i work during week-end nights
-Dash-Myoku- said: Good games everyone. I love team battles, cause that's when my Ike can really shine. KO Powerhouse? I think so. xD |
Where you the ike guy?I was kari :) anyway add me next time we play by the way sorry for not playing my best I haven't warn up so I was making silly mistakes :P
I see you can short hop now nice you should try to arrow loop :D
ctk495 said:
Where you the ike guy?I was kari :) anyway add me next time we play by the way sorry for not playing my best I haven't warn up so I was making silly mistakes :P @brute I see you can short hop now nice you should try to arrow loop :D
Why yes, yes I was. And sure...though I thought we added eachother the last match or two, I can't remember though.
And don't worry about it. We all have our off days. Well...I do, anyways. lol
Wait, what?
Brawl Code - Well...ask. :D
I wish I could play the whole night but there is something called school :( anyway nice +7 against tao,shea and luin.
Good night everyone I'm off to watch some digimon.
ctk495 said: Good night everyone I'm off to watch some digimon. |
I thought they cancelled that.
I'm up for some brawls if anyone is still around. I'm going to be online.
Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"
Words Of Wisdom said: Those matches were awesome. ^_^ That match where iclim4's Pit and Tao's Ness were going at it was great. iclim4's Pit just refused to die. Oh and Tao, you should know Peach doesn't get along with smelly people like Snake. ![]() |
3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815
Well I'm calling it a night.
4 hours of brawling. O_O
Great brawls and duels WoW, WaSu, Luin, Tao, Twilit, Shea *Breath* and fred.
WoW dominated, Luin and shizzlee mario dittos with their cape antics were hilarious. Me and tao still make a great team in health recovery in a Free for all.
Ike > Peach in air battle. =P DDD is hard as hell to KO.
And WaSu reminded me how badass DK can be.
Awesome Brawl night for me guys.
Don't forget to show up again next wednesday. ^_^
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!) Tags?
... I think Ivo got upset after seeing my crappy Pika. So, Ivo, getting back into Sonic or something?
Fun games everyone. My favorite kill was on Cox's samus with Wolf. I've haven't gotten up to 200+ in a long time :3 Got revenge on my cute wittle Yoshi, though. ^-^