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We're more used to see Nintendo doing this with Tecmo, but it does seem to pay off to both companies so it's not surprising to see others try the same thing.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Steam Deck FAQ is up

Some interesting things:

Can you have multiple Steam accounts on one Steam Deck?

Yes, and each account on a Steam Deck will keep its own local save data and settings.

Can Steam Deck be used as a PC controller?

Yes, you can connect your Steam Deck to a PC via Remote Play and use it as a controller.

Does docking the Deck improve performance?

No, docking is more akin to plugging a USB-C hub into a PC. Steam Deck runs at full performance in portable mode.

What can you tell us about the BIOS and does it allow dual-boot?

Multi-boot is supported - you can have multiple OSes installed and choose which one to boot into. Users will have access to the BIOS menu.

Can you boot an OS off the SD card?

Yes, Steam Deck supports boot from microSD.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

JEMC said:

We're more used to see Nintendo doing this with Tecmo, but it does seem to pay off to both companies so it's not surprising to see others try the same thing.

Yeah if it keeps CD and SE happy its all good. Its a little weird to see them working on an FPS game but it should be interesting and the partnership here makes a lot of sense.

And that Steam Deck news is cool. Going to try installing windows on the microSD and see how that runs lol.

hinch said:

PCIe tech moves so fast lol. Just last year we were fawning over 7Gb/s speeds and now we're double that.. not that it makes a difference for the average user but still insane. Though it is the next gen spec so its expected to have quite a boost.

Also, Crystal Dynamics confirms new Tomb Raider in the works. Alongside them working with Microsoft on Perfect Dark and Avengers. How big are their teams? 3 projects at the same time :o

I wanna be excited for a new TR, but SE just recently announced TWEWY (the world ends with you) being EGS exclusive, and well they've done recent deals before, so I'm not going to assume that a new TR won't be exclusive, going by their recent actions. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Time for an opinion piece...

AMD has won the battle against Intel CPUs but now they need to prepare for war

When Zen 3 launched last year, AMD did the unthinkable. They not only beat Intels 10th gen in games but also beat Intels 11th in games. Then with their usual workstation lead and a superior X570 platform that offers both PCI-e gen 4 for primary and secondary SSDs while Intel's 10th gen did Gen 3 and 11th gen did Gen 4 only for primary... It was pretty clear that Intel would be relegated to budget options as AMD had abandoned that segment for DIY. This was an outstanding achievement for AMD and utter embarrassment for Intel, make no mistake.

Now almost a year after AMD launched their Zen 3, Intel is taking it's gloves off if the rumours are to be believed. With Alder Lake S, assuming the numbers are correct, this is looking to be their next "Nehalem" so to speak and we know what happened after that CPU released. Now the question is... Whether or not History will repeat itself or will AMD come out with another Zen 3 moment? Of course, we don't know yet.

What we do know is AMD will need to bring the performance as Intel is bringing the platform. No longer is the platform a clear advantage for AMD. Least not until we see what Zen 4 brings. Alder Lake S is coming out with DDR5 and PCI-E Gen 5 and Raptor Lake will continue. Based on what we know so far, Zen 4 will only have DDR5 but continue with PCI-E 4 and Zen 3 Vcache is guaranteed to be DDR4/PCI-E Gen 4. Considering the age old moto of people rarely upgrade CPUs, the platform and the performance matters a lot. So going forward, AMD will need to focus its efforts on performance to really drive people to purchase their product as its looking like they will be behind in the platform. They can't just be on Par with Intel, they need to beat them.

So it will be exciting times ahead. We will see how AMD responds and what the performance numbers are like. If Alder Lake S turns out to be as powerful as the rumours suggest, then AMD can't just bring their A game but they need their S game. And at the end of the day, having a monopoly with either companies will be bad. So hopefully, AMD will fight back and assuming they do... Hopefully... So will Intel.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

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Yes, AMD will have to raise the bar again with Zen4 to catch Intel, but that should be the usual, with both companies launching competing products and beating each other after a new launch.

Zen3 with Vcache is just a stop-gap before they release Zen4 as the extra memory only benefits gaming (or, at least, that's what was said when their plans were releaved) and, as such, it won't be a valid product to discuss gauge what AMD will be able to do with Zen4.

Zen4 will have the problem of staying with PCIe 4.0 in what's quite an odd decision, but we'll have to see how much of a handicap that will actually be. It's not like GPUs are bottlenecked by PCIe 4.0, at least apparently, and the NVMe drices will be crazy expensive and offer little real world benefits (seriously, even the jump from 3.0 to 4.0 brought little improvements in non-synthetic benchmarks). 

We'll have to keep an eye on DDR5 and the latency problems that we've seen in some leaks and if AMD will also suffer from it given its dependence on RAM frequencu and latency for its Infinity Fabric.

Also, we can't forget about the power consumption. We know that despite its use of low power cores, Alder Lake will be another power hungry beast, and AMD also increase their numbers in that aspect.

