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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Even If MS Were To Completely Reverse Their DRM Now, Would You Trust Them Again?


Would you trust Microsoft again?

Yes 40 19.23%
No 168 80.77%

i trust no one. especially businesses. But I am very happy M$ listened finally!!!!!!! i got to give credit when credit is due. It had to be bad if M$ changed it across the board. again, Thank you M$.


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Wright said:
MDMAlliance said:
Damnyouall said:


Too late, Microsoft. You have shown your hand.

I don't even get this post.  

Microsoft has completely reversed their DRM policy, hence the post.

What I don't get is why "You have shown your hand" is in there.  

The real question is would I really trust any big corporation? Obviously the answer to that is no. I may buy their products but that doesn't mean I trust them per say.

One thing that people need to realize with this whole situation is that both Sony and Microsoft (and I'm sure to some extent, Nintendo...although that one's up in the air) wanted to go that route. MS took a gamble and tried to implement such policies whilst Sony, seeing the backlash, did the smart thing and used that to their advantage by not following suit.

But rest assured, regardless of what a company tells you, they are first and foremost out for your money and will do anything that they can to get it.

MDMAlliance said:
Wright said:

Microsoft has completely reversed their DRM policy, hence the post.

What I don't get is why "You have shown your hand" is in there.  

Well, hum...


Just for the record, BEFORE Microsoft backpaddled, 81% said they wouldn't trust them again. Neither will I. They tried to take away my property rights, because of greed. They only reversed their stance when they saw that PS4 preorders were 2-5x as high as Xbone's.

"Well certainly with the Xbox 360, we had some challenges at the launch. Once we identified that we took control of it. We wanted to do it right by our customers. Our customers are very important to us." -Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb (10/2013). Note: RRoD was fixed with the Jasper-revision 3 years after the launch of 360

"People don't pay attention to a lot of the details."-Yusuf Mehdi explaining why Xbone DRM scheme would succeed

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360,”-Don Mattrick

"The region locking of the 3DS wasn't done for profits on games"-MDMAlliance

Around the Network
Damnyouall said:
They tried to take away my property rights, because of greed.

You sound like no other company has done this.

I'm for gaming. Yes MS sucks for trying this... and I will wait a long time before I buy the console... but I still want to support game devs that for some stupid reason decided to support MS exclusively... The fact that they said "we listened to the fans" made me sick though

antfromtashkent said:
I'm for gaming. Yes MS sucks for trying this... and I will wait a long time before I buy the console... but I still want to support game devs that for some stupid reason decided to support MS exclusively... The fact that they said "we listened to the fans" made me sick though

Yep, fact is they did not listen TO THE FANS. They saw the low preorder numbers and got scared that it wasn't just a "vocal minority" of people who wouldn't put up with thir anti-consumer nonsense, after all.

I still think they deserve to be punished for this, and I am voting with my wallet.

"Well certainly with the Xbox 360, we had some challenges at the launch. Once we identified that we took control of it. We wanted to do it right by our customers. Our customers are very important to us." -Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb (10/2013). Note: RRoD was fixed with the Jasper-revision 3 years after the launch of 360

"People don't pay attention to a lot of the details."-Yusuf Mehdi explaining why Xbone DRM scheme would succeed

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360,”-Don Mattrick

"The region locking of the 3DS wasn't done for profits on games"-MDMAlliance

Microsoft burnt me on the 360, so I didn't trust them prior to the One reveal. One reveal kinda sealed their fate, and overall hurt them IMO.

360 burnt me because:

a) I got an extended warrenty and couldn't use it on RRoD problems because of MS's new extended warrenty. They refused to replace my original model with an HDMI model (which was my goal from day 1), sent me a broken model, and refused to fix it multiple times when the 3rd model they sent me started to break. I eventually got an HDMI model thanks to a nice floor manager at Best Buy.

b) Stoped producing good exclusives after 2010 (with the exception of Alan Wake). No more JRPG exclusives.

c) New policies on XBL suck. No more free to play online for silver members for games free to play on PC. No more free to play Halo on social playlists. No more discounts on DLC when old

d) New 1st party games have achievements which promote owning XBLG, or buying other games new (need Halo CEA new to get everything in Reach, can't get it used because you need to install the map pack, and play a Halo Reach Playlist)

e) Had issues connecting to my hotmail account because of "improved sequirity." Finally got in, but I couldn't activate an XBLG card for a month. Resolved that issue by changing my e-mail, but now I can't play games on my phone for a month until I can switch the e-mail back.


One still burns me because:

a) Killer Instinct is a freeware game, and not a full retail game.

b) Can't unplug Kinect.

c) Tried to get away with more burning, but the people had enough. They only buckled after a month of bad press, is this going to be a constant policy on MS?

d) What's going to happen with the $10 of MS points I have now? Can't use them on Mobile games or One...

Sony and Nintendo never did any of that, but Sony burnt me a bit too. My first gen PS1 & PS2 broke after 5 years, and my PS3 (which I bought used) broke after 2. However all were first gen, so I'll try Sony again with a second gen console.

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People still trust Sony after repeatedly screwing over consumers. The average consumer forgets very quickly. HOWEVER, no one should trust any of these companies, loyalty is undeserved, they aren't evil perse, but their goals are to separate you from your money to increase their bottom line. If in the process of doing that they make you happy then all is well and good, but that isn't their primary intention, it is a means to an end.