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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Maybe at $400 this would have been a good card but at $500, skip. Least GPUs are being discounted quickly so this should come down in price very soon.

And then you go down and read in the comment section things like "this proves NVidia was right only to put 8GB on those cards". Depressing...

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Pemalite said:

The 16GB 4060Ti actually sees some significant performance gains in titles that are memory starved, removing the stuttering and inconsistent frame times in the process... And notably a massive uptick in 1% lows.

Obviously for games that are able to fit into the 8GB frame buffer, the 16GB variant will fall short, but that won't hold true forever in this cross-generation console development period.

The issue with the 16GB 4060Ti isn't the memory capacity, performance or otherwise... It's actually the price, it should have been a 4050 tier priced part.

8GB VRAM is still the sticking point. In 2023, the bare minumum Nvidia and AMD should be using in their cards (in the 60 range) is 12GB. Current generation games already go over 8GB buffer and at $400.. its unacceptable. Heck even at $300, its bad.

Idd the price is the issue and also naming shennanigans. Nvidia got called out for it for the 4070Ti, previously 4080 12GB. But people have gotten tired of all the bs, including reviewers. Price is still way off the mark but at least AMD are steadily dropping prices to what the market is willing to spend.

I do think they could've gotten much more performance for the base 4060Ti by giving it 12GB and a 192 bit bus. And that would've been a way more enticing GPU for the mainstream. Especially if Nvidia wants to charge $400+ for it. Rn though its like you said its a 4050, and even less savvy people can probably guess even without watching/reading any reviews that its going to be meh graphics card for the price, and generally a bad 60 tier product. Where this used to be the best bang for buck and nearly always match the previous generation's 80 class cards prior.

Last edited by hinch - on 22 July 2023

Conina said:

Greeat news, everyone! The Legend of Monkey Island expansion ain't PVP!

Here is my playthrough of the first episode "The Journey to Mêlée Island":

See that's a welcome change. Making TT's instance based is what they should have done from the start, like with how WoW has done instance based questing many years ago.

My only wish now, is that they go back and enable instance based TT's for the older ones, because today we nearly got ganked by both a G5 reapers and G3 Athena (Athena's shouldn't even be attacking players as they are supposed to be more worried about the Athena loot they are carrying, which most players and reaper player want). 

Atm I've just started doing tall tales with 2 of my friends, and we've just finished the Star sign TT, and I'm not sure what's next, but we're still working our way through to the shores of gold. I did say to them that I wanted to do all TT's in chronological order, even though some of the world events that were tied to the story are no longer in play anymore (like Merrick's great hunt for example). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Bofferbrauer2 said:

And then you go down and read in the comment section things like "this proves NVidia was right only to put 8GB on those cards". Depressing...

Gonna be honest with you, I stopped reading tech youtuber comments sections and tech site ones, because they are almost always full of Nvidia/AMD fans and armchair idiots that ramble the most incoherent shit. 

Like atm the prices are fucked, the numbering of the cards is fucked, it's noticeable, there is virtually no fucking way to move any of those goal posts for Nvidia, and AMD fans need to shut up for a hot minute, because their side isn't doing much better either.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

hinch said:

I do think they could've gotten much more performance for the base 4060Ti by giving it 12GB and a 192 bit bus. And that would've been a way more enticing GPU for the mainstream. Especially if Nvidia wants to charge $400+ for it. Rn though its like you said its a 4050, and even less savvy people can probably guess even without watching/reading any reviews that its going to be meh graphics card for the price, and generally a bad 60 tier product. Where this used to be the best bang for buck and nearly always match the previous generation's 80 class cards prior.

They could have even taken it in the opposite direction and went with 22400MT/s VRAM on a 96-bit bus in a clamshell design.
Would have provided 270GB/s of bandwidth... That would have made a good 4050 Ti with 12GB of VRAM.

Then jump up to 192bit with the 4060 Ti for 537GB/s with 12GB.

nVidia is betting on DLSS and frame generation to set the 4060 series from the 3060 series, which is fair, people have shown they have a desire for nVidia's propriety technologies.

