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Chazore said:
JEMC said:

@Chazore: So you're Sun Streaker...

You'd know if you saw my Steam name >.>

Anyway, only those that are new (or the ones that don't want to face reality) will believe all that MSoft says about PC gaming. Even if they made half of what they say, things would be a lot better than currently are. Let's hope DX 12 delivers.

I do hope on that but then we always have vulkan if they don't.

As for your new keyboard, I hope you like it but I can't stand those flat (or Apple-style as I use to call them) keyboards. Even the half height ones are a bit awkward to use.

Yeah I'm not really all that keen on flay keys myself having learned recently, it's been years since I last used one with flat keys so I thought things would be different lol.

That's why I went with a mechanical one .

I'm not really that big on mech ones due to the noise they make.

Btw, Nvidia is working on the next gen of VR devices. It's funny how it's the next gen when we don't even have the current one.

Original source is fudzilla, but lacks this diagram

I see three major drawbacks for this tech to succeed. 1-Will have to use LCD panels and not OLED. 2-The PC or console will have to power not one but two screens, so the resolution double. 3-Devs will have to work a bit more to tell the game what it has to display on each screen.

I think we'll be waiting another 5 if not more years until VR becomes a completely stable and viable gaming venue once they iron those 3 major issues out.

Oh! So that's your Steam ID, I could send you a friend request now...

Vulkan looks good, but OpenGL didn't work and I'm not confident on Vulkan if devs can just use DX 12 and get most of the same results.

You should try a mechanical K-board, not all of them are noisy. Trust me, I don't like noisy devices (my case is an Antec P183, for example) and I looked into their sound and the different switches. If you can't try one by yourself, Youtube is a surprisingly good source. I found red switches to be too loud, just like blue.

In the end, I ended up getting an Antec 710+ with brown, and dampened, switches. The looks of it are very subjective, but I don't care about it.


The biggest problem I see with that new VR Tech is that, unlike LCDs, OLED screens are opaque so they won't be able to use them.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.