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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Hipocricy of Mayimoto.

Kasz216 said:
mike_intellivision said:

There was a Wacky Racers game on the Dreamcast.

Mike from Morgantown

You know. One of my greatest regrets was no owning a dreamcast when it was out proper. I'm sure the wacky racers game sucked... but still.... this makes me regret it a little more.

The DC Wacky Races game was actually rather good... it even has a Gamerankings score of 84%.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Around the Network
outlawauron said:
Wow people jumping to defend their almighty from a joke that meant no harm.

This is almost as bad as whenever some said that insomniac said that SMG copied R&C.

Well, in all fairness, at least Nintendo fans have someone worth defending.

Words Of Wisdom said:
outlawauron said:
Wow people jumping to defend their almighty from a joke that meant no harm.

This is almost as bad as whenever some said that insomniac said that SMG copied R&C.

Well, in all fairness, at least Nintendo fans have someone worth defending.

You're a fair and relevant poster, the most you post, the more I see that.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I don't know who is responsible for the miscommunication (or that there even was one) but I don't think Jaffe got the point and likely wouldn't have even if it was conveyed properly.

Everything I've heard/read about Miyamoto makes me think that he was genuinely looking at the mechanics of the game and asking the question not as a means to ridicule but as part of his design process where he looks at the basic concept for what it is.

On the other hand Jaffe has pretty much always been an elitist prick who simply doesn't care what others think of him. Its just his style and it has worked for him thus far. I point this out because I don't think it would matter to Jaffe if the quote was in or out of context, he would have said the same thing either way. I pretty much expect him to lash out at any comment about his games that isn't a blatant praise.....but for a lot of people thats part of his charm.

In truth there is nothing to see here. Its pretty much par for the course on both counts, Miyamoto says something deep yet cryptic and Jaffe gives a chuckle and lashes out. Really I don't care if they become pen pals or butt buddies, so long as they both keep making games for me to play


PS - yes I posted this in the other thread too 

To Each Man, Responsibility
ZenfoldorVGI said:
phil said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
inforcer2 said:
for those who take this so seriously
when did gaming get so serious where nothingca be taken as a joke

Because Miyamoto isn't joke fodder for an asshole like Jaffe, and we, as Nintendo fans, feel Jaffe should keep Miyamoto's fuckin' name out of his mouth.

If Miyamoto wants to be in the public eye, he's going to have to take some criticism. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Edit: If someone makes a funny joke about Miyamoto, then he is in fact joke fodder.

Anyhow, talk about a mountain out of a mole hill. The interviewer asked a bullshit question, and Jaffe delfated it. What's the big deal? Doesn't seem to me like he was taking a shot at anyone.

Because Miyamoto got into game developement to become famous.


I don't think he was taking a shot, I said as much in my next post, as I mostly blame the interviewer.

Whether he got into game development to be famous or not is irrelevent.  The fact of the matter is, as far as the gaming community goes, he is in the public eye, and is thus subject to criticism.  ANYONE who publishes ANYTHING is subject to criticism and jokes.  This is how things work, whether you worship the man or not.

Around the Network
ZenfoldorVGI said:
twesterm said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
outlawauron said:
Wow people jumping to defend their almighty from a joke that meant no harm.

This is almost as bad as whenever some said that insomniac said that SMG copied R&C.

Your constantly at odds with me on opinions, and being pro Jaffe, I deduce you are Sony fan?


^^ Wish I could delete my own posts, lol.

Why do you take things so personally? Jaffe does not equal Sony and liking Jaffe doesn't mean you hate Nintendo and love Sony.

Would you call me a Sony fanboy because I respect Jaffe as a good game designer and a funny fellow?

So I read it, and it has the crap about how the DS is worse than the PSP. I'm no retard. I have both systems, and I can see that no sane person could judge the PSP's actual library superior to the DS's library, its like saying the Wii has a better game selection than the 360 at this point. It would be nice, but it's just not true.

The issue is, he's not JUST up-playing the sony products, he's passive-agressively flaming Sony's biggest rival, Nintendo. What's worse, he's attempting to make his opinion seem unbiased and relevant, in an attempt to give it more creedance, and since he's a developer of a famous games, it DOES give him more creedance, than that of the average fanboy. The press loves him, because he's one of the few publishers who will give them the time of day, and again, their anti-Nintendo biased goals(believe in them or not) are furthered with every word that comes out of Jaffe's mouth...



The final straw against him for me, was when that stupid ass interviewer quotes Miyamoto out of context(who has more than likely never heard of Jaffe or Twisted Metal) in an attemt to get a good new controversial anti-Nintendo line out of him, and of course, he delivers with a zinger of epic proportions. All the sites(kotaku especially) LOVED it and prominantly displayed it.


This pissed off Nintendo fans, to no end, who feel that Miyamoto is, of course, the best developer of all time(which can be backed up with facts, but I digress), and Jaffe is a flavor of the month, who stumbled onto a great franchise, but hasn't quite proven himself as the struggling artist he likes to picture himself as.



Then again, maybe I'm taking things too seriously.

"I have both systems, and I can see that no sane person could judge the PSP's actual library superior to the DS's library..."

Right, because it's entirely impossible for someone to hate using a stylus and just not find the kind of games that come out on the DS unappealing?

"The issue is, he's not JUST up-playing the sony products, he's passive-agressively flaming Sony's biggest rival, Nintendo. What's worse, he's attempting to make his opinion seem unbiased and relevant, in an attempt to give it more creedance, and since he's a developer of a famous games, it DOES give him more creedance, than that of the average fanboy. The press loves him, because he's one of the few publishers who will give them the time of day, and again, their anti-Nintendo biased goals(believe in them or not) are furthered with every word that comes out of Jaffe's mouth..."

Anti-Nintendo bias in the gaming press?  You must be joking?  You're overly defensive over NOTHING.  There is no Anti-Nintendo bias.  You're imagining an enemy that doesn't exist.

"This pissed off Nintendo fans, to no end, who feel that Miyamoto is, of course, the best developer of all time(which can be backed up with facts, but I digress)"

Oh?  I beg you to back up a matter which is entirely subjective with facts.  I really want to see you do something that Western Philosophy has thought impossible for 3000 years.  This would be quite the breakthrough!

"Then again, maybe I'm taking things too seriously."

Oh, just a tad. 

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
outlawauron said:
Wow people jumping to defend their almighty from a joke that meant no harm.

This is almost as bad as whenever some said that insomniac said that SMG copied R&C.

Well, in all fairness, at least Nintendo fans have someone worth defending.

You're a fair and relevant poster, the most you post, the more I see that.

Read: We share points of view.

phil said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
outlawauron said:
Wow people jumping to defend their almighty from a joke that meant no harm.

This is almost as bad as whenever some said that insomniac said that SMG copied R&C.

Well, in all fairness, at least Nintendo fans have someone worth defending.

You're a fair and relevant poster, the most you post, the more I see that.

Read: We share points of view.

This just means I'm not filling my daily quota of Wii-bashing.  I'll get on that right away. 

Mustn't let the soccer moms get too comfy after all.