played some of it. It was alright, I don't know whay I stopped playing it.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
Pemalite said: Should mention this thread has been going for over 10 years now... And Zarx sadly left us 6 years ago. |
RIP Zarx :(
JEMC said: Wow. I have a bit over 80 hours on Borderlands GOTY at Steam, and I've beaten that game twice. You sure take your time. And now that you mentioned it, I need to go back to Trails in the Sky, but I'll have to start a new game since it's been a long time since I played some of it. It was alright, I don't know whay I stopped playing it. |
I like to explore and also am in my inventory 1/3 of the time lol.
Trails in the Sky is very long. I wasnt even exploring and was rushing 2nd half of the game and it took me this much time lol
BasilZero said:
I like to explore and also am in my inventory 1/3 of the time lol. Trails in the Sky is very long. I wasnt even exploring and was rushing 2nd half of the game and it took me this much time lol |
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Yea agreed. That guy did release a free version but that only has DLSS 2/XeSS. DLSS 3 is still locked behind patreon and due to how CPU limited Starfield is, DLSS 3 would make the biggest difference. What's funny is because Starfield doesn't have any DRM, pirate sites have DLSS modded in too but even those are locked behind patreon lul, just from the person that made the pirated version available and not from the creator of the mod. So even piraters are getting in on that nonsense. |
Yeah, that's what ended up rubbing me the wrong way even more, because I know that guy likely ran benches before and after his mod, then figured "I could charge $5 for the best viable version", and everyone knows DLSS 3 and wants it, so he's basically captured a market he really should not be allowed to.
Random people on reddit keep chiming in with "NVidia tried to hire him, he's okay to do this", and I really don't see how that's fair, when he doesn't own DLSSS tech and is able to make money off of another companies tech like that.
I said it back then and I'll say it now, paid mods can seriously bugger off. I really don't care for the life stories of "modder put their heart and soul, they deserve mone", because since the beginning, modding was done out of pure passion, not "one day I'll turn this into my life's career so I don't have to work any other normal job" (which is what I saw streamers doing over time, and yes that irks me too).
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.
SE works on the PC's version of Final Fantasy XVI. There is a free update already (on PS5) for new outfits and skins. It will also have 2 paid DLCs later (it will probably be included on the PC version).
One of the perks, basically the only one, of having to wait 6/12 months to have those exclusives on PC is that they usually comes with some of the paid DLCs included for free.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
I'm waiting for FFXVI to go on sale.
I mean, at a certain price point before I buy it on PS5.
Its $50 right now on Amazon/Target right now where I can get it but I'm waiting for Best Buy to get on sale with it so I can use my gift cert on it to pay less for the game.