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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why are people bashing wii cause of price?

This has been getting me mad lately! People bash the Wii and use its price as a factor. To me, this is a pretty stupid arguement! People need to stop it with this bs!!!!!! To all the people who use this excuse as to why the wii is selling so well, then i have one question: WASN'T THE GAMECUBE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST-SELLING GAME SYSTEM EVER INSTEAD OF THE PS2 BECAUSE OF PRICE??? Y'all couldn't answer that one could you! People needs to stop taking this into account, IT DOEN'T MEAN CRAP IN THE LONG RUN!!! (ps3 still so almost 10 million consoles in 2007! The people who bought it didn't care about price! Lets end this factor in the Wii success arguement!

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
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it has to be one of the factors just like price is a factor with ps3 but thats cause its too high. I shy away from ps3 because of the high price for now.

I see your point, but price should be ONE of the factors wii is doing well but not the only one (many factors why wii is doing well), maybe not a important factor either but still one of the factors.

That darn little white box is so cheap, that it makes us PS3/360 owners look bad. . .

Seriously though, I would probably guess that it could be sold even cheaper given that the main technology (not Wii-mote) isn't as new and advanced as the PS3 or 360.

*edit* - Well, I had tried to answer just the question of the thread itself without really reading it... Now that I have read the post, I'm pretty confused as to the direction the poster is going. Is it bait or something?  

TBH, the reason that argument came about, is because of the argument of the PS3 and it's price. It's sort of like tit-for-tat. But I do think that the games should speak for themselves, not price.

Huh they do?

Sony/X360fan = Wii sucks because it only costs 250$ !!!

lolz =p.

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One of the main reasons for the wii's success is price. That is undeniable. If wii cost $300 then it would definitely have sold less, price is not the only factor ofc but it is an important one.



Price is a factor but the main factor is Nintendo's casual approach this time so that everyone can play.

Nintendo still doomed?
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DMeisterJ said:
TBH, the reason that argument came about, is because of the argument of the PS3 and it's price. It's sort of like tit-for-tat. But I do think that the games should speak for themselves, not price.

 Yes, it was rather a counter-point to begin with, then it turned sour like things often do online... Here in Norway though (and many other countries for sure) this is not an issue as the Wii is the same price or even more costly than the other two (at least the 360).

Wii and ps3 both will get gr8 games! people just like using the price point as an excuse why wii is selling! like they'll say

"the wii is only winning cause it's cheap, wait till this or that comes or this happens!!" it's so stupid and people should end it!!!!!!!!!

(also, i think that the wii is returning nintendo back to its nes ways, where there will always be great software and price wouldn't matter.)

ps3 almost sold 10 million! people weren't worried about price! so whay are people trying to point this out with wii??? it's so sickening!!!!!!!

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

If one person has their heart set on a console, chances are that they well do everything they can to get it.

Also, If the wii cost $400.00, people are saying the other consoles will outsell it. If the wii cost $400.00, it would be a HD console with DVD/HDDVD/BluRay PLayer, and get all the same games that only go to HD consoles. It would be much better then the other consloes if it were the same price, because it would have what they have and more. Stop using price as an argument so much.

End of Rant.

EDIT: also the PS3 seems to be doing well for it's price. So why do people still count it???




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