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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

poop. no one is ever on at this time except for twilit,but he never joins my game

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

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Possum5454 said:
poop. no one is ever on at this time except for twilit,but he never joins my game

 Oh. I forgot I was on. I can go for a few matches.


Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

Amazing how this thread has alot of posts.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

Gamertag: MrKetchup911 (Add me up)

skeezer said:
WOW 10,000 posts on this thread!!!!!!!

 Congratz you are now the 10,000th poster, GREAT JOB!

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pichu_pichu said:
skeezer said:
WOW 10,000 posts on this thread!!!!!!!

Congratz you are now the 10,000th poster, GREAT JOB!

Nope, he's the 10,001.  Riot of the Blood was 10,000.

So in my dream Avril Lavigne sat on my lap and then..... of shit I am not suppose to talk about this everybody here is under 14 it is not soriku safe :p

Well speaking of something else brute did you go to smashboards?

Sry for ending early possum. Have to do something real quick.

thats ok, i had fun

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

Now that this thread has reach 10,000 it needs more FMA