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Chazore said:

I wanna be excited for a new TR, but SE just recently announced TWEWY (the world ends with you) being EGS exclusive, and well they've done recent deals before, so I'm not going to assume that a new TR won't be exclusive, going by their recent actions. 

Yeah, I personally won't be buying the game unless its on Steam tbh. Bit annoying that a lot of SE releases are now exclusively on EGS - timed or not.

Quick story.. I was a die-hard FPS fan on PC in the past (starting with Doom, Quake, DN3D, UT, CS to Titanfall etc) and absolutely loved it in the heyday of the 2000's. Though coming through several generation I have nearly completely lost interest in the genre. And in a long time and was left thinking, and trying to figure out why.. and this video pops up. Though its clickbait-y title.. he kinda hits the nail, coming from a older FPS fan and PC gamer.

Long story short, the effect Halo had on the industry and shooters have dramatically impacted the direction to which FPS's were/are made. From the movement speeds and gameplay slowed down to cater to controls (analog aiming) on game pads. To rechargable health, two weapon loadouts and how we approach action games as more of defensive means rather than open based ones. And how a lot of popular games followed suit - and to a lot, the detriment to the genre.

I still enjoy shooters, from Valve, ID Software etc but they come few and far in between. Coming back to Quake 1 and Doom 2016 really hits home why I loved the genre in the first place. Fast, fun action and no dumbed down mechanics. Like I have hardly any real true excitement over newer FPS's. If only Valve came back and brings it back with Half Life 3. And if ID comes out with new, decent Quake game.

Last edited by hinch - on 25 September 2021