Actually I practiced all that stuff by myself when my controller was fine.You would find out more when I get my new black GC controller on Friday :)
Actually I practiced all that stuff by myself when my controller was fine.You would find out more when I get my new black GC controller on Friday :)
Is it wired or wireless? I had major issues with wired GCN controllers (b button sticking and c stick messed up). Kept sending them back to Nintendo back in the day and I would get new ones supposedly. They would end up having the same problem in a matter of days - weeks. I finally got my hands on a wavebird and never went back (bought 4 wavebirds).
sethnintendo said: Is it wired or wireless? I had major issues with wired GCN controllers (b button sticking and c stick messed up). Kept sending them back to Nintendo back in the day and I would get new ones supposedly. They would end up having the same problem in a matter of days - weeks. I finally got my hands on a wavebird and never went back (bought 4 wavebirds). |
Wired.According to a friend wireless online is not that responsive.And there is a certain lag.
ctk495 said: Actually I practiced all that stuff by myself when my controller was fine.You would find out more when I get my new black GC controller on Friday :) |
o is that so!? i think them are fighting words my friend!
I didn't notice anything too bad while playing tonight online with my wavebird. I noticed game lag more than anything. Maybe since there was constant small game lag I didn't notice it.
Hells75 said: truck you need to come to saturday tourney in montreal ally and holy will be there |
I won't be able to make it. I'm visiting my family this weekend. I'll be rooting for you! You can do it, you can beat Ally!
Signature goes here!
Won more than I lost. Always good.
Zelda match was the best of the night. Poor Captain Falcon just couldn't kill her. Then again, Zelda's Up-Smash sent him flying far far too many times without killing.
The Luigi match where Tao and I smashed each other at the end was great too. Unfortunately for Tao, it wasn't hard enough to kill Luigi.
Good games guys/gals.
I miss this brawl nights where my eyes actually start to water from staring at the TV too long. haha
Glad too see some old faces again. WoW( your defense with lucario is brutal) and Tao ( Your Ness is better than Lucas again!) especially, seems like forever since I last played you guys.
I'm out for the night.
Still have to do the final stretch of my Spring college finals.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!) Tags?
iclim4 said: WoW( your defense with lucario is brutal) |
That was so fun. I actually haven't used Lucario in forever. Random never seems to pick him.
For some reason, I simply love playing Lucario judo-style where every other attack is a grab.
Fun games last night Brawl, Tao, Iclim. Apparently I joined after WoW left. Still it was fun. Poor brawl... he had an off night.