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^I'd go with Max Payne because it's the oldest of the three.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

Going to make a thread to show some XCOM 2 screens, I could post them here but I feel it eneds it's own thread since it's coming out not to far from now.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Chazore said:

Going to make a thread to show some XCOM 2 screens, I could post them here but I feel it eneds it's own thread since it's coming out not to far from now.

It needs its own thread! A PC Exclusive :O!

I even slapped PC exclusive in the actual thread lol, it's probably going to get targeted for me saying that but Firaxis's history lies with PC, the majority of their IP's are PC only and still are with the odd 1-3 titles being on consoles which didn't really sell all that well and it's a contributing factor to why this one is being exclusive, that and for a PC specific UI and full mod support which should be nice to see.

Also bought a new keyboard on my way home from work today, it feels weird having super flat keys and the num pad acting like an actual mouse which is pretty neat, not keen on it being wireless though but I needed a new KB since my last one hd most of it's keys worn away and wasn't really all that rgeat from the start either. I'll probably give the built in mousepad a go with some games to see if it;s worth something, the KB has a right and left click key of their own which is also nice.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

I tried to be less salty in the comments section but I honestly don't like lip service, especially from someone who claims they are totally into giving you good stuff or showing interest in you but they really aren't:

Had to link that GAF thread because people need to know how many years and how many promises have been said over the years.

Bear in mind that we're still only getting the first gears and not the whole collection, so this is us waiting even longer for a port of one game we don't even know the quality of let alone if it's going to be forced to windows 10 and store only. if that's the case for both then I'm just not going to buy it, especially if it's a bad port, this year if anything has taught me to not trust any AAA dev/publisher in terms of port quality, I'm already a bit of a cynical gamer but this year wasn't really stellar for me with the games I wanted being bad ports or delayed to next year and no hopes of whether or not they will be stellar either. I do want to be happy like I was when I was a teen but these days I find it hard to be since all I want to play is either screwed up, killed off or kept from me, every time I try looking for an alternative means it will only last so long before the same happens, I know I'm definitely getting worked up but I'm just tired of MS's lip service, tired of 10 and the lack of options they as a company fail to provide me, I want to buy their games but only on my terms, not theirs and certainly not a decade later and yet they aren't going to do much of that to get my money.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

@Chazore: So you're Sun Streaker...

Anyway, only those that are new (or the ones that don't want to face reality) will believe all that MSoft says about PC gaming. Even if they made half of what they say, things would be a lot better than currently are. Let's hope DX 12 delivers.

As for your new keyboard, I hope you like it but I can't stand those flat (or Apple-style as I use to call them) keyboards. Even the half height ones are a bit awkward to use.

That's why I went with a mechanical one .


Btw, Nvidia is working on the next gen of VR devices. It's funny how it's the next gen when we don't even have the current one.

Original source is fudzilla, but lacks this diagram

I see three major drawbacks for this tech to succeed. 1-Will have to use LCD panels and not OLED. 2-The PC or console will have to power not one but two screens, so the resolution double. 3-Devs will have to work a bit more to tell the game what it has to display on each screen.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

It's Monday, and I guess that means more news from me



Sony's Remote Play lets you stream your PS4 to your Vita handheld. A cool feature. And someone's got it working on PC. Now you can try playing Destiny with a mouse and keyboard (though lag may prove prohibitive). Someone will surely find a use for this. Developer Twisted is the brains behind this totally unofficial project.

>>Just remembe that you still need a PS4 to run the game.



Just Cause 3 releases next week and its official PC requirements have been unveiled. In addition, it was revealed that the game will be powered by NVIDIA’s GameWorks features, though it’s still a mystery what kind of features will be implemented. Our guess is that PC gamers can expect HBAO+ to be used, as well as TXAA. We don’t know whether or not Avalanche will use exclusive NVIDIA effects like the Turbulence Smoke effects that were used in Batman: Arkham Knight.

>>Gameworks aside, the req. specs have surprised me. Min a 660/7870 and recom. a 760/280X (which is a 7970 GHz) I wonder if the guys at Avalanche have done a wonderful job optimizing the game, or if they have been lazy.



Mass Effect fans, here is something for you today. Reddit’s moderators ‘Salsadips’ and ‘KYCygni’ were contacted and supplied with proof that a person has had contact with a very early edition of the game. And as you may have guessed, that person has leaked some new information about this upcoming Mass Effect title.

>>I've been a good guy and as such I haven't posted the details. Some are interesting, tho.



3D Realms and Interceptor Entertainment – creators of the 2013 Rise of the Triad remake – announced today the final product and pricing details for their upcoming Action-RPG shooter ‘Bombshell’ which is set to releases January 29th 2016.



Chaos was recently reborn as Chaos Reborn, a remake of Julian Gollop's celebrated 1985 wizard-'em-up that Richard Cobbett enjoyed mightily (you can read his review here). But what if you only have £14.99 left in the world, and you're trying to decide whether to buy a well-received turn-based fantasy strategy game, or food for your family? How do you make that terrible choice?



