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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Winning 2008 Console!!!! - Games Edition

This is just bitter fanboy rivalry. Somebody creates a monthly winner slanted towards wii, so somebody has to create a rival topic slanted away from wii. Both sides will pick some cherries, then throw them at each other, ad naseum. God, I love this site. :)

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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twesterm said:
Nintendo_Dude said:
Will SSBB be able to win January if it gets more reviews that put it ahead of Burnout? It was releaed in January in Japan.

Also, which release date are you using, America, Japan or others? Or is it wherever it's released first?

 He's going by Gamerankings and SSBB has no score on it.

When gamerankings has a score on it and if said score is higher than Burnout Paradise's will it SSBB be declared the winner?

So why did they call it the 360?because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away- some guy on Gamespot
Nintendo_Dude said:
twesterm said:
Nintendo_Dude said:
Will SSBB be able to win January if it gets more reviews that put it ahead of Burnout? It was releaed in January in Japan.

Also, which release date are you using, America, Japan or others? Or is it wherever it's released first?

He's going by Gamerankings and SSBB has no score on it.

When gamerankings has a score on it and if said score is higher than Burnout Paradise's will it SSBB be declared the winner?

 I'm guessing he's also going with NA releases since there are games like SSBB that have different releases.  Don't worry, I'm sure the Wii will get its point for SSBB.

As we all know to any true gamer it's the games that matter not how much profit is being made or how many systems are being sold. So with that in mind here's the true contest for "The Winning 2008 Console!!!! - Games Edition" which is based completely on games.

Flawed argument. Sales numbers may not be what gamers care about, but it seems to be a measuring stick of what gamers care about. If it's selling so well, obviously people playing games care about it, if it's selling poorly then clearly gamers don't care so much about it. But either way, it's all about cherry picking what is the most favorable to our preferences anyway.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Game ranking say Mario Galaxy is the best game this generation and second in all time. This is true.

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I agree with konnichiwa, you should make it any game over 80%. Assuming most people would consider >=80% "good".

Example scenario (all figures in %):

                        Month1                        Month2                        Month3
PS3                   89,60                         84,68,64                          90                        
Wii                   86,55,62                       88,60                         87,70,64
360                   80,84                         84,82,72                      85,80,81

Based on your current rules - PS3: 2, Wii: 1, 360: 0.
One could successfully argue that 360 had more good games released over the 3 month period. In fact, it had more than the other 2 consoles combined, yet it scored 0.

I also agree with The_vagabond7 - most of this is just cherry picking.


The Wii fanboys are scrambling for cover in this thread.

My god, how defensive do you want to get 'omgz noez Wii doesn't get that many multiplatform games' WTF?

This is about which platform has the most highest ranking games for the year.

Keep this thread up to date, i'm really interested to see how it all turns out!!

and the award for the most pointless thread goes to...


should/could be:

80% - 1 point
85% - 2 points
90% - 3 Points
95% - 5 Points

or something like that.

wow the wii fanboys are attackin this thread hard. all this thread is is the highest rated games of the month