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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - so who's getting Pikmin 3?

Leadified said:
I am. I played Pikmin 1 but I could never find Pikmin 2.

pikmin 2 >>>>> pikmin 1! You missed out :( Anyway Day 1 for me! Its my second most anticipated title this year and 1st on Wii U!

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No, because I want to win my bet with tbone.

Also I bought New Play Control Pikmin 2 and didn't like it.

I own all 4 versions of Pikmin (both Gamecubes and the remade controls versions on the Wii) and loved the all! Pikmin was just one of those hits back in the day and i'm surprised to hear alot of you guys have never played the games because they sold pretty well. I would definitely go get the first 2 (Gamecube ones are better imo but a bit more pricey) and give them ago before the 3rd one comes out (which isn't next month for NA but in early August)

I'm also on the "buy WiiU for Pikmin" camp.

Soleron said:
No, because I want to win my bet with tbone.

Also I bought New Play Control Pikmin 2 and didn't like it.

yeah cuz your "1" copy might hurt your chances

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morenoingrato said:
I'm also on the "buy WiiU for Pikmin" camp.

great!!! Pikmin is definitely a game worth to buy a wiiU over!

This guy will! Just as soon as I get a Wii U, which'll likely be between holiday 2014 and the end of 2015.

tbone51 said:
Soleron said:
No, because I want to win my bet with tbone.

Also I bought New Play Control Pikmin 2 and didn't like it.

yeah cuz your "1" copy might hurt your chances

Dude what if it sells 999,999?????

I am.... =)

I just started Pikmin 2 a few days ago, actually. I'll get Pikmin 3 eventually, but not at launch.