Jon Hare has released a gameplay video for the spiritual successor to Sensible soccer, Sociable Soccer. Sociable Soccer’s Kickstarter campaign has 21 days left in order to meet its initial goal of £300K. So far, the Kickstarter has raised £30K (so things are not looking good). Enjoy the video after the jump!

>>You can watch the video here:

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

@Chazore: So you're Sun Streaker...

You'd know if you saw my Steam name >.>

Anyway, only those that are new (or the ones that don't want to face reality) will believe all that MSoft says about PC gaming. Even if they made half of what they say, things would be a lot better than currently are. Let's hope DX 12 delivers.

I do hope on that but then we always have vulkan if they don't.

As for your new keyboard, I hope you like it but I can't stand those flat (or Apple-style as I use to call them) keyboards. Even the half height ones are a bit awkward to use.

Yeah I'm not really all that keen on flay keys myself having learned recently, it's been years since I last used one with flat keys so I thought things would be different lol.

That's why I went with a mechanical one .

I'm not really that big on mech ones due to the noise they make.

Btw, Nvidia is working on the next gen of VR devices. It's funny how it's the next gen when we don't even have the current one.

Original source is fudzilla, but lacks this diagram

I see three major drawbacks for this tech to succeed. 1-Will have to use LCD panels and not OLED. 2-The PC or console will have to power not one but two screens, so the resolution double. 3-Devs will have to work a bit more to tell the game what it has to display on each screen.

I think we'll be waiting another 5 if not more years until VR becomes a completely stable and viable gaming venue once they iron those 3 major issues out.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.


The world of Fallout 4 is a big place. To get around in it efficiently, you're going to need a map. A big one. Luckily for you, Reddit user koolkyle802 has you, and the Wasteland, completely covered.



As promised, Bethesda has released the first beta patch for Fallout 4. According to its release notes, this patch comes with general memory and stability improvements, and fixes a couple of bugs that were reported by the fans. You can read the complete changelog below.

>>A Beta Patch... really?



Offworld Industries confirmed today that their debut game Squad, the Kickstarter backed 100 player tactical FPS, will release on Steam Early Access on December 15th.



The latest PC UK retail, Steam Digital and Green Man Gaming charts have been revealed and as we can see, Football Manager 2016, Fallout 4 and Just Cause 3 are this week’s best selling games in UK, on Steam and on GMG. You can view the full charts after the jump!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

zero129 said:

You should of put it in the title. I think "PC Exclusive Xcom 2 screenshots" would of got more hits then "Xcom 2 wilderness/enemy screens" xD .

I did think of that from the very beginning but in the end i don't want to start a war over nothing and I know certan users are totally itching for one on here =P (one recently calling us the beggar race for one lol). Though me slapping it in PC discussion won't get much hits either because hardly anyone sees that board at all or has it untagged from their view list so in the future I might just slap it in reglar gaming discussion, I just hope we don't see more "I wish this was on X" than actual discussion.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

@Chazore: So you're Sun Streaker...

You'd know if you saw my Steam name >.>

Anyway, only those that are new (or the ones that don't want to face reality) will believe all that MSoft says about PC gaming. Even if they made half of what they say, things would be a lot better than currently are. Let's hope DX 12 delivers.

I do hope on that but then we always have vulkan if they don't.

As for your new keyboard, I hope you like it but I can't stand those flat (or Apple-style as I use to call them) keyboards. Even the half height ones are a bit awkward to use.

Yeah I'm not really all that keen on flay keys myself having learned recently, it's been years since I last used one with flat keys so I thought things would be different lol.

That's why I went with a mechanical one .

I'm not really that big on mech ones due to the noise they make.

Btw, Nvidia is working on the next gen of VR devices. It's funny how it's the next gen when we don't even have the current one.

Original source is fudzilla, but lacks this diagram

I see three major drawbacks for this tech to succeed. 1-Will have to use LCD panels and not OLED. 2-The PC or console will have to power not one but two screens, so the resolution double. 3-Devs will have to work a bit more to tell the game what it has to display on each screen.

I think we'll be waiting another 5 if not more years until VR becomes a completely stable and viable gaming venue once they iron those 3 major issues out.

Oh! So that's your Steam ID, I could send you a friend request now...

Vulkan looks good, but OpenGL didn't work and I'm not confident on Vulkan if devs can just use DX 12 and get most of the same results.

You should try a mechanical K-board, not all of them are noisy. Trust me, I don't like noisy devices (my case is an Antec P183, for example) and I looked into their sound and the different switches. If you can't try one by yourself, Youtube is a surprisingly good source. I found red switches to be too loud, just like blue.

In the end, I ended up getting an Antec 710+ with brown, and dampened, switches. The looks of it are very subjective, but I don't care about it.


The biggest problem I see with that new VR Tech is that, unlike LCDs, OLED screens are opaque so they won't be able to use them.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.