AMD Needed to do the same with the 7600 as well. It's not a viable upgrade for 6600XT or 6650XT users, in-fact many benchmarks it turns out to be notably slower.
The 8GB of Ram is bullshit on that chip too. - It should have been called the 7500XT.

The best GPU's to buy right now from a price/performance/vram perspective is the 12GB Radeon 6700XT/6750XT. - But stock of those are running out.

We need the market to start correcting itself... It's not the era of COVID or Crypto, so something has to give sooner rather than later.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 24 July 2023

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Pemalite said:

They could have even taken it in the opposite direction and went with 22400MT/s VRAM on a 96-bit bus in a clamshell design.
Would have provided 270GB/s of bandwidth... That would have made a good 4050 Ti with 12GB of VRAM.

Then jump up to 192bit with the 4060 Ti for 537GB/s with 12GB.

nVidia is betting on DLSS and frame generation to set the 4060 series from the 3060 series, which is fair, people have shown they have a desire for nVidia's propriety technologies.

AMD Needed to do the same with the 7600 as well. It's not a viable upgrade for 6600XT or 6650XT users, in-fact many benchmarks it turns out to be notably slower.
The 8GB of Ram is bullshit on that chip too. - It should have been called the 7500XT.

The best GPU's to buy right now from a price/performance/vram perspective is the 12GB Radeon 6700XT/6750XT. - But stock of those are running out.

We need the market to start correcting itself... It's not the era of COVID or Crypto, so something has to give sooner rather than later.

That would be a good idea since you don't need that much memory bandwidth for a entry level card and for 1080P. Though Nvidia and to a lesser extent AMD and their marketing would maybe disagree with their awful segmentation for their cards this generation. Everything was simply too cut down and/or not performing up to par (RDNA 3) and seems to be worse the further down you go down the stack. And Nvidia knows they can get away with it as well. But now, finally people have finally woken up and stopped caring for these cards. From word of mouth, online or otherwise.. that these aren't specced the way they should be, the high prices and 8GB isn't optimal for newer games.

I do feel like Nvidia will turn it around with the RTX 5000 series. Not to the extent of Ampere, but they'll finally stop the crap and give us a properly named and spec stack. With VRAM/memory bandwidth that actually matches the SKU's.

They've lost a lot of good will this generation and AMD, though behind rn may finally catch up to them. And that includes software and ai. That and Intel are also adding some needed competiton in the DGPU market.

And yeah, the 6700XT is definately the card people should be thinking of getting if they're spending around $300. Its got good enough performance for 1440P gaming and a good amount of VRAM. With the way things are with RDNA 3 is going and the 7700 still far from launch, going by rumors.. it may not even be a great replacement for that.

It's Monday, and that sucks. But hey, at least here are some news to keep you entertained for 5 minutes (maybe even more!):


Anglers rejoice: Sega is giving out free Steam keys for Sega Bass Fishing, the Sega Dreamcast bass fishing classic
Summertime vibes only, baby. It's July, it's hot, I'm thinking fun in the sun, I'm thinking Sega Bass Fishing. Sega is offering free Steam keys of the oft-ported Arcade/Dreamcast classic as a limited time promotion⁠—you just have to sign up for the company's mailing list to receive a free copy of the typically $8 game on August 1.
I did so immediately, verified my email, and eagerly awaited my code only to discover that lone catch: Sega will not be sending out the codes until after the promotion ends. You have until July 31 to sign up for your free copy of Sega Bass Fishing, and codes will then be sent out August 1. That's ok, instead of instant gratification you're sending a gift to your future self, like when there was a six-month wait on Steam Deck preorders.

Resident Evil 4 shoots past 5 million sales, two months faster than Resident Evil: Village did
In a recent press release Capcom revealed that the Resident Evil 4 remake has hit 5 million sales. This follows a galactic opening week where it hit 3 million sales in just two days, a milestone that took the original a full year to meet.
Even more surprising is the fact that Resident Evil 4 hits this record an entire two months ahead of schedule when compared to its main series sibling Resident Evil: Village. That game took close to six months to hit the same number, even though it was beating records as the fastest-selling Resident Evil game in the series.

