Meh they are going to need to changes the name of this game then to super MK ditto! There going to be a lot of boring fights inc for videos.
Meh they are going to need to changes the name of this game then to super MK ditto! There going to be a lot of boring fights inc for videos.
"We would like to thank the 3,179 people that voted in the public poll and everyone that took the time to read both sides of the argument ( to become better educated on probably the most polarizing issue in the Smash community since the items debate in 2002-2004."
What was the outcome of the items debate in 2002-2004?
Wii code: 1534 8127 5081 0969
Brawl code: 1762-4131-9390
Member of the Pikmin Fan Club
Its best to have no out come with things like this. Better to leave it to each group that is making the machs up.
JUG said: "We would like to thank the 3,179 people that voted in the public poll and everyone that took the time to read both sides of the argument ( to become better educated on probably the most polarizing issue in the Smash community since the items debate in 2002-2004." What was the outcome of the items debate in 2002-2004? |
I'm pretty sure it was concluded that items should be turned off for competitive play since there are very few tournaments where items are allowed.
Signature goes here!
TruckOSaurus said:
I'm pretty sure it was concluded that items should be turned off for competitive play since there are very few tournaments where items are allowed. |
Actually I'm fairly certain the outcome was items are to be banned from competitive play due to their random and unpredictable effects and placement. A pokeball could spawn next to the person losing and turn it into a win depending on the pokemon or you could be mid combo and have an unlucky bob-omb spawn on top of you mid attack and kill yourself with it. Theres no way to effectively control where and when they spawn so its basically taking the game and forcing you to play against the games mechanics instead of your opponent. Not to mention 90% of the items could be an instant KO when used properly. When the items took more stocks then the characters themselves it just became silly to use them.
My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!
I think that all tournaments should have only footballs and Mr Saturn. That would soon sort the men from the boys.
Wii code: 1534 8127 5081 0969
Brawl code: 1762-4131-9390
Member of the Pikmin Fan Club
Damn where did that lag come from? We were fine the first two games!
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Great Tao and B4L! Good to see you guys back in the Brawl!
@Tao: Great Peach/Ness duels! That last KO was just perfect: an helpless after-PK Thunder Ness and me waiting with a bob-omb!
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yea great duels truck, i was playing with everything i had on those matches. and the last match when i saw pull the bomb out i was like oh shit lol. i couldn't do anything after i landed only thing i saw was "GAME" on the screen lmao
3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815