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I tried to be less salty in the comments section but I honestly don't like lip service, especially from someone who claims they are totally into giving you good stuff or showing interest in you but they really aren't:

Had to link that GAF thread because people need to know how many years and how many promises have been said over the years.

Bear in mind that we're still only getting the first gears and not the whole collection, so this is us waiting even longer for a port of one game we don't even know the quality of let alone if it's going to be forced to windows 10 and store only. if that's the case for both then I'm just not going to buy it, especially if it's a bad port, this year if anything has taught me to not trust any AAA dev/publisher in terms of port quality, I'm already a bit of a cynical gamer but this year wasn't really stellar for me with the games I wanted being bad ports or delayed to next year and no hopes of whether or not they will be stellar either. I do want to be happy like I was when I was a teen but these days I find it hard to be since all I want to play is either screwed up, killed off or kept from me, every time I try looking for an alternative means it will only last so long before the same happens, I know I'm definitely getting worked up but I'm just tired of MS's lip service, tired of 10 and the lack of options they as a company fail to provide me, I want to buy their games but only on my terms, not theirs and certainly not a decade later and yet they aren't going to do much of that to get my money.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"