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Forums - Sales Discussion - EA: PS3 to outsell 360 next year, Wii still on top

Ail said:
makingmusic476 said:
Ail said:

Those numbers look mostly reasonnable although I would say Wii sales in the US are probably going to be higher than that.

Don't forget they don't list Japan sales so for WW sales of Wii you probably need to add like 4 Million units..

Crap, you're right. Their 9.5-11.5 ps3 estimate doesn't include Japan either. That's insane. 0_o

Though I think that they may have lumped Japan in with Europe, hence their ps3 estimate being so much higher than their 360 estimate.

I don't think Japan is included for 2 reasons.

1- They mention Western sales

2- Japan isn't a market where EA is very present.

 If the ps3 sells 1-2 mil. in Japan next year, and EA's estimates prove true, then the ps3 would sell 12-13 mil. next year.  That's insanely high, imo.  If both FFXIII and GT5 hit next year, then I guess it's possible, but I don't expect either of those to until Spring '09 at the earliest.

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Wii should be like 14-16 million IMO

Wii sell in this year between 20m - 25m WW

I think PS3 will outsell 360 in the future and end in 2nd on this generation.

100% Coritiba Foot Ball Club!

I personally think their 2007 numbers are more interesting than their expectations for 2008 considering they give European sales estimation.

2006 numbers (in millions):

North America
Sony Playstation 3 0.7
Microsoft Xbox 360 3.9
Nintendo Wii 1.1
Sony Playstation 2 4.7
Total 10.4

Europe (1)
Sony Playstation 3 0.0
Microsoft Xbox 360 2.0
Nintendo Wii 0.7
Sony Playstation 2 6.0
Total 8.7

2007 numbers:

North America
Sony Playstation 3 2.6
Microsoft Xbox 360 4.6
Nintendo Wii 6.3
Sony Playstation 2 4.0
Total 17.5

Europe (1)
Sony Playstation 3 2.8
Microsoft Xbox 360 1.9
Nintendo Wii 4.8
Sony Playstation 2 3.8
Total 13.3

(1) North America hardware units for CY06 and CY07 are based on NPD TRSTS data; Europe hardware units for CY06 and CY07 are based on EA estimates as no services comparable to NPD TRSTS exist in Europe.

So according to EA Wii sold 4.8M, PS3 sold 2.8M and 360 sold 1.9M in Europe in 2007, although it is unclear how they reached those numbers. I would guess they're based on Gfk, Charttrack and other data they have. One disturbing fact for 360, they sold less in 2007 compared to 2006, while with the lower price point and better software line-up sales should really be going up instead.


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One factor that EA may be taking into account in its esitmates is the global economic slowdown.

The recession could dampen sales, particuarly at the high end.

Better to make too few games than too many. Conservative has worked for Nintendo.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


The ps3 will sell better overall than the 360 will this year simply because the ps3 has a stronger line-up.



I think their estimate of PS3 vs. 360 sales in NA may be pretty close to accurate. Americans love FPSs and most of the good FPSs are coming out on PS3 in 2008. You've got Haze, MGS4, and Resistance 2 just off the top of my head, and I can't think of any 360 FPSs to speak of except GeoW2 which will probably come out in '09. So, who knows, maybe the PS3 WILL sell on par with the 360 this year. In Europe, the PS3 will destroy the 360, but probably not by that much... (If the PS3's 2008 FPSs turn it around in NA and the UK, the 360 is done. period.)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

I agree with that, but the Wii will sell more than that in EU and US this year.