GOG has two new Deals of the Day, that will run until Wednesday, and two new sales:

Steam has two new deals:

The guys at Humble have three new deals for us:

And Fanatical has five new deals, including three bundles:


You can turn off Steam's annoying achievement notification sound
You've saved Skyrim from Alduin the World-Eater at last. Surrounded by the souls of Sovngarde's mightiest heroes, you watch his bones burn bright as the dawn, then fall away to ash. What sound accompanies this event? "Blink blink blonk!" Steam would like you to know you've just unlocked the Dragonslayer achievement, which it does by loudly playing a cheerily rinky-dink sound effect.
While Steam's Big Picture Mode has had an achievement notification sound for a minute, as Steam Deck owners know full well, Desktop Mode remained classily silent when that little rectangle appeared in the corner of your screen. Now it makes a noise for every achievement, and when a game finishes downloading, and I hate it.
Fortunately, you can turn the noise off. As of an update earlier this month, Valve has "Added a toggle in notification settings to turn on/off sounds for non-critical notifications." All you have to do is go to Steam > Settings > Notifications and then hit that "Play a sound when a notification toast is displayed" toggle. Learning these notifications are called "toasts" has only made me hate them more, by the way.


Pikmin 4 can run with 60fps on PC via Nintendo Switch emulators
Nintendo has just released Pikmin 4 on Nintendo Switch and as you may have guessed, PC gamers can already enjoy the game with 60fps.
By default, the game is locked at 30fps on Nintendo Switch. However, there is already a 60fps mod for the PC, allowing PC gamers to experience Pikmin 4 with higher framerates. And, from the looks of it, the latest version of Yuzu can already provide a smooth gaming experience.
Below you can find a video from reznoire, showcasing the game running with 60fps. In order to capture this gameplay footage, reznoire used an Intel Core i9-12900k with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080. And, presumably at 1440p, the RTX 3080 had no trouble at all pushing 60fps.
>> No wonder he can play the game with that rig. Anyway, the video is a bit over 2 minutes long.

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the Second Sin Visual Overhaul Mod is now available for download
Earlier this week, we informed you about an upcoming lighting overhaul mod for Dark Souls 2. And today, we are happy to report that this mod, called Scholar of the Second Sin Visual Overhaul, is available for download.
This mod adds shadow casting to bonfires, grass, light fixtures, and almost everything else in the game. Moreover, it increases the quality of grass in numerous areas. Not only that but fromsoftserve has added torches to the loot pool for more enemies. And lastly, the modder has removed unneeded light sources that weren’t connected to a light fixture, making areas look a bit darker and more atmospheric.
>> The article has a 15 minutes video of the mod.

Resident Evil Seamless HD Project now overhauls all three classic RE games
Remember the Seamless HD Project? You know, the must-have mod that overhauled Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3? Well, great news everyone as the team behind it has released a version that improves the first 1996 RE game.
Going into more details, Resident Evil Seamless HD Project upscales backgrounds with vectorized masks, restores integrated images and texts, and upscales all of the game’s 3D models. Moreover, it brings better in-game screens, improves numerous visual effects, and upscales all menu elements and HQ portraits.
What’s also cool is that this project upscales all the low-resolution live-action videos. Yeap, you can finally enjoy these cheesy live-action videos in all their HD glory.
Now contrary to the RE2 and RE3 mods, Resident Evil Seamless HD Project overhauls the original PC version. The mod is only compatible with Biohazard Mediakite/Ultra2000 Japanese build, so make sure you’re using that one.
>> The article has two videos.

