Hi guys and girls! (Who am I kidding there's no girls on the Internet)
So I have been talking to Captain_Yuri (AKA Jizz) and you may or may not know that I've recently built a gaming PC. He's been a great help throughout everything and helped to build upon my own knowledge. We had a few arguments, but ended up getting something really rather great out of it and that's awesome. So we were thinking of sharing this with VGC.
In short, our plan is to build a "VGC Helpdesk" where we would help to answer any PC related questions, give our advice and opinions (threads like this http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=207350&page=1# are good examples) and hopefully help people out. Perhaps we could also extend it to new news and funny videos, for example like with Skylake. It's still very much in the planning phase, but I think it would be good.
So I guess we need your help. What do you think of this idea? What would you like to see and what structure would you advise? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!