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  1. ZenfoldorVGI said:
twesterm said:
How did you get that Kotaku is biased against the Wii?

Lately, Kotaku is the anthesis of Anti-Wii passive-agression.


1. Consistantly pro Jaffe.

2. Very negative and critical about Brawl supply issues.

3. Called Nintendo numbers fakes, vs EA's predictions, but failed to explain where those 2 million consoles went.

4. Very critical of Nintendo patents for new controller ideas, "

Nintendo's Wii Peripheral Patents Are Hilariously Bad"

5. Very critical of Wii Fit early on, and sales of all casual Nintendo games.

6. Heavily criticized SSB:B for online not working immediately and suggested Nintendo "ease into the whole online thing," while in another article, talking about how great the game would have been if it had a "proper online mode" like PSN or XBL, this is from playing on release day, btw.

7. Recently said this, " Rolleyes.gif. Ed, we're not talking about genres, we're talking about quality. Endless minigame compilations on the Wii would be fine by me, so long as they were good. As it stands, they're not, and once the shine of the console and Wii Sports wears off, it's good games that Wii owners are going to need to keep them from throwing it in the back of the closet."

8. Claims to be unentheusiastically unsuprised to find out Miyamoto is planning to work on a new Mario and Zelda game.

9. Online community is heavily Anti-Wii


These are over the last couple of day of posting.


I'll admit, this entire article is just my opinion. I really can't prove any of it. Call me a consiracy theorist, but I just get a bad feeling every time I read a kotaku article that there is going to be a little negative jib about the Wii in there, at the end, to add to the pile.


Definately not an unopinionated or understanding site when it comes to any mistakes by big publishers in the gaming industry, I guess it could just be that there are more stories about Nintendo and the Wii than any other console, or company.

  1. How is being pro Jaffe being anti-Nintendo? The people that get offended by his comment really do just take things too seriously.
  2. They're pretty critical and negative about a lot of things. They're probably being pretty critical of it because Japan doesn't traditionally sell out of things first day. And as it turns out, there were still plenty of copies left after first day.
  3. Didn't see that article (not saying it didn't exist, just missed that one).
  4. Yeah, did you see the patents, they really are hilariously bad? They put Wii Remotes on an actual bike. I would be more surprised if they didn't laugh at those.
  5. Just about everyone but Nintendo was pretty critical of Wii Fit early on.
  6. I wouldn't call one story heavily criticized.
  7. What story is that from? I don't go along memorizing random snippets of stories so it would really help to see the context.
  8. That doesn't mean they're anti Wii or ant Nintendo, it just means they want to see somethingn new. I love Zelda and Mario but I can't fault someone for wanting to see something new.
  9. That's the online community, not Kotaku. The online community consists of comments and nothing else that 90% of the users don't even read. If you do read those comments, you'll notice that it's the same 10-15 people commenting over and over again with a few random people slipped in between that get ignored by the 10-15 people anyways unless they make some outrageous comment.

Just because someone posts a negative Wii article doesn't mean they're anti-Wii, I think that's where you're getting confused. If you want to find something with bias, go to some place like GoNintendo or PSCenter, but sites like Kotaku and the likes aren't really biased.

I'm sure if I really felt like searching I could also find nine reasons why I think Kotaku is biased against the PS3 and 360. Hell, if I really felt like putting in the effort I could probably find nine reasons why Kotaku is biased towards the Wii, 360, and PS3.