In any case, interesting times ahead of us!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Chazore said:

I wanna be excited for a new TR, but SE just recently announced TWEWY (the world ends with you) being EGS exclusive, and well they've done recent deals before, so I'm not going to assume that a new TR won't be exclusive, going by their recent actions. 

Yeah, I personally won't be buying the game unless its on Steam tbh. Bit annoying that a lot of SE releases are now exclusively on EGS - timed or not.

Quick story.. I was a die-hard FPS fan on PC in the past (starting with Doom, Quake, DN3D, UT, CS to Titanfall etc) and absolutely loved it in the heyday of the 2000's. Though coming through several generation I have nearly completely lost interest in the genre. And in a long time and was left thinking, and trying to figure out why.. and this video pops up. Though its clickbait-y title.. he kinda hits the nail, coming from a older FPS fan and PC gamer.

Long story short, the effect Halo had on the industry and shooters have dramatically impacted the direction to which FPS's were/are made. From the movement speeds and gameplay slowed down to cater to controls (analog aiming) on game pads. To rechargable health, two weapon loadouts and how we approach action games as more of defensive means rather than open based ones. And how a lot of popular games followed suit - and to a lot, the detriment to the genre.

I still enjoy shooters, from Valve, ID Software etc but they come few and far in between. Coming back to Quake 1 and Doom 2016 really hits home why I loved the genre in the first place. Fast, fun action and no dumbed down mechanics. Like I have hardly any real true excitement over newer FPS's. If only Valve came back and brings it back with Half Life 3. And if ID comes out with new, decent Quake game.

Last edited by hinch - on 25 September 2021

Captain_Yuri said:

Time for an opinion piece...

AMD has won the battle against Intel CPUs but now they need to prepare for war

When Zen 3 launched last year, AMD did the unthinkable. They not only beat Intels 10th gen in games but also beat Intels 11th in games. Then with their usual workstation lead and a superior X570 platform that offers both PCI-e gen 4 for primary and secondary SSDs while Intel's 10th gen did Gen 3 and 11th gen did Gen 4 only for primary... It was pretty clear that Intel would be relegated to budget options as AMD had abandoned that segment for DIY. This was an outstanding achievement for AMD and utter embarrassment for Intel, make no mistake.

Now almost a year after AMD launched their Zen 3, Intel is taking it's gloves off if the rumours are to be believed. With Alder Lake S, assuming the numbers are correct, this is looking to be their next "Nehalem" so to speak and we know what happened after that CPU released. Now the question is... Whether or not History will repeat itself or will AMD come out with another Zen 3 moment? Of course, we don't know yet.

What we do know is AMD will need to bring the performance as Intel is bringing the platform. No longer is the platform a clear advantage for AMD. Least not until we see what Zen 4 brings. Alder Lake S is coming out with DDR5 and PCI-E Gen 5 and Raptor Lake will continue. Based on what we know so far, Zen 4 will only have DDR5 but continue with PCI-E 4 and Zen 3 Vcache is guaranteed to be DDR4/PCI-E Gen 4. Considering the age old moto of people rarely upgrade CPUs, the platform and the performance matters a lot. So going forward, AMD will need to focus its efforts on performance to really drive people to purchase their product as its looking like they will be behind in the platform. They can't just be on Par with Intel, they need to beat them.

So it will be exciting times ahead. We will see how AMD responds and what the performance numbers are like. If Alder Lake S turns out to be as powerful as the rumours suggest, then AMD can't just bring their A game but they need their S game. And at the end of the day, having a monopoly with either companies will be bad. So hopefully, AMD will fight back and assuming they do... Hopefully... So will Intel.

Yep excited to see Intel finally being competitive again. AMD showing dominance really showed that its kinda bad having one company a near monopoly over another. If anything seeing these results, I'm sure AMD is hard at work with Zen 4 and their upcoming architectures in the works.

Like the old saying competitions breeds innovation. Also looking forward to Intels GPU lineup too. Which could have a big impact on how we buy GPU's.

Last edited by hinch - on 25 September 2021

hinch said:
Chazore said:

I wanna be excited for a new TR, but SE just recently announced TWEWY (the world ends with you) being EGS exclusive, and well they've done recent deals before, so I'm not going to assume that a new TR won't be exclusive, going by their recent actions. 

Yeah, I personally won't be buying the game unless its on Steam tbh. Bit annoying that a lot of SE releases are now exclusively on EGS - timed or not.

Quick story.. I was a die-hard FPS fan on PC in the past (starting with Doom, Quake, DN3D, UT, CS to Titanfall etc) and absolutely loved it in the heyday of the 2000's. Though coming through several generation I have nearly completely lost interest in the genre. And in a long time and was left thinking, and trying to figure out why.. and this video pops up. Though its clickbait-y title.. he kinda hits the nail, coming from a older FPS fan and PC gamer.

Long story short, the effect Halo had on the industry and shooters have dramatically impacted the direction to which FPS's were/are made. From the movement speeds and gameplay slowed down to cater to controls (analog aiming) on game pads. To rechargable health, two weapon loadouts and how we approach action games as more of defensive means rather than open based ones. And how a lot of popular games followed suit - and to a lot, the detriment to the genre.