Max Payne 3 gets an amazing Sam Lake Mod
Modder ‘alexsavvy’ has released a must-have mod for Max Payne 3 that is a love letter to all fans of the original game. As the title implies, this mod brings back to Max Payne 3 the face of Sam Lake.
For those unaware, Remedy’s Sam Lake lent his face to Max in the first Max Payne game. Seriously, who can forget that expressionless face? Then, in Max Payne 2 Timmothy Gibs portrayed Max. Finally, in Max Payne 3, Max was modeled after his voice actor, James McCaffrey.
Going into more details, this mod features full facial expressions for Sam Lake’s face model. All the textures of the head have been adapted and every wound that appears on Max’s face during the story has been retained.
In total, the mod replaces 98 models and 66 textures. And yes, the modder has adapted each hairstyle change to Sam Lake’s head, allowing players to see Max/Sam shave his head in real time. Now that’s cool.
>> There's an almost 16 minutes video in the article.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake in Unreal Engine 5.2 available for download to everyone
Zelda fans, here is something for you today. CryZENx has released a demo of his fan remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 5.2 which takes advantage of UE5’s Lumen tech.
This demo is finally available to everyone, and not only to his Patreon members. As such, you can run and play this demo on your PC systems.
>> The article also has a 15 minutes video of the mod.

The bearded babies of this Mount and Blade 2 mod may mean I never sleep soundly again
Look, I'll level with you: This is a small mod. A trifling mod. A mod bagatelle. But it's also possibly the worst and most wonderful thing I've ever seen, so here I am writing about it and here you are reading about it.
Bearded Babies for Mount and Blade 2 adds beards to the babies of Mount and Blade 2, even (or especially) ones you can play as. Sick of no one taking your infant warlord seriously? Slap some mutton-chops on that bairn and assert their masculinity. Make friend and foe alike show some respect as they tell you it looks like someone needs a nap and haul you off screaming to your crib. It's made by a modder called xjoverax and is, apparently, their first time modding. Now here is a career I will watch with interest.
>> There are some screenshots.

With a new post-processing shader framework, open-source Morrowind engine replacer OpenMW is about to look even slicker
Open-source Morrowind engine replacer OpenMW has just hit version 0.48.0. The latest update adds a post-processing shader framework, which means modders will be able to make the 21-year-old RPG look even better, as well as adding a new Lua scripting API. "Both of these features greatly expand what the engine can deliver in terms of visual fidelity and game logic", the OpenMW team says in the release announcement.
A whole bunch of engine bugs have also been quietly put on a boat and shipped away to be forgotten. Among the notable patch notes: "Birthsign abilities increase base stat values". Good news for those who choose to be born under the sign of The Lady for that sweet buff to Personality and Endurance, or The Steed for those 25 extra points of Speed.
Among the other changes, "AI will not attempt to attack before finishing aiming", "Screenshot capturing no longer freezes the game while it's in progress", and "The player's allies no longer react to the crimes the player commits". That's right, Caius Cosades, you keep your mouth shut.
>> There are no screenshots nor videos.


NVIDIA RTX 4090 cannot run Remnant 2 with 60fps at Native 4K/Ultra
Remnant 2 is a game I was really looking forward to. Although the game officially releases on July 25th, owners of the Ultimate Edition can already play it. And, things are not looking well as the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 is unable to Remnant 2 with 60fps at native 4K/Ultra Settings.
>> So, what will it be, a graphical powerhouse of sh*tty optimized game?

Tekken 8 vs Tekken 7 Early Graphics Comparison
Bandai Namco has launched the first Closed Beta phase for Tekken 8, and below you can find an early graphics video comparison between this latest entry and Tekken 7.
This video compares the 3D models of all characters that are present in these two games. Thus, it can give you an idea of the graphical improvements you can expect from the new Tekken game.

BattleBit Remastered Patch 1.9.3 adds Capture the Flag & New Map
The indie team behind BattleBit Remastered has released patch 1.9.3 for it and shared its complete changelog. According to the patch notes, Update 1.9.3 adds the Capture the Flag game mode, introduces a new map (called MultuIslands), and packs a number of tweaks and fixes.

Ubisoft gives PC gamers another reason to pirate its games
A decade or so ago, Ubisoft was constantly complaining about PC gamers pirating its titles. The French company was so frustrated with pirates that a number of iconic “Ubisoft vs PC pirates” GIFs flooded the market. And last week, Ubi gave PC gamers another big reason to simply pirate its games.
Twitter’s AntiDRM has shared the following email. According to it, Ubisoft will suspend your account if it’s inactive for some time, and then permanently close it after 30 days.
According to Ubi, accounts that are inactive for less than 4 years are safe, and won’t receive such an email. Moreover, if someone does receive such an email, they’ll be able to cancel its closure by clicking on a link.
>> I mean, it sucks, no doubt about it, but unless you're in jail it shouldn't be a problem to log into UPlay every once in a while to prevent this. Also, this move may be because some countries have more strict data protection laws that force companies to erase personal data after a certain time, tho this theory should also affect other launchers/accounts.

