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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anti-Nintendo biased in the enthusiast media

twesterm said:
How did you get that Kotaku is biased against the Wii?

Lately, Kotaku is the anthesis of Anti-Wii passive-agression.


1. Consistantly pro Jaffe.

2. Very negative and critical about Brawl supply issues.

3. Called Nintendo numbers fakes, vs EA's predictions, but failed to explain where those 2 million consoles went.

4. Very critical of Nintendo patents for new controller ideas, "

Nintendo's Wii Peripheral Patents Are Hilariously Bad"

5. Very critical of Wii Fit early on, and sales of all casual Nintendo games.

6. Heavily criticized SSB:B for online not working immediately and suggested Nintendo "ease into the whole online thing," while in another article, talking about how great the game would have been if it had a "proper online mode" like PSN or XBL, this is from playing on release day, btw.

7. Recently said this, " Rolleyes.gif. Ed, we're not talking about genres, we're talking about quality. Endless minigame compilations on the Wii would be fine by me, so long as they were good. As it stands, they're not, and once the shine of the console and Wii Sports wears off, it's good games that Wii owners are going to need to keep them from throwing it in the back of the closet."

8. Claims to be unentheusiastically unsuprised to find out Miyamoto is planning to work on a new Mario and Zelda game.

9. Online community is heavily Anti-Wii


These are over the last couple of day of posting.


I'll admit, this entire article is just my opinion. I really can't prove any of it. Call me a consiracy theorist, but I just get a bad feeling every time I read a kotaku article that there is going to be a little negative jib about the Wii in there, at the end, to add to the pile.


Definately not an unopinionated or understanding site when it comes to any mistakes by big publishers in the gaming industry, I guess it could just be that there are more stories about Nintendo and the Wii than any other console, or company. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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BenKenobi88 said:

Or that is pro-Nintendo?? o.0

Anyway, from gamers themselves, the Wii does get a ton of crap, for its third party support, casual marketing, motion sensing controls, you name it, there's a bingo chip for it.

But each console gets its share of criticisms, fair or not...I say just get used to it...fanboys aren't going to suddenly snap and realize they're idiots.

Well said. To be fair, there are a large number of Pro-Nintendo supporters in all communities across the internet, and we're growing. However, we're(undecided plus nintendo fans) still only about 1/3 of the populas, would be my guess, and the thing is, everyone who isn't in that 1/3, adamantly hates Nintendo. That number has been significantly increased since the Wii started outselling every system so exquisitly.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


  1. ZenfoldorVGI said:
twesterm said:
How did you get that Kotaku is biased against the Wii?

Lately, Kotaku is the anthesis of Anti-Wii passive-agression.


1. Consistantly pro Jaffe.

2. Very negative and critical about Brawl supply issues.

3. Called Nintendo numbers fakes, vs EA's predictions, but failed to explain where those 2 million consoles went.

4. Very critical of Nintendo patents for new controller ideas, "

Nintendo's Wii Peripheral Patents Are Hilariously Bad"

5. Very critical of Wii Fit early on, and sales of all casual Nintendo games.

6. Heavily criticized SSB:B for online not working immediately and suggested Nintendo "ease into the whole online thing," while in another article, talking about how great the game would have been if it had a "proper online mode" like PSN or XBL, this is from playing on release day, btw.

7. Recently said this, " Rolleyes.gif. Ed, we're not talking about genres, we're talking about quality. Endless minigame compilations on the Wii would be fine by me, so long as they were good. As it stands, they're not, and once the shine of the console and Wii Sports wears off, it's good games that Wii owners are going to need to keep them from throwing it in the back of the closet."

8. Claims to be unentheusiastically unsuprised to find out Miyamoto is planning to work on a new Mario and Zelda game.

9. Online community is heavily Anti-Wii


These are over the last couple of day of posting.


I'll admit, this entire article is just my opinion. I really can't prove any of it. Call me a consiracy theorist, but I just get a bad feeling every time I read a kotaku article that there is going to be a little negative jib about the Wii in there, at the end, to add to the pile.


Definately not an unopinionated or understanding site when it comes to any mistakes by big publishers in the gaming industry, I guess it could just be that there are more stories about Nintendo and the Wii than any other console, or company.

  1. How is being pro Jaffe being anti-Nintendo? The people that get offended by his comment really do just take things too seriously.
  2. They're pretty critical and negative about a lot of things. They're probably being pretty critical of it because Japan doesn't traditionally sell out of things first day. And as it turns out, there were still plenty of copies left after first day.
  3. Didn't see that article (not saying it didn't exist, just missed that one).
  4. Yeah, did you see the patents, they really are hilariously bad? They put Wii Remotes on an actual bike. I would be more surprised if they didn't laugh at those.
  5. Just about everyone but Nintendo was pretty critical of Wii Fit early on.
  6. I wouldn't call one story heavily criticized.
  7. What story is that from? I don't go along memorizing random snippets of stories so it would really help to see the context.
  8. That doesn't mean they're anti Wii or ant Nintendo, it just means they want to see somethingn new. I love Zelda and Mario but I can't fault someone for wanting to see something new.
  9. That's the online community, not Kotaku. The online community consists of comments and nothing else that 90% of the users don't even read. If you do read those comments, you'll notice that it's the same 10-15 people commenting over and over again with a few random people slipped in between that get ignored by the 10-15 people anyways unless they make some outrageous comment.

Just because someone posts a negative Wii article doesn't mean they're anti-Wii, I think that's where you're getting confused. If you want to find something with bias, go to some place like GoNintendo or PSCenter, but sites like Kotaku and the likes aren't really biased.