I still enjoy shooters, from Valve, ID Software etc but they come few and far in between. Coming back to Quake 1 and Doom 2016 really hits home why I loved the genre in the first place. Fast, fun action and no dumbed down mechanics. Like I have hardly any real true excitement over newer FPS's. If only Valve came back and brings it back with Half Life 3. And if ID comes out with new, decent Quake game.

I've noticed they've been putting some of the big hitters on there, while the "meh" to average ones being put on Steam (like sprite remasters of ancient games, Life is Strange etc). It really is making me think that SE doesn't entirely want to leave Steam, but it's not like they put tons of effort into their ports anyway. 

Also yeah, I've been feeling the same way with FPS titles for some years now. I think Doom 16 and TF2 were the last FPS games I was into. Doom Eternal didn't really do anything for me and just ended up going a bit over the top compared to Doom 16. Wolfenstein twins put me off, because it's co-op AI was braindead and random players wouldn't help progress the campaign (turning Wolfenstein into a stupid RPG style shooter was pure cancer as well).

I love the Halo collection, but man do I still not like the push for multiplayer content (big same for gears 5, to the point where I was sick of all the multiplayer crap that I just uninstalled the game, because I'm tired of having it sit in my download queue for weeks to months), and I don't like the 60fps cap to this day either. 

Watched OhnoitsAlex's Halo Infinity test stream and looked rather gash, and I agree with him in saying the game is nowhere near ready, at least on PC.

I do wish we had more games like Dishonored/DOOM/Quake/Titanfall, because damn does it feel so satisfying to move around the map like a fly on crack, picking off enemies with neat abilities and with style, it just feels great when I'm playing those games. Deus Ex is good, but SE fucked up the last game and made it all hub based and somewhat slower than the previous 2011 game (They probably think the IP is dead or beyond salvation, because we haven't heard zip for some years now). 

I'd love a brand new Quake SP game someday, as I've pretty much given up on PVP based games these days (it's always cheese tactics, tryhards and Meta only players I end up going against, which isn't fun and becomes too predictable that no one's playing for fun anymore). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:

I've noticed they've been putting some of the big hitters on there, while the "meh" to average ones being put on Steam (like sprite remasters of ancient games, Life is Strange etc). It really is making me think that SE doesn't entirely want to leave Steam, but it's not like they put tons of effort into their ports anyway. 

Also yeah, I've been feeling the same way with FPS titles for some years now. I think Doom 16 and TF2 were the last FPS games I was into. Doom Eternal didn't really do anything for me and just ended up going a bit over the top compared to Doom 16. Wolfenstein twins put me off, because it's co-op AI was braindead and random players wouldn't help progress the campaign (turning Wolfenstein into a stupid RPG style shooter was pure cancer as well).

I love the Halo collection, but man do I still not like the push for multiplayer content (big same for gears 5, to the point where I was sick of all the multiplayer crap that I just uninstalled the game, because I'm tired of having it sit in my download queue for weeks to months), and I don't like the 60fps cap to this day either. 

Watched OhnoitsAlex's Halo Infinity test stream and looked rather gash, and I agree with him in saying the game is nowhere near ready, at least on PC.

I do wish we had more games like Dishonored/DOOM/Quake/Titanfall, because damn does it feel so satisfying to move around the map like a fly on crack, picking off enemies with neat abilities and with style, it just feels great when I'm playing those games. Deus Ex is good, but SE fucked up the last game and made it all hub based and somewhat slower than the previous 2011 game (They probably think the IP is dead or beyond salvation, because we haven't heard zip for some years now). 

I'd love a brand new Quake SP game someday, as I've pretty much given up on PVP based games these days (it's always cheese tactics, tryhards and Meta only players I end up going against, which isn't fun and becomes too predictable that no one's playing for fun anymore). 

Yeah, its kinda annoying and wished SE would stop accepting money hats. Maybe they are testing waters and seeing if they can get the best of both platforms. The Japanese games coming from them are seemingly the ones that go as EGS, so they might have a deal for a few games. Like The World Ends With you port is going there.

At bolded. Same.. outside playing some CS with friends I don't have much interest in FPS nowadays. Think the last FPS games I completed were TF2 and Quake remaster. Like don't get me wrong there's good SP fps games out there. But I do feel like we're missing some good single player ones with strong emphasis on gun play and most importantly fun to play. And instead we got a lot of pseudo FPS games like Bioshock and Prey (great games in their own right but not great FPS games) or looter shooters like Borderlands. I guess the BL games are kinda fun and fast paced.

For me while Doom (2016) was so refreshing to see a faster paced game without ADS in it. I just wished we had more games like that and Titanfall 2. Games with more fluid movement and momentum. And less derivative cover based shooters. Saying that I do need to get around to playing Half-Life Alyx but that's a whole another thing! (VR) Not sure playing a whole game on VR lol.