PAYDAY 3 gets official PC system requirements
Starbreeze has revealed the official PC system requirements for PAYDAY 3 on the game’s official Steam store page. PAYDAY 3 will be using Unreal Engine 4, and from the looks of it, it won’t require high-end PC systems.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Monday news, part two:

The maker of Among the Sleep and Mosaic unveils a new game about driving a food truck for super-cute animals
Krillbite Studio is best known for dark, sometimes disturbing games like Among the Sleep, Mosaic, and the very brief but clever The Plan. But its next game looks to be something very different: It's "a culinary food truck adventure" called Fruitbus.

One of my favorite survival city builders just got a brand new building mode and a huge discount
So, yeah, I'm recommending Patron to anyone who enjoys city builders, and this is a great time to jump in and start playing. Not only is the game on the brink of celebrating two years since launch, it's just added an entirely new mode.
If you're finding the sandbox experience of Patron a little too difficult, or you just want to have all the everything unlocked when you start, a new creative mode has been added. All the research trees, building types, and even all the resources are unlocked and infinite at the very start of the game. It's a builder's paradise with no restrictions on how you craft and grow your city.

Blizzard on this week's Diablo 4 nerfs: 'We know it is not fun ... we don't plan on doing a patch like this ever again'
During an emergency 'uh oh, everyone's mad' livestream today, Diablo 4 community manager Adam Fletcher said that this week's controversial patch, which heavily nerfed overall player damage output and survivability, is not something Blizzard plans to repeat.

After making the scariest game I've ever played, Amnesia's developer is considering moving on from horror
In an interview with (spotted via Eurogamer), Frictional Games creative director and co-founder Thomas Grip revealed that the studio is considering de-emphasizing horror in its future projects, instead using its distinctive immersive, first-person style to tell other kinds of stories.

Fill alien caverns with factories in automation game Techtonica
Bringing a new vibe to the factory-building automation genre, Techtonica's neon alien caverns and synthwave soundtrack are a lot of fun to explore and excavate in. Releasing just this week on Steam and Game Pass, Fire Hose Games' debut release is a first-person factory game that follows in the footsteps of Factorio or Satisfactory, but adds literal depth to the formula by setting everything inside a network of subterranean caves on a strange, rogue exoplanet.

Get ready to balance your flying city and shoot down air pirates in Airborne Empire
City-building game Airborne Kingdom was a really new, interesting twist on the genre, challenging you to balance the growth of your flying city with its physical needs (...)
Now developers The Wandering Band are back for Airborne Empire, a game continuing the story started in Airborne Kingdom by having you unite the disparate kingdoms of the world under your flying city in order to reforge an ancient protective alliance: The Airborne Empire. The big addition this time? Fighting. Attacks by sky pirates are now part of the game world, requiring the attention of your flying city to protect both yourself and the world below.

The best game about space mining is finally finished
Physics-based space mining simulator Delta V: Rings of Saturn, stylized as ΔV: Rings of Saturn, came out of early access this week. It is, in my opinion, the best space mining game you can play. It's a hard sci-fi game about physics, paydays, fission-powered space ships. It's also a gobsmackingly cheap $10.

Saddle up for cowboy Hotline Miami in Kill the Crows
Do you know where your Colt Single Action Navy Revolver is? You'll probably want to strap on your gun belt then, because it's time to yeehaw.
Kill The Crows, an upcoming western shooter from 5minlab, is getting billed as a Wild West Hotline Miami where "A gunslinger burning with vengeance steps into the ruins of a forsaken town, ready to face death." Kill the Crows promises "one shot, one kill gunfights" with pixellated western flair. Presumably it's that one-shot ethos that likens it to Hotline, not the inclusion of some psychedelic level-based storyline.