I'm sure if I really felt like searching I could also find nine reasons why I think Kotaku is biased against the PS3 and 360. Hell, if I really felt like putting in the effort I could probably find nine reasons why Kotaku is biased towards the Wii, 360, and PS3.

The EA article was bad reading on Plunkett's part, EA was talking about 2007, sales which are th same as VGC's figures almost, but Plunkett forgot that Wii went on sale in 2006 and also forgot 2008 sales


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Gamespot unbiased? Roffle! They've been riding the 360's sack since CNET took over. They won't even acknowledge Wii 3rd party exclusives. I'm still waiting for that Fatal Frame article, exclusive publishing rights is a big deal.

Kotaku isn't big on anti-Wii, you can find much worst sites, but I do notice that they break their neck to add justt he tiniest little jab at Wii/DS games every now and then.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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1. Considering Jaffe has been the biggest Wii detractor in the industry, imo, and considering...well, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.

2. They certainly are.

3. Hold on, I'll link

4. Well, I think some of them could be interesting, like the goggles for headtracking, perhaps. There is no excuse for them to be so heavily criticized in the title for the article, imo.

5. Yes, but last week Kotaku started the "Nintendo you've gone to far" and unfairly classified the Japanese based meditation minigame as "Wiifit is a game where you set still and don't fun." paraphrased

6. 2 seperate stories and a segway. However, it was the "final word" type sum up of the online that got my panties in a bunch, as if it had already failed to have an online mode.

7. It's from a story that says Patcher says the Wii will lose in worldwide sales by 2010. Out of the 5 page article, the only quote that could be considered pro nintendo is the one that was purposefully quoted and replied too, by Kotaku. Its in response to the very first sentence in this topic.

8. It certainly doesn't put them on board with most industry reviewers or Nintendo fans, who actually kinda like those games. It proves nothing, but..ya know. "Mario and Zelda again, Boo!" is number 2 out of the fanboy playbook alltime countdown.

9. The online community is so anti-wii because of the nature of the site, and not the other way around. The same way this sites community is pro Wii due to the nature of videogame sales atm. imho.

The thing is, I looked for anti 360 and PS3 articles over the 4 backpages I checked to find those about Nintendo, and I found:

A. A lamentation about how the 360 could have gotten NMH.

B. A rumor about the PS3 getting slimmed down.

C. A RRoD article that isn't critical of the RRoD.

D. This comment about the Wii, which I missed initially: What the hell, Xbox Live Arcade? I was playing Sudoku on my PlayStation 3 within weeks of the console's release, and of course the Wii isn't powerful enough to handle Sudoku (kidding - don't kill me), so what's your excuse?

E. An article about how head tracking should come to the PS3.



Wait man. You know what. Kotaku is biased against the Wii. I can't find one damn article saying anything negative about the PS3 or 360, or anything really positive about the Wii.

I mean, I never realized how anti Wii this site was until I made this list and then looked back over it for digs against other system.

It's downright depressing.

I've changed my stance. This isn't an opinion anymore. This site is terribly biased against the Wii and Nintendo, and makes no attempt to hide it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I wouldn't say Kotaku is anit-Wii. Lately Brain Ashcraft has been dumping on it for no reason though. One of the things I like best about Kotaku is that the editors don't force themselves to come to a consensus. Some favor Wii, some 360, some PS3. As a whole, they both love and hate all consoles equally. There's been a lot crappy Wii posts from Ashcraft lately (calling SSBB a GC 1.5 game etc.), but it's not enough to judge the site by, it's only enough to say Ashcraft doesn't like Wii.

So is Luke Plunkett, at a minimum.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I see it as understandable why there seems to be a anit-Wii bias. Unfortunetly i think you have it slightly off by (as you seem to imply) is a jealousy or hatred towards a company having such success. The internet video game media tend to be filled with a certain enthusiast (you have to be in order to have video games be your job).

While some people see it as great what Nintendo is doing, by increasing the market, getting people into video games that werent in it before, others may feel that they are essentially ignoring the big user and consumer of video games, the "hardcore" gamer.

Its kind of like, think of a band you loved and were an avid listener of. A small, semi underground band. Then you slowly notice them changing their style to become a more "mainstream" sound. While yes, its great for them as more people will listen to them, its bad for their original fans as the band had to essentially sell out, and change their style, be it maybe not as heavy of a sound, or taking it easy on the lyrics, in order to get those new groups of fans.

Many of those "lifetime gamers" may feel alienate do to the change Nintendo is making in order to get more gamers. Yes, all the casual games are great to bring in new gamers, but it leaves a lot of the old school gamers wanting something more. While Nintendo is saying they are expanding the market, and bringing the joy of video games to millions who have never experienced them before, others may say they are selling out, and only diminishing the experience of video games to make more money.

While there is some argument that "the Wii IS hardcore", the response i have to that is: if thats the case, why are so many people still buying x360s and PS3s, especially if they already own a Wii? Is it possible a certain "gaming desire" is not totally fulfilled by the Wii? Why is it you hear a lot, even from Wii owners themselves, that the Wii is a secondary console?

One thing i think no one can really argue is that Nintendo, by choose or because they just need to try harder, doesnt cater much to the "core, adult" demographic. Look at last weeks top sellers by system. compare 360/PS3 games to Wii games. Only 3 of the top 20 games last week could be considered to be meant for an older audience (4 if you count GH 3) compared to pretty much all 20 (besides 2 or 3) in the X360 and PS3 top 20s/

It was worse in the GameCube days. Now the ''Nintendo-sucks!!1!!1!'' articles and comments are different, but as insulting as in previous generation. But now we can remind everybody of how good it sells, something we couldn´t do last gen.

Nintendo fans can handle the criticism and fanboyism, trust me.