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I don't know who is responsible for the miscommunication (or that there even was one) but I don't think Jaffe got the point and likely wouldn't have even if it was conveyed properly.

Everything I've heard/read about Miyamoto makes me think that he was genuinely looking at the mechanics of the game and asking the question not as a means to ridicule but as part of his design process where he looks at the basic concept for what it is.

On the other hand Jaffe has pretty much always been an elitist prick who simply doesn't care what others think of him. Its just his style and it has worked for him thus far. I point this out because I don't think it would matter to Jaffe if the quote was in or out of context, he would have said the same thing either way. I pretty much expect him to lash out at any comment about his games that isn't a blatant praise.....but for a lot of people thats part of his charm.

In truth there is nothing to see here. Its pretty much par for the course on both counts, Miyamoto says something deep yet cryptic and Jaffe gives a chuckle and lashes out. Really I don't care if they become pen pals or butt buddies, so long as they both keep making games for me to play


PS - yes I posted this in the other thread too 

To Each Man, Responsibility