Explosively popular indie Battlefield-alike BattleBit Remastered draws a line in the sand against boomsticks: 'no shotguns'
First spotted by PCGamesN, one of BattleBit Remastered's developers stated in no uncertain terms that the breakout FPS will not be adding shotguns. In response to a query about the FPS staple, co-developer ThatLiquidHorse simply stated "no shotguns."

Get abducted by space gnomes to tend their garden in this chill strategy sandbox
Magically whisked across worlds by weird and slightly airheaded gnomes for your magical, inborn gardening ability, you must help them take a devastated wasteland and turn it into a lush garden. That's the plot for Horticular, a horticulture-based gardening game that wants to find interesting challenge with the puzzle of a healthy garden and beautiful layout.

Star Wars Outlaws needed a speeder because of its 'fairly vast' distances
Star Wars Outlaws, the Star Wars game that will finally let us play a blaster-toting scoundrel who probably thinks a lightsaber is a low-fat cavalry weapon, is being published by Ubisoft. That brings with it certain expectations. Since this isn't a Rayman game, those expectations include an open world that's perhaps too big for its own good. In a recent interview at Comic Con, creative director Julian Gherity explained that open world locations in Outlaws, like the desert moon of Toshara, are so big they needed to give player-character Kay Vess her own speeder to cross them. "There isn't just this bustling city," Gherity said, "in Toshara's case it's called Mirogana, but there's all the wilderness outside where the player and Kay—driven by their objectives, but distracted by their curiosity—can go and explore. But those distances are fairly vast, so to make them fun, accessible, to grow access for the player, we came up with the speeder."

JK Simmons will reprise his role as Omni-Man in Mortal Kombat 1, and Robert Kirkman could not be more pumped
As spotted by IGN, it's been confirmed at an interview at San Diego Comic-Con last week that JK Simmons—face of Spiderman's J. Jonah Jameson in multiple movies—will be reprising his role as Invincible's Omni-Man for Mortal Kombat 1's DLC.

Diablo 4's battle pass is such a mess that it doesn't even give you enough Platinum to buy a single item
If you were looking at the Platinum payouts on Diablo 4's battle pass and getting excited about buying a cosmetic from the shop with your haul, you're in for some disappointment. Instead of offering a practical amount of premium currency, Blizzard has gone for a joke amount: 666 Platinum. Oh you cheeky devils. The real joke, though, is that 666 Platinum is useless—not even enough to buy the cheapest item in the shop.
>> How many f*ck ups has Blizzard done with Diablo 4 so far?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX3D CPU Spotted: Zen 4 Cores & 128 MB 3D V-Cache For Enthusiast Laptops

Honestly every zen cpu that is over $200, whether it be desktop or laptop should have Vcache

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 16 GB Already Seeing A Price Drop In Europe

Needs to be at least $400 to recommend

Remnant II Devs Says PC Port Designed With Upscaling In Mind: DLSS, FSR & XeSS A Necessity To Achieve Smooth Gameplay

Absolutely horrible optimization from devs. 4090 getting 40fps at 4k without Ray Tracing? The only way for a 4090 to get 90fps is with DLSS 3 due to Frame generation. The devs dug their own grave on this one.

AMD Radeon 700M “RDNA 3” iGPU Driver For Phoenix APUs To Release By End of July

AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE 16GB to launch on July 28th, might feature new Navi 3X GPU

Basically a 7900 with less vram and presumably less pricing.

As usual with Alienware PCs, their CPUs do not perform up to their spec due to their cooling and power limits hampering it. Their 4090s as usual for their GPUs do perform similar to other 4090s so at least that is good. Alienware is listening to complaints but really, they should redesign the entire case instead of putting bandaids on an existing case.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

More bone headed decisions from Dell/Alienware. Sticking a 13900K and a 240MM AIO is just a waste of money lol. They even lowered the power limit of the thing because isn't enough to cool this thing down at stock. Might as well just put the 13700K in there at that point. Or better yet like GN said, release a new case so it can fit a 360 AIO because if people want a 13900K in it. They'd want it running without being throttled.