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Forums - General Discussion - Has Anyone watched Juno?

enjoyable, but it had some rather dull down parts. Still a few more movies like this a year would be nice.

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Very good movie with amazing parts in it. It could have been great if not for the beginning (not the intro, great) and the part where Justin Bateman started getting cozy with her. Too cliched.

But, great soundtrack. Best since Garden State.

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well i thought it was a perfect ending. too bad it didnt have killing and guns for you flagship and Man

...killing and guns??

i hate action movies with a passion...
i loved donnie darko, garden state, thumbsucker and the like

you really think i wanted killing and guns?

the reason i didnt like it is because after the couple split up there really was no way i could enjoy the ending. i didnt want her to keep it, and i didnt want the lady to have it either (because i didnt like her character). there was just no way the ending could satisfy me...i dunno why really

@ man : sorry to tell you this...... but life is f**ked up like that.

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^^ Is it that hard to accept that films are subjective and someone didnt like it? Personally I havent seen it yet, but ive heard good things so Im gonna catch it as soon as I can.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

The movie was cute. I'd say a date movie. Take a girl to see it.

It had me laughing most of the way through...very good ensemble cast and a great soundtrack too...I think it's great that it's become a certified blockbuster(budget $10million,Box Office to date $110million and rising)...

Playing: Borderlands(great co-op,HUGE amount of content),Too Human(better late than never lol),Saints Row 3(Penetrator ftw),Minecraft 360,Harry Potter Lego. 

Patiently waiting for:  Tomb Raider, Borderlands 2

I saw the movie about a month ago now, it was just ok to me. It felt like I wasn't the target audience. Most of the humor I just didn't find to be as funny as people had made it out to be. It's really aimed at teens-early 20's. I'm in my 30's so the humor was there but most was awkward humor which the teens in the audience would giggle at.

I also felt that some of the characters were over written. Meaning they had too much of the same style dialog, the characters all sounded the same and talked the same. I can understand Juno being smarter then her years but each character should have had it's own style as well and not just a copy of the other.

If you are young, go see it in the theatre you'll enjoy it! If you're a bit older and unsure, wait till it comes out on DVD and rent it.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Yeah, I've seen it. I'm a huge Michael Cera fan a I think he was in the movie to little. It was like 5 scenes. And for some reason I couldn't stand the main actress, maybe because she "smoked" a unlite pipe.

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