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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will the PS4 represent 50% better performance than the X1

I was reading the article from Eurogamer on the PS4 games and I have to say that there probably will not be a big difference between the PS4 and the X1.  If you compare the games that were running on PS4 hardware and games running on X1, it would be hard to state any realy performance advantage from the PS4.  In fact a lot of their games suffered issues and dropped frames to 20FPS   I believe in the long run, the seperation between the 2 consoles will always be the developers working on the projects then any actual hardware advantage.

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It won't be a meaningful difference. Both consoles will have great looking exclusives just like last Gen. I expect more from the Xbox One than the360.

Actually, over time as developers become more familiar with and take better advantage of the hardware setup, the gap in sheer performance will become more clear.

First they need to show any game running on actual Xbone hardware with the same level of inFAMOUS and The Division that are running in PS4 hardware.

For now Xbone is in disadvantage.

The exception is Forza 5 that looks better than DriveClub... the late one looks way unfinished to November release.

most multi-plats probably won't seen a big difference unless one was the lead platform(which may be the case for atleast FF XV) but I think it will be the exclusives that will show off what the consoles can do.(showing my fanboy colors; but I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog/Santa Monica/Quantic Dream will do with the PS4!!!)

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tuscaniman99 said:
It won't be a meaningful difference. Both consoles will have great looking exclusives just like last Gen. I expect more from the Xbox One than the360.

Are you sure it wont be meaningful? 2GB of additional RAM is alot to make quite a difference on textures.

The multi-plats will be marginally better on the PS4 but the exclusives should look visibly better. More than the gap seen on 360 to PS3.

Yes. Third party games will run better on the system in time but especially first party games will benefit of the power. In time you will notice the difference. 2-3 years maybe

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Well, remember that microsoft did not use real xbox one in their demos, so we don't really know how exactly xbox one games will look like, anyways, with naughty dog, santa monica and guerrilla games with sony, I think Ps4 will game the best looking console games next generation 

Esencia de la excelencia 

ethomaz said:
First they need to show any game running on actual Xbone hardware with the same level of inFAMOUS and The Division that are running in PS4 hardware.


Because apparently, to my horror, It is normal for Microsoft to have nvidia GTX card for their Dev kits. And the spoted GTX at e3 were not exception but the rule until proved otherwise.

There will be some exclusive games on PS4 that will look (significantly) better than games on the Xbox One. But only forum-geeks like us will care and it will be less than 10 games in total over the next 5 years.

That does not mean that Xbox One games will look bad. Just like this gen with games like Gears of War or Halo 4. I can tell you that Halo 5 (if it is named like that) will look googeous. Heck, Ryse, Battlefield, Forza look awesome already.

Acutally I think Wii U games look great as well. Look at the Zelda tech demo, or X. Those are good looking games, period.


The difference between PS4 and Xbox One will be as big as PS3 and Xbox 360 or even less.

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