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Forums - Sony Discussion - [Rumour] Sony recipe for success in Japan. Slim PS3 this fall.

Its too early, although if given the proper marketing it could have an impact. I'm fairly sure PS2 would still be hovering about 87-98 million if it wasn't for the slim.



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rocketpig said:
Noobie said:
rocketpig said:
HappySqurriel said:
rocketpig said:
I don't see it happening this year. Power6 architecture is just too damned hot and needs 45nm process at least, not to mention a few GPU shrinks (the RSX is still 90nm).

Even then, the power brick would be pretty large for the unit. Maybe in 2009 but I don't think it will happen in this calendar year.

I thought all processors this generation were based off of the Power 3 architecture?

Power6, actually... Except the Wii. I think that's Power5, isn't it? Same tech as Apples' G4, IIRC.

What I said about the PS3 applies to the 360, too. Maybe even more so because of its tri-core chip.

Do you have any link for the claim u make that Cell is based on Power6... cell do take few architectural units from Power6 or u can say other way, but overall they r quite different in their basis and their concepts. and the main central processor is more like G4 variant, this is wot i have read mainly..

but if u have any reference i will surely like to get corrected... But if its based on Power6 architecture even then the general floor plan of the Cell is going to be almost completely different and it may or may not face the troubles IBM Power6 is facing...

Btw while searching for the link i found this interesting link...

I really love how many words you cut out by using "r" or "u", but the fact still remains that the Cell processor is based on IBM's Power technology.

Let's play a game... It's called "Queen's English". You post a comment using only words that make sense. Then I will respond. It's not a difficult game and chances are that you will win if you have the vocabulary beyond a first grader.

Okay.... Go!

PS. Any monkey who pays attention to processors realizes that the C377 is based on old IBM technology, the same technology that spawned the Xenon.

If you want to get into an argument about how the Cell was created to be a server processor to massively crunch numbers and how it's not nearly as fit for gaming as the Xenon, I'm all game.

Rocketpig, if you want to be a douche about it fine.

Power6:Was announced in March of 2007. Further, its a dual-core, smt design, a focus on doing both integer and floating point well, with a basis of large amounts of cache per core. Sooo IBM based the Cell architecture on a thereforeto unannounced processor line, of which it shares nothing in common, designed by two completely different design teams.

I know that's hard to understand, but Wikipedia is your friend.

If you want to make an argument based on facts rather than unfounded arrogance, I too am game.

A slim PS3 is not an answer to a casual japanese market. Sony has to find an answer to Wii Sports, Fit and Play and the wiimote.

rocketpig said:
Noobie said:
rocketpig said:
HappySqurriel said:
rocketpig said:
I don't see it happening this year. Power6 architecture is just too damned hot and needs 45nm process at least, not to mention a few GPU shrinks (the RSX is still 90nm).

Even then, the power brick would be pretty large for the unit. Maybe in 2009 but I don't think it will happen in this calendar year.

I thought all processors this generation were based off of the Power 3 architecture?

Power6, actually... Except the Wii. I think that's Power5, isn't it? Same tech as Apples' G4, IIRC.

What I said about the PS3 applies to the 360, too. Maybe even more so because of its tri-core chip.

Do you have any link for the claim u make that Cell is based on Power6... cell do take few architectural units from Power6 or u can say other way, but overall they r quite different in their basis and their concepts. and the main central processor is more like G4 variant, this is wot i have read mainly..

but if u have any reference i will surely like to get corrected... But if its based on Power6 architecture even then the general floor plan of the Cell is going to be almost completely different and it may or may not face the troubles IBM Power6 is facing...

Btw while searching for the link i found this interesting link...

I really love how many words you cut out by using "r" or "u", but the fact still remains that the Cell processor is based on IBM's Power technology.

Let's play a game... It's called "Queen's English". You post a comment using only words that make sense. Then I will respond. It's not a difficult game and chances are that you will win if you have the vocabulary beyond a first grader.

Okay.... Go!

PS. Any monkey who pays attention to processors realizes that the C377 is based on old IBM technology, the same technology that spawned the Xenon.

If you want to get into an argument about how the Cell was created to be a server processor to massively crunch numbers and how it's not nearly as fit for gaming as the Xenon, I'm all game.

If you're going to criticize someone else's English, then perhaps getting your grammar right is a good idea. It's also worth pointing out that your use of English is so far below "Queen's English" levels that people who actually speak like that would view you and Noobie as essentially on par.

PS: Next time, why don't you refute the substance of what he posted instead of calling him a monkey along with other non productive ad hominem attacks? Oh, do they not teach you that in moderator school?

As I said

just put a FF logo & artwork on the PS3 bundled with FFXIII & it will outsell everything else for weeks

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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The reason it's too early is because you not only want new buyers to pickup an upgraded model, but existing owners as well. If it's released this year, none of the existing owners will want to upgrade because their existing units will still be quite new.

FishyJoe said:
The reason it's too early is because you not only want new buyers to pickup an upgraded model, but existing owners as well. If it's released this year, none of the existing owners will want to upgrade because their existing units will still be quite new.

Very good point, never thought on that line.. but may be they can do size reduction twice in PS3 lifecycle..

Its important right now, as not only to increase sales in Japan but also to reduce manufacturing cost further..

and then after 3 more years they can get a slim version to make existing PS3 owners to upgrade...

I like the sound of this but its a rumour from an "anonymous" source. I don't know many anonymous sources that are right on rumours.

Although its almost guarenteed sometime in the near future we'll be seeing a slim PS3.