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Forums - General Discussion - The Official Super Bowl XLII Discussion!

TheSource said:

Alot of the wiser writers accurately predicted this as well - one general sports writer who I respect alot - Mike Celzic - called it over a week ago.

Anyone can flip a coin and choose a side.  It means nothing.

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what an ending. A nice job by the Giants. Not that I really care..

Agreed on the 1 second thing, very anticlimatic

holy crap Giants won! my dream come true!

well my actual dream would be jaguars winning, but this is good too!

I think I might pull an ioi and start banning everyone in this thread.

good thing giants won. Eli manning avoids a sack throws it down the field and then a few more plays to the touchdown.

and even though i wanted the cowboys to win and the giants beet them, i can never let a team that cheats win. and now my friend ows me 10 bucks.

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I recall reading that EA ran a Madden simulation, which has apparently called the previous 5 Superbowl games successfully, and predicted a win for the Patriots.

So Madden is officially a dead franchise now, or something.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Wow, did not see that coming. Oh well Brady was too cocky and it blew up in his face.

ikilledkenny said:
This ruined my day. On every other day, the Patriots dominated, but they could not pull it off when it mattered most.

The Patriots dominated? Was I watching a different game where Brady was knocked down over 15 times?

It's hard to win when you have four to five guys rushing you and you develop eyes in the back of your head in fear of getting knocked. I guarantee that the Giants studied a whole lot of San Diego footage over the past two weeks to understand how to get under Brady's skin. 

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TheSource said:

I don't even like football, but I made $150 off this game.

Its just odds. Even if the Patriots are favored to win 80% of the time in a game vs. an opponent played 100 times, playing 19 games put their odds at winning this final game at about 1% after winning the previous 18 games. Thats my logic - without paying attention to or liking football at all.

Alot of the wiser writers accurately predicted this as well - one general sports writer who I respect alot - Mike Celzic - called it over a week ago.

 obviously you have never taken a course in probability... your 1% comment is a classic error people make.  it's like betting on roulette and "it's come up on red 18 times in a row.  the chances of it coming up red again, making it 19 times in a row, is miniscule!"

of course a lot of writers would predict this accurately.  if there are 100 out there, and 20 of them predicted the Giants to win, you have 20 writers who get this right.  now that is odds.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Freakin' amazing.

So glad the Pats lost. Screw you, Boston sports fans! Screw you, cheating coaches! Screw you, smug Tom Brady! Screw you, frontrunning so-called "fans"!

And one of the best games I've ever seen, period. Last three minutes especially were insane. An all-time great upset.

Seriously, if Eli Manning retired right now, they should retire his number in New York. It was that kind of upset.

Half-time was pretty good too. Not as good as Prince playing Purple Rain on the Prince-shaped guitar in the rain, but entertaining enough.

And I just looked this up: An 8-5 Giants team knocked off a 13-0 Bears team in the NFL championship in 1934. So the Giants have actually had an upset this big in the past.

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Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.