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souixan said:
I have to admit I'm ignorant on this, is Home gonna be a downloaded software or do you have to buy it like typical games? Also they're gonna charge for this?

 It's more or less a combination of a free media portal and a chat room.  I truly do think it's a neat idea, but my problem is that it will complicate everything it's made to do and there's already an easier and quicker alternative that every PS3 owner has: The Cross Media Bar.

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PDF said:
I am excited about home and want it to come out but I just want it be so I can just got to every building without having to virtualy walk everywhere, that would take way to long.

yeah, i hope sony implements sprinting as a roaming option.

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twesterm said:
souixan said:
I have to admit I'm ignorant on this, is Home gonna be a downloaded software or do you have to buy it like typical games? Also they're gonna charge for this?

It's more or less a combination of a free media portal and a chat room. I truly do think it's a neat idea, but my problem is that it will complicate everything it's made to do and there's already an easier and quicker alternative that every PS3 owner has: The Cross Media Bar.

It seems alright but ultimately useless.. there's definatly a market for these things but I'm not sure if they're people buying the PS3, perhaps later on when it hits sub 200$. If it's free I'll have it but I'll probably ignore it mostly like I do achievments and mii's I play with them or check them out once in a while but that's about it.. It looks to me like Sony is trying to link together some of the points of the 360 and the wii but there's a problem. People seem to like mii's because they're simplistic, casuals mostly won't buy a PS3 to make an avatar for 10 hours but they may buy a wii to make it look like them(cartoonishly of course) and then play wii sports with it. I dunno maybe I'm insane..

iclim4 said:
PDF said:
I am excited about home and want it to come out but I just want it be so I can just got to every building without having to virtualy walk everywhere, that would take way to long.

yeah, i hope sony implements sprinting as an option.

The problem is even with sprinting you're still physically moving the character from point A to B in a logically laid out world.

That means I could walk out my apartment door, select go to movie theater from some sort of quick travel menu, load the theater area (because it wouldn't be streamed at that point), walk from the beginning area to wherever I "buy" (whatever that may be) my tickets, browse through a list of movies, and then finally get to my movie.

If I have the urge to watch Pretty Pink Pony Adventures 7: The Pretty Pink Ponies Return To Whimsy Land, I don't want to go through all that hoopla, I just want to watch my movie.

Even my above example isn't even taking into account the crowded MMO effect. Anyone that plays any kind of MMO should know what this basic idea is. Any time there is a place that a lot of people go to, like an Auction House in WoW or FFXI, there is going to be a lot of people there. That means I'm going to have to take time to load all the avatars around me (slowing the receiving of information I want) and then I'm going to have to take more time just to load the movie menus. I'll also have to go through the trouble of just wading through large amounts of people which is just annoying.


And on the topic of this being free, that's awesome and all but you really have to wonder what their goal with this is.  They've invested A LOT of money into Home and it's going to cost A LOT of money for the upkeep since we have to assume that most PS3 users are going to use it (or at least they want to assumethat).

I don't know why they think this is going to be something that will actually attract a large amount of people to the console and I'm not sure where they think they're going to get their money from.  About the only option I can think of is if advertisements are spammed EVERYWHERE. 

Comparing PS online with the service of a software company that's been working with web design and online modules since the late 80's or early 90's is kinda unfair to me. I think we can all agree that this is a huge leap from the abbhorrent online on the PS2?
Stop complaining, they're actually working hard on this to satisfy us bitching customers and they deserve credit for wading boldly into uncharted land (for them) and doing it with a big grin.

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I can't believe talk about home has turned into a graphics bitching match. This service is not about the graphics. For what it is it is nice enough looking. Remember this is a free service. People obviously don't see what Home is all about at the moment, and that is not a big problem since it is not out. Once it hits and everyone sees its truew identity I think many impressions about the service will change. Also remember that you do not have to ever open Home if you don't want to. Every feature in home will be available on the XMB.

I think everyone needs to sit back and releaxe about this whole Home thimg. Wait for Sony to get it out and then give it a shot. Trust me, their is a lot of stuff that has not been shown yet. This service is going to be fully customizable to your liking. From what I have heard Sony went back to the drawing board and now not only will your apartment be customizable, but you world as well. So just sit back and releaxe, give it a shot once it hits, and I am 100% sure you will be pleased. If you arn't I am sure their is a more personal reason to it than a product problem.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


This'll be interesting when it gets released. I'll probably just have a good wander round, get bored of it after a while and just use the XMB to do everything I want though.

I am largely platform agnostic. I fail to understand why some people get overly fanboyish about what is an inanimate piece of electronics that's obsolete even before it's launched, when there are far more important things to champion, such as preventing environmental destruction or preventing millions of people dying unnecessarily from illnesses. This fact however, doesn’t mean I am not someone who doesn’t enjoy gaming as a pastime (as I have done for the last 20 years) or doesn’t have a strong interest in how the market is evolving – hence my presence on this site.

Platforms owned – PC, DS, X-Box 360, PS3, PSP and Wii.

just so you know, you DONT have to walk to your destinations. you could load up that mini psp interface (which i heard will also act as the ps3 version of the the '360 guide'), and instantly 'teleport' to you destination. the walking is just a social feature so you can randonly meet people, sight see, and all that shit.

DOATS1 said:
just so you know, you DONT have to walk to your destinations. you could load up that mini psp interface (which i heard will also act as the ps3 version of the the '360 guide'), and instantly 'teleport' to you destination. the walking is just a social feature so you can randonly meet people, sight see, and all that shit.

 Otherwise, it'd be like Dungeon Siege... Trek, trek and more trek (and Stalker as well). Walking in an interactive setting really is no fun.

Cool, I'm liking this look more than the previous one. It would probably help to know a beta tester who can confirm or deny some of the core features of Home before saying that Live is better. Honestly, I don't care because I mainly want Home for the online features it's going to be bringing. I'd probably use the Home environment to play mini-games and such while meeting with people to jump into games as a party (and stuff like that) is what is interesting me the most.

Also, spaces for video game developers and advertisers are interesting as well. Obviously, I would expect lots of ads seeing as it's a free service, but you get to see ads on Xbox Live so what's the difference? I think it would be interesting if advertisers would like give out items in Home such as a Pepsi T-shirt or something like that and you can choose if you want it or not. I think that would be interesting and still, you don't have to use Home to it's fullest.... It's a choice really.